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Kerbal Attachment System (KAS) 0.4.7 - Pipes as fuel lines and even fewer explosions!


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  forsaken1111 said:
Text communication is difficult sometimes because its hard to convey overtones. My post wasn't intended as a rebuke, just informational. Really you could figure out how to do this just by opening literally ANY squad part .cfg file and looking at the tech tags then adding those to the KAS parts.

I tend to believe that people should at least try to do something themselves before running to the forum to demand others do the work. Or at the very least ask for help. Like "Hey guys, how can I add these parts to my tech tree?" rather than "Guys when are you gonna add these to the tech tree?"

Help yourself, it literally took me about 2 minutes to go through the parts and add them in. Thats all I meant. :)

All good man, yea I hate that inflection and such never comes across on posts. Took me about 5 min just cause I wasn't sure where I wanted the parts and kept changing them :D This is probably my favorite mod. I'm kinda curious where the "career mode people" are putting the parts. I have mine spread over the T3-T6 construction nodes.

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  Godsvilla said:
How dose one add this too the tech tree and any other mod to it and or edit the tech tree

I was just about to ask that, if I have two mods both of which are tech tree implemented than how do I get them to work together in a single career game.

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I'm still not able to edit containers in the VAB/SPH via right-clicking. No menu comes up at all. Everything else seems to function properly however. I think the GUI may be appearing somewhere off-screen. Is there a way to fix this?

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  Xegon said:
Yes, extending (from being completely retracted) or completely retracting breaks the wheels. When the cable is already hanging around and moving it up or down does not trigger that behaviour. As for the older version, no. I made a similar crane with the old version, but build this completly new, so that should not be a problem.

I will make more tests once i get home. And i will install KSP on my laptop to have a completly clean install, put KAS into it and make moar tests.

So, after some testing...

The crane in the first image works. It gets a bit shaken when i extend the cable, but nothing it couldn't handle (at least on kerbin),

In the second image, the crane gets tiltet to the side and the wheels go flat.

Whats the difference? hm... just the fact that i use 4 girders instead of 3? (It also happened withouts the struts in the second image)

Can anyone replicate this issue?



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  Gnaar_Mok said:
[Exception]: TypeLoadException: Could not load type 'ResearchAndDevelopment' from assembly 'KAS'.

I'm getting this message in the debug log when I try to edit the container in VAB/SPH. Any thoughts?

KAS 0.4.4 is only compatible with KSP 0.22.

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  thetunnelrat said:
Do i need a fresh install of KSP to use this? I just added it to my game with B9 and the parts aren't showing up. i am in tier 6 of the tree.

In the new Career mode, addon's parts will only appear in the tech tree when/where the addon tells them to. KAS hasn't been updated with tech tree config yet, so the parts from KAS only show up in Sandbox mode (where there is no tech tree).

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  Gnipu said:
Hey, lazy people.

Here's an unofficial tech tree addition.

Overwrite the Parts folder in Gameplay/KAS.

You're welcome!

Uhhh, Majiir has requested that people use ModuleManager configs to share additions to the tech tree, rather than distributing complete config files, or the complete parts folder as you have (which I think also violates the licence for the addon, though I'm not sure [Majiir, the licence link on the front page isn't working]).

Anyway, here is a ModuleManager config that will add all the KAS parts into the tech tree, for those who want to use them in career mode.

This one puts the containers in start, struts and pylons in generalConstruction, where you get EAS-4 struts, and pipes, winches and all their accoutrements into specializedContruction, where you get docking ports. Feel free to move things around as you wish, but this way at least you don't get back-door access to functionality that shouldn't be unlocked yet.

TechRequired = start
entryCost = 0

TechRequired = start
entryCost = 0

TechRequired = start
entryCost = 0

TechRequired = specializedConstruction
entryCost = 0

TechRequired = specializedConstruction
entryCost = 0

TechRequired = specializedConstruction
entryCost = 0

TechRequired = specializedConstruction
entryCost = 0

TechRequired = specializedConstruction
entryCost = 0

TechRequired = specializedConstruction
entryCost = 0

TechRequired = specializedConstruction
entryCost = 0

TechRequired = generalConstruction
entryCost = 0

TechRequired = generalConstruction
entryCost = 0

TechRequired = specializedConstruction
entryCost = 0

TechRequired = specializedConstruction
entryCost = 0

TechRequired = specializedConstruction
entryCost = 0

TechRequired = specializedConstruction
entryCost = 0

Edited by Crater
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  Gnipu said:
So what you posted - goes in the different part cfg?:)

Sorry, I should have explained, for those who don't already use it...

ModuleManager ( http://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/threads/31342-0-20-ModuleManager-1-3-for-all-your-stock-modding-needs ) is an addin whose sole function is to allow you to apply change-files to parts from stock, or from other mods, in a way that means that you don't need to edit the original files, which means you can safely install new versions of mods, and that id two mods need to change the same file, they can both easily do so, and both sets of changes get incorporated and used, at runtime.

