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What do you want to see in .23

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I would like to see a career mode based on missions instead of being thrown in the deep with a hand full of rocket parts.


- Get a rocket 10km up and land safely.

- Get a rocket outside the atmosphere and land safely

- Get a rocket into LKO

- Get a rocket into a synchronous orbit

- Get a Kerbal into orbit

- Fly a rocket around Mün

- Land a rocket on Mün


Oh and an Observatorium to "discover" the Kerbol system.

And also resources.

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air intake nerf, air intakes need diminishing returns

I'd like to see air intakes work by proportionally reducing thrust rather than just a binary on-off as it is, so that you have a warning that you're not burning sufficient fuel, rather than just burning at full power one second and then not burning at all.

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1) Money! Everything costs money! You want launch a rocket - pay! You want to hire a new kerbonauts - pay him salary for the whole time of his work... yeah, ofcours, if you launch him to another planet he won't anything to do, but his productivity will be rally low, as believe in returning home, but if he return... you will have to pay him salary, or hi will quit and you won't be able to hire him... but number of kerbonauts is limited... and somebody have to run experiments on stations, fly to another planet or land on the Mun... if no kerbonauts are available you can always send a probe! (Yes! you will have to send unmanned probes due to budget and human resources limits!)

2) Optional missions with money reward

3) Somewhere on the forum I saw an idea (mod?) how make orbital station useful: Big heavy laboratory module which use specials resources/things to do science. So you can launch a laboratory module once to the orbit with a loot of resources needed to launching it and make it work on orbit (a lot of power). And than you have to launch other rockets with specimens to run experiments. Specimens should be also in small amount - e.g. 1 per container.

4) http://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/threads/54859-Science-Ignorance-Uncertainty-Knowledge-about-the-Kerbol-System - as in this thread, on start user have only basic information about space around and have to send probes, to get more information.

5) Random generation of kerbal system (different orbits, size of bodies, number of moons, orbital period, random order of bodies and etc.)

6) Life support (individual life support for pods, massive farms for space station that can keep several kerbonauts alive and refill life support resources of pods/rocets)

7) Make it possible to have space stations with 200+ parts with out fps degradation.

  • For example: combine parts into one module in space based on the weakest connections. For example: we have two rockets joined by docks, assume, that if at least one central part of either of rockets will be damaged, then the whole rocket up to the docking port will be destroyed and all kerbonauts inside will die due to depressurization if they in the PPD-10 Hitchhiker Storage Container, or live if they in pod.
    So in that case both central parts for each of two rockets can be counted as a single part reducing part count for physic simulation.
  • Or group each five parts into one and calculate them as one, if needed group already grouped parts into bigger parts and keep number of parts for calculation up to reasonable number. But if collision happens (another rocket kissed you) than ungroup current group to calculate damage. The same idea as graphical redactors give you ability to group staffs so you can easily work with them without messing up.

Edited by ddenis
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Better Space Stations ( manned science modules ), Space telescope/observatory, Asteroids/minor moons for Jool and finally maybe a new planet, a Saturn analogue or a planet closer to the sun than Moho ( LAVAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA ! )

Well, guess that's enough ( too much ? Nah... )

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Long-term science projects... like the kind that can only be done with space stations / long missions. It'd be pretty sweet if the science could be continued while you switch to other ships... so, for example:

1) Having a materials experiment aboard a space station that took weeks, but yielded TONS of science points.

2) Having satellites perform biome / mapping operations. Again, something that could take weeks or months, but you could switch to another ship while this is being accomplished.

3) Of course, more biomes everywhere... but I'm pretty sure that's already on the list.

I want to have a real purpose for space stations. Overall, the science later on should be used to unlock some more advanced parts (Vasimr engines, nuclear pulse propulsion, huge space station parts like farms in space)... ah, I can dream, right?

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Money! Everything costs money! You want launch a rocket - pay! You want to hire a new kerbonauts - pay him salary for the whole time of his work... yeah, ofcours, if you launch him to another planet he won't anything to do, but his productivity will be rally low, as believe in returning home, but if he return... you will have to pay him salary, or hi will quit and you won't be able to hire him... but number of kerbonauts is limited... and somebody have to run experiments on stations, fly to another planet or land on the Mun... if no kerbonauts are available you can always send a probe!

Yes! you will have to send unmanned probes due to budget and human resources limits! Also you will have to send rescuer mission to get kerbonaut from the Mun to not hire another one, so you would have to pay salary to both of them. Of course, in short term accounting building a rocket to the moon is more expensive than hiring a new kerbonaut, but in long term accounting, when you have to pay salary to the one on the Mun, who do nothing useful... his total payment would be about the price of a rocket to get him beck.

It also can be an option during creation of the game "Do you want to pay to you men?".

Also I want to have an option to disable termination of things in space, so I only will be able to retrieve things from Kerbin (and been able to use this parts without additional expenses). With this option turned on you won't be able to terminate your kerbonauts to not pay them salary.

Mmm... maybe two options will be good:

* Preventing from terminating vessels with kerbonauts on them, but can terminate everything else.

* Preventing from terminating anything.

Edited by ddenis
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Space telescope! So I will be able to get better knowledge about celestial bodies around me before I will send a rocket to them for more research.

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I decided to make this pole because i want to know what other people think about them adding next. Personally i would love to see new planets and possibly stars systems. Just imagine somehow getting to another star, obviously with the distance scaled down to only a fraction of a light-year probably less. So what do you guys think?

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i would like to see..:rolleyes:

Radar Altimeter array (part): a ray casted from the ship towards the center of the nearest planet,

that collides with the planet surface and gives you an exact altitude value to the surface.

Current ship`s Weight in Rocket and Spaceplane Editors.

Twice the stock parts, and higher quality: (to match SpaceCenter Design Standards; look B9Aerospace as quality reference).

IVA interior Design and Onboard Computer/EICAS From B9 Aerospace as a standard quality for interiors.


Dangerous Space Environment Zones (Radiation zones, Temperature Variation Zones, magnetic Field zones....), Kerbals Health Bar and system, < and Spacesuit Variants, with different stats To protect Kerbals from the dangerous environment zones.

time of kerbals in space gives you science: that way space stations work.

tweak of the tech tree: (to harder and more logical).

Rise the Transmission percentage Values.

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Bugfixes and BETTER MOD COMPATIBILITY (in 0.20.2 I was able to play with B9, Kethane, KAS, MechJeb... but since 0.21 I'm not able;.;)

EDIT: Also some type of long term station science module (for avoid OP it could be at the end of Tech Tree and give you a science point every 4 Kerbal Months)

Edited by Dart980
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