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[0.24.2] Achievements 1.6.3 - Earn 136 achievements while playing


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I love this mod! Adds more excitement and direction for me instead of mindlessly launching rockets!

I have one bug with the plugin though; the GUI for the achievements doesn't show up. Like there's no button. Do I need to turn it on in options, or fiddle with resolution or something? Clear a cache? I honestly don't know. I still get achievements, which are fun!

EDIT: Upon looking at the logs, it gives me this:

[ERR 14:37:57.302] error loading button texture: blizzy/Achievements/button-normal

[ERR 14:37:57.304] error loading button texture: 000_Toolbar/toolbar-dropdown

Which means it doesn't load right.

I wasn't sure about this, but I moved the GameData folder from the Achievements folder in Plugins to the Main Game Folder, and I'm going to test it.

EDIT2: Good News! I got it to show up, work, and do everything it's supposed to!

Bad News! All my parts are gone for everything! Nada! Zilch! Zero! Nothing to build with and nothing to load. Back to fiddling with the files! Any input would be greatly appreciated at this point!

EDIT2.1: Tech Tree is empty too! Nothing, along with all saved vessels.

EDIT2.2: Anyone know where KSP stores the base game parts so I can check them? All my ship files are untouched in my save, but no parts :P

Edited by AwesumnisRawr188
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  • 2 weeks later...
I love this mod! Adds more excitement and direction for me instead of mindlessly launching rockets!

I have one bug with the plugin though; the GUI for the achievements doesn't show up. Like there's no button. Do I need to turn it on in options, or fiddle with resolution or something? Clear a cache? I honestly don't know. I still get achievements, which are fun!

EDIT: Upon looking at the logs, it gives me this:

[ERR 14:37:57.302] error loading button texture: blizzy/Achievements/button-normal

[ERR 14:37:57.304] error loading button texture: 000_Toolbar/toolbar-dropdown

Which means it doesn't load right.

I wasn't sure about this, but I moved the GameData folder from the Achievements folder in Plugins to the Main Game Folder, and I'm going to test it.

EDIT2: Good News! I got it to show up, work, and do everything it's supposed to!

Bad News! All my parts are gone for everything! Nada! Zilch! Zero! Nothing to build with and nothing to load. Back to fiddling with the files! Any input would be greatly appreciated at this point!

EDIT2.1: Tech Tree is empty too! Nothing, along with all saved vessels.

EDIT2.2: Anyone know where KSP stores the base game parts so I can check them? All my ship files are untouched in my save, but no parts :P

Kerbal Space Program stores it's stock parts in this directory: C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\common\Kerbal Space Program\GameData\Squad\Parts

Take note, if there isn't a Program Files (x86) folder, then it might be Program Files. Also note, KSP has sorted stock parts. What I mean is there's different folders for related parts. E.G Engines would have stuff like Mainsail, LV-909 and LV-T30.

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Feature Request: Toggle to disable the Sentar achievements

It's annoying having my achievements window cluttered with scores of achievements I can't do because I the planets in question don't exist in my game. I'd like a toggle to hide them - or, better yet, auto-detect if the Planet Factory plugin is installed, and hide them if its not.

Bug: Science rewards not independent between saves

The bonus science for completing an a achievement should either be removed, or be given separately for every savefile. Separate games should be orthogonal in terms of gameplay; I should not be penalized in one game because I had already done something in another game.

Feature Request: Subcategories

Many of the achievements are repeated 19 times: one for doing the thing, 17 (+/-1) for doing it on/around each celestial body, and one for doing it around all 17 (+/-1). Plus another batch for the Sentar worlds, but that's another issue. That makes it hard to quickly take in all the distinct achievements available. I'd like to see each such batch of achievements consolidated into a single subcategory.

Feature Request: Revert achievements when reverting flights

It's a grand feeling when you finally get your big Duna mission down to the surface and see the "It's a Small Step - Duna" pop up. It's considerably less grand when you don't get that message, because it was triggered days ago when you hyperedited your lander into orbit to test it. It would be nice if undoing a mission (by revert or by quickload) also undid all the achievements you gained from it. (Exceptions: The get-to-orbit-without-launching achievement, since it's designed to be done by cheating, and the Kerbal-killing achievements, since most people will undo after a major crash.) Alternately, just disable achievements after hyperedit is used; I don't mind getting achievements for something I do legitimately, even if I then undo it, but I don't like missing my chance because I cheated for testing purposes.

Feature Request: Track achievements per save-file as well as overall

It's one thing to get to Jool in stock sandbox; it's quite another to do it in career with Remotetech, TAC Lifesupport, and Deadly Reentry. The fact that I have done the first in one savefile should not mean I don't get recognition for doing the second. I'd like to see each achievement tracked two ways: one if you've ever done it anywhere, the other if you've done it in the current save. Thus you don't have to wipe out your old records in order to be rewarded for doing things again under different conditions. (This would also solve the bonus science issue I mentioned above; just make science rewards a property of per-save completion.)

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Toggle to disable the Sentar achievements

Good point.