So to use what i posted, you will need to download the DLL from the link above, the recommendation is to put the dll directly into your GameData folder, and then create a text file called something like KAS_Tech_tree.cfg (any name you like, as long as it ends .cfg) and paste what I posted into it. Personally, I have a folder in GameData where I put all my ModuleManager files, but you can actually put it anywhere you like underneath GameData.

Then when you load KSP, the dll will go through the changes-file, match the parts my name, and add the config data specified to them.

You can use it to add/change/reconfigure/remove modules, resources, or pretty much anything in the config files.

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  Crater said:
Sorry, I should have explained, for those who don't already use it...

ModuleManager ( http://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/threads/31342-0-20-ModuleManager-1-3-for-all-your-stock-modding-needs ) is an addin whose sole function is to allow you to apply change-files to parts from stock, or from other mods, in a way that means that you don't need to edit the original files, which means you can safely install new versions of mods, and that id two mods need to change the same file, they can both easily do so, and both sets of changes get incorporated and used, at runtime.

Oh, cool. That's really handy! So I assume the @Part... "headlines" are saying which cfg MM puts that chunk of code in?

Edited by Gnipu
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  Gnipu said:
Oh, cool. That's really handy! So I assume the @Part... "headlines" are saying which cfg that chunk of code goes to?

Essentially, yes. Any line starting with an @ is saying to match against something.... the square brackets contain the value from the "name = " line so it knows what it is looking for.

So you could, say, give a REAL kick to one of your decouplers by

@PART[radialDecoupler] {
@MODULE[ModuleAnchoredDecoupler] {
@ejectionForce = 25000

which would match to the PART named radialDecoupler, and then within that part, to the MODULE named ModuleAnchoredDecoupler, and within that module, find the line that defined ejectionForce and replace it as shown. (don't try this at home, I have no idea what 100x the ejection force would do to your rocket!).

If you read the thread for MM, there are loads of examples of what you can do with it.

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  Gnipu said:

It would never occur to me that someone had a licence for a mod to a game...

So what you posted - goes in the different part cfg?:)

It's a creative work. Unless you explicitly state you waive your rights to it, it is illegal in the United States (and most other 1st world countries) to copy it. You don't have to license it or anything, it's a right granted to you for being a person.

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Again, thank you so much for this mod. :D It really makes munar exploration a lot more realistic.

Yes, that's a lander can with attached (charging!) rover, a power unit, and a full scientific suite. All of which (Save the rover; that came down on a different craft) set up from stuff stored in the lander.

Just... such an awesome freakin' mod.

Edited by Tassyr
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Aye, this is one of the mods that is game changer.

I had yesterday a somewhat fail of a mission on the Mun, and all of a sudden instead of doing something simple like bringing a replacement craft (got lots flying all over the place), i opted for doing crazy stuff with the "bucket full of loads" containers and the pipes. Started connecting crafts, adding random spare lights, RTG's and God knows what else.

The fun i had totally outweighted the trouble i got myself in the first place :P


  Morgan said:
is the release function of the containers bays not fully implemented yet?

Hmm i think they work just fine, at least for me.

  Gnaar_Mok said:
I still don't see any editor in the VAB/SPH when I right click on a container. I hear the sound and the debug menu doesn't indicate anything usual. Please please please any advice would be great.

As for this, only advise to give is to make sure you got everything installed properly, all the 4 folders inside of the KAS folder, along with 3 .cfg files (2 + 1 for the module manager) there.

Edited by Thourion
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  Morgan said:
is the release function of the containers bays not fully implemented yet?

There's -two- nodes to the container bracket. The lower one (When the bracket is placed horizontally) is actually for the bracket to attach to something with a node; if you lock the container into that one, the container won't eject. I found that the easiest way to load containers is to put the brace atop something with a node on top (Just about any part) and THEN load the container into it- then move it to a radial attachment.

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  Tassyr said:
There's -two- nodes to the container bracket. The lower one (When the bracket is placed horizontally) is actually for the bracket to attach to something with a node; if you lock the container into that one, the container won't eject. I found that the easiest way to load containers is to put the brace atop something with a node on top (Just about any part) and THEN load the container into it- then move it to a radial attachment.

I just stoped playing and noticed that as well. Came back to reply in the thread but you got me :)

Btw if you are already in flight but have a kerbal around, grab the box with him, and store it again, it will automatically place it in the proper node.

  Sean Mirrsen said:
Why does the bracket even have a bottom node? Does anyone at all stack-attach those things?

@Sean: Well you could have a construction part that has nodes ok but has weird surface (or maybe lower poly sides), and you want to place the containers in place, instead of surface.

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