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The new update is awesome:-) but had some incoherence


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I mean the MK1 Capsule is available at start, while i don't sea unnamed capsule even Stayputnik is unavailable.

Every space race amateur historian knew that real space race started from unnamed satellite namely Sputnik I and Explorer I.

One more think i noticed unclickable building. What is it purpose?

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This isnt a space race, its just meant to be a tutorial of sorts for new players. Depriving them of a manned pod would make gathering science for the next tier difficult. No ones going for historical accuracy here.

As for the building, dunno, all mine are functional.

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They discussed this to death before 0.22 came out. This is Kerbal Space Program. The first thing you should do is send a Kerbal into Space. Or try, at least :D

That's mission control. I have no idea what its purpose will be but it was there in 0.21 as well(though on the other side of the VAB.

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This was brought up a gazillion times in the weekly with the first images of the tech tree. As far as I'm concerned, it's more fun to start with a manned pod, there doesn't have to be a reallife connection and for all we know kerbals are 'hands on' type of people. Also, the demo version starts with the Mk1 pod but no probes, if it were to be changed so that we start without pods but with probecores then people would whine that demo players get to play with kerbals straight off.

And if you were to remove the Mk1 pod from the demo then demo players couldn't try kerbals... etc.

So for the millionth time... KSP is not a reallife historical simulator. Yes you can draw parallels but stomping your feet crying it's a fact/rule is silly.

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