Science rewards not independent between saves

Revert achievements when reverting flights

I'm not sure which version you have installed, but achievements are saved per-save since version 1.5.0. Achievement science points are rewarded on a per-save basis. Also, reverting or quickloading will revert any achievements for that save to the save state you are loading.


Agreed, the categories are in need of an overhaul right now. I also agree with the task-per-planet achievements, they rather should be displayed something like this:


Track achievements per save-file as well as overall

I'm not sure I will implement displaying achievements from other saves. I'm not saying never, but it's currently not on my list.

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I'm not sure which version you have installed, but achievements are saved per-save since version 1.5.0. Achievement science points are rewarded on a per-save basis. Also, reverting or quickloading will revert any achievements for that save to the save state you are loading.

Ah, neat. I just updated and I hadn't realized this had been changed.

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Getting comfortable: Dock two or more vessels on the surface of a planet or moon

Getting comfortable on: Dock two or more vessels on the surface of {body}

Block party: Dock two or more vessels on the surface of all bodies

The neighbors are moving in: Dock two or more vessels on the surface of all bodies {Sentar}


A Second Home: Dock two or more parts that can house Kerbals.

Home away from Home, {body}: Dock two or more parts that can house Kerbals on {body}

Home away from Home, {body}:Dock two or more parts that can house Kerbals on {body} {Sentar}

Spreading out: Dock two or more parts that can house Kerbals on every body

We Need Breathing Room!: Dock two or more parts that can house Kerbals on every body {Sentar}

Generational Ship: Have a ship which can house 30+ Kerbals, made of more than one docked component, on an escape trajectory out of Kerbin's SOI.

{Secret} I'm sorry, Dave: Have a ship in orbit over Tylo blow up, while another ship (in orbit over Jool) explodes near or at the surface.


Our own backyard: Have vessels travelling to or from Kerbin / Mun / Minmus

The Third Age of Kerbalkind: Have vessels travelling to or from all bodies in Kerbol SOI

Planet Express: Have vessels travelling to or from all bodies in Kerbal SOI {Sentar}


{Secret} Can't quite Reach it: Have another vessel mysteriously jump >10 km. (Explanation: With two vessels at or near the edge of Kerbol's SOI, one can never reach the other to perform a docking maneuver (and hopefully rescue) the other, because the other one will mysteriously jump a random distance and direction from the one being flown - presumably this is a glitch relating to the edge of Kerbol's SOI, nevertheless, it happens)

In case it wasn't obvious, I'm very much in favor of having the Sentar-based achievements be quietly funnier than the normal achievements and their titles based on real world stuff...


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... suggestions ...

Nice, thanks! I'll add those to the suggestions list.

Could you change that by putting it into a config file? An additional 5 science per achievement is way too much. Thanks!

Too much? I find that value rather low. Or at least so low that it shouldn't have much impact. But yes, I think having that in a configuration file is a good idea.

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  • 4 weeks later...


Can you provide the list of current achivements, I have a designer friend who might do all the icons for each of them. How about make it more Steam alike in the way of sound and appearence? Also what size of the icons you would like to be made for your mod?

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Can you provide the list of current achivements, I have a designer friend who might do all the icons for each of them.

That sounds cool! I'm afraid I don't have a text-only list of all achievements at hand, though, so the best option for now is to see the in-game achievements window (or read the source code, but that's more work of course.)

Also, please note that I plan to change some of the achievements to group them better. It would look something like this:


As an example, that sort of grouping would be used for "Going Around and Around - <PLANET NAME>". So in the end, there would only be a single achievement, the condition being to orbit any of the listed planets, and then list each planet with a check mark if you orbited that planet. So this should cut down considerably on the list of icons.

I'm probably asking for too much here, but: The above grouping necessitates that in the achievements window, each achievement displayed can have a different height (in pixels.) That is something my current "gold" texture cannot handle - it would look weird if I stretched it out. So perhaps that is something your designer friend could have a look at, too.

(As for the "toast" display, I would like to keep the current "gold" texture. It does not need to stretch.)

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  • 2 weeks later...

Hey blizzy,

I really love your Plugin but I wasnt able to get the achievement "I´m freezing out here" Land on the north or south pole of Kerbin. I tryed it at the north and south pole.

I even planted a flag exactly on the spot and landed on it (using a plane that was stopped by some chutes). But the achievement didnt trigger. Could you look into it? Maybe its broken or is there a trick to it?

I´m using your 1.5.4 version and a lot of other modifications. But I guess a conflict with another plugin is pretty unlikely.

Sorry for my english its not my first language.

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I wasnt able to get the achievement "I´m freezing out here" Land on the north or south pole of Kerbin. I tryed it at the north and south pole.

The achievement should trigger if you land within a radius of 10 km of either of the exact poles. I'll look into it to see if it's broken.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Hey Blizzy, I'm having problems with the 'Space Dunk' achievement triggering when it shouldn't. For some reason it likes to trigger whenever I go on an EVA. Doesn't matter if I'm orbiting Kerbin, sitting on the Mun or wherever, it triggers. It should really only be possible on Gilly, right?

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