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Everything posted by Montag

  1. Does KSP 1 and 2 count as a "game" where the AMD Ryzen 7 7800X3D would be a real winner of a processor, or would it fall under productivity due to the physics calculations and a non-X3D style processor would be better?
  2. More general question - how do I take the dev branch build files on GitHub and make a working version of ScanSat in game? I know this a bit off topic and would appreciate it if you could even point me to some other thread or procedure to do this.
  3. Out of ignorance, is the pick landing target on the zoom map for MechJeb working or disabled currently? I see the marker when the target coordinates are entered in Mechjeb on ScanSat, but I do not see the icon to set the landing target on ScanSat.
  4. Jim DiGriz comment was successful. I am in the middle stage of a career and do not have everything unlocked so designs can be clunky. I will use the MaxStoppingTime of 10 until I start using RCS for fine tuning and get more SAS modules. I appreciate the responses.
  5. This is just a quick fish to see if this is only a me thing. I have been out of pocket for awhile. I believe I am current on all my mods. Mechjeb does not appear to using the full range of inputs for yaw pitch roll change. It will initially do a max change on the input, but the indicators will then be near center. With time, it does line up with the Node when using SAS or Execute Next Node, but it is much slower than it would be if it used the full command authority. Any obvious flags before I do a deeper dive?
  6. Huge shout out for this. I was struggling with some large rockets watching the controls never converging. Changing to the hybrid setting made it work great. I also agree that you want MJAttitudeController for spaceflight.
  7. I have minimal knowledge of programming and the effort you guys put into your mods, but I am very appreciative of your work. For me and the other dependents / leeches, what is the 10 km look at what processes you have to go through to update your mod to 1.3? Did this one require significant code change?
  8. I think the max relative speed to dock safely is 0.3 m/s. I strongly recommend using the Docking Port Alignment Indicator mod done by NavyFish. No parts are required. It is an awesome mod that gives visual indicators for the position of all axes of movement and rotation as well as guidance for translation thrust needed to get the proper alignment. The guy is a US Navy submariner and I believe he applied docking concepts to the mod. Docking Port Alignment Indicator
  9. If you are on PC, get the Docking Port Alignment Indicator mod by Navyfish. This does not require any parts. It is a very awesome visual indicator on how your orientation and speed is relative to your target. I also recommend RCS Build Aid mod. This will help in RCS thruster placement. It will show you what torque would be exerted on your craft when you translate in the different axis. Ideally, you would have zero torque when translating. Do keep in mind what your expected fuel state is. If you have sufficient RCS thrust to adequately maneuver your craft, then hit the caps lock key to get to refined controls. This also balances the RCS thrust somewhat. For final approach, I would recommend relative velocity speeds of 0.3 m/s or less. At the very last moment, you want to turn SAS off for the craft you are controlling. The stability assist may fight the "magnetic" pull of the docking ports and you may get a chatter / wobble state and they never get it done.
  10. Just a tip for you all... If you activate an engine with the right click menu, you can still leave a stage to activate the engine normally. A common one may be using a large engine in LKO or in suborbital flight - so just use the right click menu to start the engine, then stage when the contract conditions are met.
  11. Is this a self imposed limitation? I do not see the max part number requirement in the rules.
  12. So on these other effects on different planetary bodies... If we get to the 100x warp factor altitude does that clear these effects?
  13. Here is what you do. Take the original complete craft file (found in the saves - VAB or SPH sub folder) and copy it over to a sandbox game (VAB or SPH sub folder). If it is station assembly, use the segment that has the desired part for the mating antenna. Add the antenna as the LAST part of the assembly. Name this craft with a unique ship name and make note of it. For the sake of time, use Hyperedit to put the full craft in space. Stage the craft down to the state it is in orbit. Now you can look in the persistant.sfs (a text file) and search for your ship name. Within the VESSEL { } section find the PART { } section information for the antenna you added. You can then copy the text for this and insert it into the VESSEL { } section in your persistant.sfs file of your main game. Grab "PART {all the part info is within the braces}" MAKE SURE YOU BACKUP YOUR PERSISTANT FILE!!! I would suggest making two backups and write protect one so you cannot accidentally overwrite it.
