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Your least used part


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With this part, I made a RCS lander capable of landing on Minmus and returning with 3 crew. I'm too lazy to post all the stuff over here, so just click the link in my signature if you want to see it. :wink:

But it's not very useful for it's intended purpose, which is providing fine control for rockets. It's much more useful when screwing around with low-gravity inventions. :)

I agree with most of the rest of the parts in this thread though.

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This has consistently been the most useless piece of trash to ever grace the parts menu.

Well, The description says that the creator failed miserably. Still, I have never used it before and probably won't until it's buffed.

I might have said small hardpoint but I just used them today to mount the landing gear on a lander which I found to be a bit tall.

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You don't use RCS or reaction wheels (I doubt you turn off your SAS function)... how to you even... go around the space and stuff? :)

I use the reaction wheels of the probe body(ies) and pod(s), but not the dedicated SAS parts. And I find that RCS just adds unnecessary dead weight, as I never use it (I don't dock anyway). Just about all of my launchers involve probes, so the launch mass is no more than about 100t (The probe, on an optional small transfer stage, on a larger LV-T45 stage, between two LV-T45 stages, and possibly between another pair if the probe is especially big).

I aim to use chemical rockets to get my probes at least nearly Kerbin Escape.

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I used to hate the multi part adapters, but their stability improved considerably in .21

I'm using the 3 way adapter regularly in (early) career mode in my first stage booster.

Tied up with 3 large SRB's, they're actually proving to be a really reliable way of getting low weight payloads into LKO.

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I'm fairly sure I've never used this thing. Incidentally, I've come to love the small hardpoint for my smallish landers. It's just the right size for sticking a pair of side fuel tanks on them while keeping the lander's form factor nice and compact.

Wowjustwow. Having formed my opinion on the "Structural Pylon" you referenced, I mistaken believed the "Small Hardpoint" was a smaller version of the pylon. So glad I read this! I've wanted something like this for attaching radial engines to "Structural Fuselage". Quite hilarious I had this part and didn't realize it's value.

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