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What if KSP had an ESRB Rating?


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  Sandworm said:
But has anyone else noticed Squad's recent nod to the esrb?

We now have carrier mode and science, experiments in space. But where are the test subjects? Monkeys? Dogs? Cats? Iran recently sent up worms. Nope. We have magic goo. That is Squad's tacit acknowledgement that the realities of early space travel, tests on animals with a good chance of them dieing, are definitely adult content. You can kill people all you want in games, but hurt puppies and any hope of an esrb rating disappears. (I;m with the esrb on that one)

That magic goo used to be a cute little puppy, until the gee force tests ... uh ... well; now you know.

I vote E for the next "Einstein", who is running around in diapers right now, chasing her cute little puppy.

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E10+, for "Cartoon Violence," as I believe they commonly say.

What makes me laugh is how little the ESRB's standards even matter anymore... There's M, and then there's everything below M. EC, E, E10+, even T for the most part, are pretty much regarded as the "below M" category.

Anyone agree/disagree?

Edit: Yes, there's also AO, I know. But these games are essentially banned from the shelves, and their presence is negotiable to the point where most people don't know that a rating above M exists.

Edited by tstehler1
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  Daddy Cecil said:
I'd say KSP would get an "E" rating. Then again there is the ESRB's pseudo policy on mods:

"Online Interactions Not Rated by the ESRB"

From what I can see on their site, this includes chat, mods, maps, skins, etc.

Actually, I think that clause only includes in-game experiences with others, in which you are somehow connected to another system (a multiplayer server, another computer, etc.), which wouldn't include mods. But I don't know that for sure.

I would guess that because the mods for this game aren't implanted into the game itself, it wouldn't apply. What I mean by that is that when you boot up the game, there is no in-game "DLC" interface. All mods have to be downloaded outside of the game and manually placed into the game's folder, rather than just clicking an "install" button and having the game itself process and install the thing for you.

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  DeviouslyDeviant said:
What is ESRB? I'm not familiar with it, (I'm not American)

The content rating system for video games.

eC - early childhood (3+)

E - everyone (6+)

E10+ - everyone (10+)

T - teen (13+)

M - mature (17+)

AO - adults only (18+)

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I wouldn't go that far. It stands for "Entertainment Software Rating Board", a private organization with absolutely no legal authority whatsoever. It's like the MPAA for video games, just without the lobbyists. Everyone thinks the ratings come from a government body but in reality the ESRB is created an supported by the largest studios. As with the MPAA, smaller studios generally dislike submitting work without the backing of large corporations like EA or MS.

As KSP is not rated atm, it is technically "X-rated". (X actually means unrated. The association with adult films is because such studios rarely ever submit work to the MPAA)

Edited by Sandworm
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  • 9 months later...
  ExplodingRocketShips said:
I think it'd be E10+

-Violence (Isn't it obvious? Theres tons of stuff blowing up.)

-Mild Language (One of the desc. for parts uses the word "Crappy"

Lol, "crappy" is not considered even remotely "mild language" and stuff blowing up happens in our

. It's E. Edited by Alshain
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I remember playing educational games at age 4 or 5 on the computer. Believe me, at age 4 or 5, my kids are going to be playing KSP... unless my wife has something to say about it...

Anyway, who actually pays attention to game ratings anyway? I played lots of M games while in my early teens.

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I'm guessing it would get an E or an E10+ rating. There aren't many things in the game that would make it E10+ though...

Also, which part description uses the word "crappy?"

Edited by Rthsom
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E, definately E. Or at least that's what I think it should be rated. I know some people take the ratings to heart (like my parents. Heaven forbid a nine year old play an E10+ game.), and exploring the universe and learning science, astronomy and much more should be open to everyone, regardless of age.

Edited by Thomas988
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