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Where is YOUR Jebediah Kerman?


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Managed to hop on my MAT (MUN attempt Ten) and find himself upside down after rolling down a nice gentle crater. Why does he do this.....

My next mission is to send up a refueling vessel to get him back with all his valuable info. Although his location is less than preferable.

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Jebs on the Mun...he and the other Immortals, went to 'rescue' three other Kerbals...sadly, the vehicle has no way of lifting off due some design flaws (I decoupled the wrong pieces on my landing..). So they are standing around telling ghost stories until Kenlorf can get a rescue vehicle up there that can fit them all..cause thats my fake-mission.

So far, Kenlorf has crashed into the Mun twice, only being saved by the almighty god of Revert.

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my jeb is currently in Statis waiting for the next patch, because it feels painful to lose all my campaign progress :(

but its for a good cause after all :P

Same here. I'm waiting for 0.23.5 anxiously so I can get back into Career. It won't be as fun if I've completed my Career save and then all the good updates come out.

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Jeb is currently returning from a mission to Jool, together with Ed, Macfried and Kurt Kerman... all very angry for sure, because it was planned as a Jool grand tour and the mission had to be aborted after visiting Laythe and Val due to issues with some fuel lines. They unbalanced the craft so badly, the tanks had to be jettisoned to get the IPV Kerbonov on a straight return course to kerbin... when Jeb finds out that Bill and Bob are about to launch in the new and modernized IPV Arthur C. Klarke... dont want to imagine... maybe they wave, when the ships pass each other :P

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He is on my station. Now _Bill_ Kerman is coming back from being rescued from solar orbit, having been stranded there for 10+ years! Early on I was testing rockets by firing them straight up and you can do the math. It took me a long time, in career mode, to be able to build something to get him back.

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Well, I just got my Jeb back a few moments ago, after being stranded on the Mun for over 80 years. You'd think he'd have given up hope by now, but nope, he was alive, well and happy. I have a bad habit of sending out ships and never recovering them, so today, I decided to start recovering them.

Jeb was stranded, with Bill, in one of the craters on the Mun. They've been sitting in said crater for more than 80 years, wondering when they'd be rescued. Today, I retrofitted one of my SSTOs with VTOL gear to go to the Mun, pick Jeb and Bill up, and bring them back home alive. The mission was an overwhelming success, and Jeb and Bill are now sitting in the VAB yelling at engineers for leaving them there for so long. Good to be home, huh guys?

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After the water ate up the rescue pod from a failed mun lander launch (Seriously, what's that water made out of, anyhow? Solid depleted uranium? Though i'm guessing the fact I used a lander can didn't help much either), he died, but he reappeared again after the second try (Which DID work, though i'm sure jeb is really going insane due to the fact that he didn't get to go along for the trip..) I imagine he'll probably get a basic space station core into orbit, next.

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  • 2 weeks later...

On it's way to another solar system...

It was supposed to be an unmanned launch, but I guess Jeb really wanted to test that new launcher, as he kept coming back into the capsule between every test.

He will escape the Kerbol SOI in 28 years, I'm not sure what will happen to him next...

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Just got back from a multi biome Minimus trip with a stop at the Mun on the way back along with Bob and Bill. Thinking of a ship redesign so he'll be going up again soon as he's my dedicated test pilot........yeah, better go make sure his personal hospital room is ready.

Dark Force Engineering - Launching Kerbanauts into space since early 2014

Engineer to Mission Control - You know, maybe we should think about getting them down out of space at some point

​Mission Control to Engineers - Why, they seem happy up there?

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Stranded on Duna, after chutes eventually got activated during Duna aerobrake maneuer.

Unfortunately enough, descent happened on the dark side and over mountainous-canyonous terrain (Those who have been to Duna will remember those canyons near equator).

I screwed the landing and went with a slight lithobrake. (Too late final braking retroburn, ended up pushing landing legs down to their limit, and crashing three landing engines into the ground.)

So, Scientific Space Ship "Copernicus" ended up laying on its side withou all main engines, only RCS thrusters, but with three full tanks of fuel, intended for Kerbin return.

Jeb went on EVA and fixed some solar panels positions (God bless KAS), so the ship has a steady income of energy when the sun is above horizon.

"Copernicus" crew performed two sets of experiments while closing in to Duna, and one on its surface, Jeb gathered a surface sample and planted a flag, stating that this place is now called Lithobrake Mountains. All scientific data was transmitted, yelling ~200 !!SCIENCE!!.

Meanwhile, new technologies unlocked allowed Kerbal engineers to come up with a Recovery Vessel, piloted by Dudlie Kerman, ex-experimental pilot of experimental VTOL vessels. We have also assembled a 4-passenger rover with two empty fuel tanks and docked it to Recovery vessel as well.

For now it is waiting for transfer window to Duna in LKO.

The Plan is:

Get to Duna

Aerobrake without deploying the chutes

Find a suitable place within 20 km of Jeb's crash landing site

Land and detach rover

Drive to Jeb, get him Bill and Bob onboard

Refuel empty fuel tanks of rover with spare fuel from "Copernicus"

Drive back

Refuel Recovery Vessel

Go home

Let's see how it will go.

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On board the Apsis Point Space Station (Is that a stupid name?) with Bob and several other crew members. Unfortunately, he's been there for several years thanks to time warp, but every single crew member is smiling like crazy. Everything is good!

they also might have gone slightly insane

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In one save, he is on the Skygazer Space Station.

In another, he was killed when a manned Moho mission went too close to the Sun.

In my Career, he's doing science on the Mun.

And in my former 0.23 save, he was stranded on Duna.

He's been through a lot.

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In my current save, hes on my space station, Trying to keep the Kosmo-NOTs, who just came up in their Slap-Dash looking Soy-Juice, out of all the sensitive equipment. Experiments and micro-gravity curling (or whatever those krusskies are playing) don't mix.

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My Jeb is currently stranded in one of Kerbin's deserts after his tour of the kerbol system. Why is he stranded? Because I'm too lazy to pick him up (or even press the "recover vessel" button). I know, I really should bring him home, but ehhh. LAYZee. (besides, I think the other Kerbals should have some fun too).

-- KSC: After Jeb landed in Kerbin's desert --

Mission control to Jeb...

KSC: *Cheering* You did it Jeb! You finally did it! This mission has been a resounding success!!!

Jeb: Of course it was... Can I come home now?

KSC: Ehhhh, you know, you just landed, can you give it some time...

Jeb: What do you mean "give it some time"! I've been in space for 15 YEARS! I want to go home now!

KSC: Are you sure about that... I mean, this place is a mess with us partyin... Ahem, I mean working.

Jeb: Of course I'm sure about it! I'm STARVING. I NEED snacks NOW!

KSC: Hmmm, I guess you are right, I'll go send a plane out there to... HEY LOOK BEHIND YOU, A BOOSTER!!

End Transmission...

Jeb: Hey, don't mess with me, there's no booster here.

Jeb: Mission control?

Jeb: Mission control?....

*no response*

Jeb: .....

*eye twitch*


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