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What are the weirdest things you've done in KSP?


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Yes, can you remember doing anything unusually weird? Something that makes you chuckle a bit and that no real space agency would ever even think about doing?

For me it has to be my first ever "satellite" back in 0.15. I had failed so many times to get NovaPunch's satellite parts into orbit that I just took its (at that time manned) unmanned command pod, launched it into orbit and called it a day. Years had passed before I let Bill, Bob and Jeb come home again. Poor guys.

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Whenever I see one of these threads, I really don't know where to start...

Therefore: Photo spam alert!













*Pants with exhaustion*

That'll do.

I think I'll have to leave each of those to your imagination...

We'll,I've been doing science (slamming Kerbals into each other at ridiculous speeds.

Haha! To work out how they work by looking at the bits that come flying out! Are you a particle physicist?

Edited by Tw1
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