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[1.0.2] Navball docking alignment indicator v7


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I had not released a new version of the mod, because the old one continued to work perfectly fine (at least on my machine...). I have "officially" released that re-built version now.

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I absolutely love this mod, first off -- it makes docking a breeze 99.9% of the time.

However, I have seen a weird behavior sometimes. When trying to dock with a spacecraft that has both a crewed pod and a probe pod, I select the docking port on the target spacecraft as the navball target, but the alignment indicator seems to want to align with the target vessel's probe pod instead.

Has anyone else seen this? Is this a bug or just something I'm missing?

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  KerbMav said:
*crosses finger* hopefully still working *launches KSP*

Well, it did not crash yet. :wink:

Did not get to dock anything in the short time I had between getting of heisting in GTA5 and dropping dead into bed though - forgot about the tutorials (there is a docking tutorial, yes?) ... first thing this afternoon then.

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  • 2 months later...

I love this mod and find it tremendously useful (the more popular docking port alignment indicator was throwing me for a loop by wanting me to look away from the navball), but I'm having trouble understanding what exactly the red marker indicates. I understand that targeting it puts me parallel with the other docking port, and I understand how to use it by "pushing" the target indicator towards the red marker using the prograde marker, but I don't understand exactly what point in space I'm aiming at by aiming at the red marker

Edited by Mastema
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Having the red marker centered means the plane of your docking port is parallel to the plane of the target docking port.  It does not mean the centerlines / axis of the docking ports are aligned.  You need to have the target and red marker centered for that to be true.

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  • 2 weeks later...
  • 1 month later...

Hey guys,

As I want to use this mod myself and @mic_e hasn't been on since the 25th of January I decided to go ahaed and update it myself.

It's not working 100% yet as the old mod as I had to basicly write it from sratch again. Either I am missing important points for the "easy" convert to 1.1 or the overall API changed too much for it


So far the config is not working and the indicator is - for simplicity - the prograde marker. Looking like the Prograde marker I should say.. However I will keep updating it and post about updates here as I go along (is my first time working with the KSP API so don't judge me too harsh :P)


Source https://github.com/L33m4n123/NavBallDockingAlignmentIndicator

Download: https://github.com/L33m4n123/NavBallDockingAlignmentIndicator/releases/tag/1.0a


Just download and unpack it into your KSP/GameData


Known Issues:

* Cannot change shape or Color of the Indicator

* Indicator has same color than prograde marker


Released just a simple Hotfix. Happens if you do it in a hurry o_o 

* Indicator shows now up without the need of toggeling it via Hotkey

* Indicator now propperly disappears on vessel change / loss of target


________ Update v.1.0.1

For KSP 1.1

You now can change the color via the config as you were able in the original. By default it is red

Download:  https://github.com/L33m4n123/NavBallDockingAlignmentIndicator/releases/tag/1.0.1

Edited by Leeman
Update with new Version
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  On 4/15/2016 at 9:45 PM, Leeman said:

It's not working 100% yet as the old mod as I had to basicly write it from sratch again. Either I am missing important points for the "easy" convert to 1.1 or the overall API changed too much for it


So far the config is not working and the indicator is - for simplicity - the prograde marker. However I will keep updating it and post about updates here as I go along (is my first time working with the KSP API so don't judge me too harsh :P)


Thx for your effort! ^_^

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  On 4/15/2016 at 11:08 PM, Leeman said:

No Problem :wink:


I just published a new Update

You can download it here: https://github.com/L33m4n123/NavBallDockingAlignmentIndicator/releases/tag/1.0.1

You now can change the color via the config as you were able in the original. By default it is red


Could you make your own thread for this + upload it to CKAN?

Would be great if development continued for this, however, the original author probably isn't going to update this, so, fully forking and continuing would probably be the best thing to do.

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I was already thinking about it mainly for the Thread Title


It should show up on CKAN (matters on how fast it gets migrated from SpaceDocks to it).


Judging by the ammounts of Downloads (http://spacedock.info/mod/532/Community%20NavBall%20Docking%20Alignment%20Indicator) I guess it already shows up in there ^-^


But yea I might actually do a new Thread for it right now


Edit: There you go guys.


Edited by Leeman
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  • 5 months later...
This thread is quite old. Please consider starting a new thread rather than reviving this one.

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