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KSP store VS Steam


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So with the new .22 update, we crash the KSP store again and its been a pain to download, as every other update so IM not surprised.

For you using steam? How does the update went? Is it fast? Is it smooth? Does it crashes?

I hate steam, because I am a poor man with no games but free to play games... So I have not updated KSP to steam, but maybe I will if updates are less a pain.

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yeah I'm trying to get mine over to steam now as I had been downloading it for nearly an hour from the store when it failed due to too many users.

I'm screwed for now at least as when I tried to transfer it, it didn't actually give me a key, just a blank space, so now I can't get it on steam or off the store :(

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wow, fast responses, TY, Well I had to download 3 times on the store because of corrupted file due to incomplete download, and accessing the website was a good 15 minutes of refreshing and getting errors.

So I think for the next update I will use Steam... If I could only cheat it to show my many many hours on the game :P

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I use KSP store

1. I don't have to go into Steam every time I want to use it.

2. I can keep an archive of every version (I have them all the way back to 0.18.4 when i first started) without Steam updating unexpectedly.

3. It has happened before where Steam doesn't know there is an update.

4. All the proceeds go to Squad, unlike on Steam.

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For steam it downloaded 64 some Mbs worth of data and i started to play.

I use KSP store

1. I don't have to go into Steam every time I want to use it.

You don't have to run steam when you want to play KSP, just if you want to update it.

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For steam it downloaded 64 some Mbs worth of data and i started to play.

You don't have to run steam when you want to play KSP, just if you want to update it.

PC users can run the patcher.

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Another voice here for a seamless and painless Steam update. I play in offline mode usually on my laptop. I made a backup of the KSP folder just-in-case, restarted Steam in online mode, and a few minutes later KSP was updated. All saves, mods, etc all came over without issue. Back in offline mode now and playing with subassemblies!

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(I sort of think that they should migrate everyone over to steam and leave their personal store.)

That would be me outtahere and unlikely to ever buy any post-release DLC for a game I am never going to update again. Don't have Steam account, don't want Steam account, happy that Squad are one of the scant few game dev teams that don't insist on a Steam account.

So yes, I am downloading via the store currently. It uses its own multiplay.com CDN. They can handle it.

(actually, would be nice to find a way of using BitTorrent officially and making stuff go FASTER rather than SLOWER when more people are downloading)

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I use KSP store

1. I don't have to go into Steam every time I want to use it.

2. I can keep an archive of every version (I have them all the way back to 0.18.4 when i first started) without Steam updating unexpectedly.

3. It has happened before where Steam doesn't know there is an update.

4. All the proceeds go to Squad, unlike on Steam.

1. If you create a shortcut to the game, you can bypass Steam.

2. I saved an archive copy from the SteamApps\Common folder after such updates take place.

3. Steam automatically updated in a couple of minutes when I activated my account an hour ago.

4. A valid point since I have a Steam copy on my desktop and purchased a store copy for the laptop even though Squid allows multiple copies on different computers for a registered user.

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