  14. What is the cheapest way to leave and then return to the same SOI? My first thought is to have ejection angles of either 0 or 180° to prograde, but maybe 90° is better? I have a contract that I will need to move a station from Ike to Duna SOI, but I want to put it back in Ike's orbit.
  15. Unless you have a contract requirement, then I would suggest mining on Ike instead. But I am guessing you have a contract requirement.
  16. The scope of mission. Your craft does not have all of the science instrumentation. The one I presented has all of the science experiments, can explore Ike, and leaves an orbital space station. Just comes back to where do you want to go today?
  17. Sketchfab is only a model viewer. I do not think you can share craft files with it. See the link below. Double check the staging. Pretty sure there is enough to do everything, but 100% if you refuel the Rhino engine stage before going to Duna you will have a ton of extra fuel. Some things of note: Mods used - MechJeb and KER After achieving Kerbin orbit, you will want to disable the fins controls under the right click menu - will explain later I was not able to aerocapture this completely at Duna. There was insufficient control authority to keep the craft retrograde and the gigantors popped; however, I still had the fin controls active. I have read that Mechjeb and maybe stock cannot use the fin controls correctly if the craft is retrograde. This may be the reason for my problems. Regardless, this is safe to have a periapsis of 20km in Duna and then a burn to capture. You may be able to go deep enough with the fin controls disabled. I believe 13.5 km should do it. This is the next iteration using the 10 m parts for the lifter. It also has a heat shield for Kerbin return. Use an engineer of level 1 or greater to repack the parachutes for Kerbin return. https://drive.google.com/open?id=0B6u6wekQppUdX0doeDlmVURMTkU
  18. Get it close then manually edit the craft file. Some trial by error required.
  19. Repeat from other thread: Would not recommend a space plane to start with. Rockets are simpler. Duna is not that hard to do with a single launch. My favorite is to launch a large ship with a Mark 3 cockpit for a lander to land on Ike, land on Duna, and return to Kerbin. I have the lander separate from a station that has a mobile processing bay that I leave behind. The station has some Terrier engines and ferries the lander to and back from Ike. It has enough fuel to ferry and refuel the lander. [sketchfab]c0a139d53f854b89b2cdf115d402e54a[/sketchfab] Duna Lander Open by Montag on Sketchfab https://skfb.ly/FvYJ Not sure if sketchfab works anymore, but the link will. This is an older version, before the 10 meter parts. I would refuel the main launch stage and then send it on its way. Plenty of dV and excess fuel after Duna capture. Leaving the station behind with the extra fuel would be an emergency reserve for the future.
  20. Duna is not that hard to do with a single launch. My favorite is to launch a large ship with a Mark 3 cockpit for a lander to land on Ike, land on Duna, and return to Kerbin. I have the lander separate from a station that has a mobile processing bay that I leave behind. The station has some Terrier engines and ferries the lander to and back from Ike. It has enough fuel to ferry and refuel the lander. [sketchfab]c0a139d53f854b89b2cdf115d402e54a[/sketchfab] Duna Lander Open by Montag on Sketchfab https://skfb.ly/FvYJ Not sure if sketchfab works anymore, but the link will. This is an older version, before the 10 meter parts. I would refuel the main launch stage and then send it on its way. Plenty of dV and excess fuel after Duna capture. Leaving the station behind with the extra fuel would be an emergency reserve for the future.
  21. I did have this happen once. I just fired the engine briefly and it resolved itself. I will not be able to reproduce this. This must have been from changing an orbit from Kerbin to either the Mun or Minmus.
  22. Other than getting the science from the runway and launch pad, I did not get any from KSC until I needed that 0.4 science to get over the hump to research something. You may want to keep that in reserve for just such an occasion.
  23. Can you post and link to your craft file and can it return safely with empty orange tanks in the bay?
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