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[0.23.5] TreeLoader - Custom Career Tech-tree Loader 1.1.5


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  Yargnit said:
The tree is just selected once when you first start a career. Switching trees around can cause some weird things with differing prerequisites and such.

This version was made to keep it simple for people to avoid these glitches. If you really wanted to swap trees you can make a new save with the tree you want, and then drag that tree from that save folder into the one you want to play it on.

R4m0n wanted to get something public for launch, and the full editor still is a bit temperamental for people who don't know how to use it. But it'll come :)

Edit: or he'll beat me to it

Does that mean we will have some trouble when we want to install some mods (mods that have set their parts' TechRequired settings) after we started a career mode game, because the tech tree is "solidified" once the career mode game starts? I mean both playing stock KSP and playing KSP with this mod.

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quick question, what's the difference between the Majiir and the Yargnit trees??

In other words, which one is easiest :)

Will you be considering having a tree for the "casual" person as well as the "hard core" person? - ie: having a tree that is reasonably easy to progress through for the "casual" person, but a lot more difficult one for the "hard Core" person..

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That'd be neat... have no rockets to begin with, only planes... have to fly around, grab local samples from around kerbin... then eventually move into rockets? but likely probes first cause of lack of heavy lifters? (I'm planning for that economic model to get mixed in too, so...)

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Wow great! Thanks guys, this is really neat!

Thank god I only had 8 minutes to play yesterday. :P

Deleted and I can start over tonight. Thanks for making a mor logical layout, I think I'll automatic start deciding which things I want to research and develop which is going to be a bit hard with the complete unlogical order of the stock tree.

So thanks again for the fast release!

  Simplicity said:
quick question, what's the difference between the Majiir and the Yargnit trees??

Yeah I'm also wondering about this.

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Wow, that's a pretty nice tree, I'll probably be getting this soon, however, I kind of want to finish the stock tree first. Any idea's how mods with work with this? Will modders have to make their mods compatible for both the stock tree and this one, provided it's popular enough, or will we have to manually add in parts to this tree?

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Well, let me start off by saying that this mod has an incredible amount of potential just by looking at it. I assume many others have said this as well. Anyway, onto the next part, it seems that I cannot use this mod at all, sadly. Or at least with mods installed, because when installing this into a modded KSP, I get in infinite loading screen. I assume that is a crash. I will do some testing on whether I can play with mods installed, or if I can get it working without mods, I will post here when I finish.

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  apoch1999 said:
majiir has a tree? what thread is it under?

It's in the same download. When launching a new career you can chose between two tree's at the moment (actually 3 if you count stock).

Edit: I just saw the post above me, whoops. Well it's double confirmed now. :P

Edited by Blinkin
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  Cryocore said:
Well, let me start off by saying that this mod has an incredible amount of potential just by looking at it. I assume many others have said this as well. Anyway, onto the next part, it seems that I cannot use this mod at all, sadly. Or at least with mods installed, because when installing this into a modded KSP, I get in infinite loading screen. I assume that is a crash. I will do some testing on whether I can play with mods installed, or if I can get it working without mods, I will post here when I finish.

Please post a copy of your outputlog.txt after you get into the loading screen, so I can check what may be causing it.

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I can't speak for other trees, but my tree has all the same nodes named as the original tree. You may see some parts appear out of place due to nodes shifting around, but they should all be present if set to appear on a stock node.

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  r4m0n said:
Please post a copy of your outputlog.txt after you get into the loading screen, so I can check what may be causing it.

Here is the link to the raw paste data hosted on Friendpaste https://www.friendpaste.com/2GLKq1jy7i6S4UG7DcnXPC

I had to post it there because the log had exceeded the file limit on the other site such as pastebin.

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