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[1.1.2] Station Science (v2.0: New models by SpeedyB)


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My only complaint on the mod is how much it fills up my offered contracts window, sometimes taking half the offers.

I don't get how the game can suggest so many...

to be fair, this mod includes something like 9 experiements? i'm not sure if it's more then all of the stock parts combined, but it's certainly close (and i'm too lazy to do more then a fermi estimation on that).

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Well I had 1.2.1 of SS installed before and it was working fine. Today before I started a new career I deleted the SS folder and put in 1.3.1 and off I went. Except now the main lab is loading without any textures. The part is there and otherwise looks fine. When I go to Debug->Database->Textures I see that the station science lab-texture as well as lab-normal_NRM and lab-emissive are all listed. Other parts such as the zoology bay look just fine.

I had thought I had read about this issue before but after checking the last few pages I don't see anything about it.

Any ideas?

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I copied all the files from the StnSciLab folder in the 1.2.1 zip file over top of the 1.3.1 files. (7 files total copied.) The issue seems to be resolved.

Odd though, as far as I can tell they were the same files with no apparent revision. (Let me know if I am wrong about that please) I don't know if my 1.3.1 download got corrupted somewhere or if I just broke the mod again but knock on wood I think I am in business.

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Hi there, I have a weird as hell issue. Until the afternoon everything worked fine, but now the game stops loading at StnSciExperiment2. I have not installed any mods since then, changed nothing. Relevant part from the log:

[EXC 19:37:12.946] NullReferenceException: Object reference not set to an instance of an object PartLoader.ReplaceTextures (UnityEngine.GameObject model, System.Collections.Generic.List`1 textureNames, System.Collections.Generic.List`1 newTextures)

PartLoader.CompileModel (.UrlConfig cfg, .ConfigNode partCfg, Single scaleFactor)

PartLoader.ParsePart (.UrlConfig urlConfig, .ConfigNode node)

PartLoader+.MoveNext ()

Any idea how I could fix this?

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First off, let me say this: This is an awesome mod! I can see you've put a ton of work into it, and thanks for doing so! I love how the mod gives me a reason to have stations that are more than fuel depots.

I'm having one problem, and I'm hoping for some help. I've got a complete station in high Kerbin orbit, and it will chug away at the experiment modules, and I can complete them and return them to Kerbin with no problem. I can't see to complete the contracts, though. I've got my station set up with a bunch of docking ports, and I send the experiment modules up in (fairly) small craft to ferry them up to the station and back to Kerbin. I usually send them up, dock them, start the experiment, and then go fly another mission while the experiment completes.

When I launch one to make progress on a contract, I get the check mark next to the "launch new experiment..." step in the contracts window, but if I leave control of the ship, It goes away. I'm not sure if this is intended, but does this mean I have to stay in control of the ship for the time that the experiment takes to complete? (IE, launch, dock with station, warp for a few days, then undock and return the experiment to Kerbin)

I'll do that for the ones I have now, but I prefer to let the experiments chug away while I go exploring Duna, or something like that. Am I doing something wrong or is this intended?

Thanks in advance!

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[...]When I launch one to make progress on a contract, I get the check mark next to the "launch new experiment..." step in the contracts window, but if I leave control of the ship, It goes away.[...]

you may have found a stock bug with the contracts system. those checkmarks are not supposed to go away even if you change craft. in the short term, use Alt-F12 to complete the contracts, since contracts are kinda new and getting worked on by squad for .26

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When I launch one to make progress on a contract, I get the check mark next to the "launch new experiment..." step in the contracts window, but if I leave control of the ship, It goes away. I'm not sure if this is intended, but does this mean I have to stay in control of the ship for the time that the experiment takes to complete? (IE, launch, dock with station, warp for a few days, then undock and return the experiment to Kerbin)

The mark is intended to go away if you switch to a different ship, but just so it indicates whether or not your currently active ship is on track to complete the contract. It should come back if you switch back to the ship.

If you can duplicate this again, please make a quicksave while the box is checked, then make another quicksave when you've returned to the ship, and the box is no longer checked. Then please send me both quicksaves.

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ok, this may sound like a stupid question and probably is, but i can't figure it out: how do i take back the results? do i have to undock the experiment module from the station and land it back to recover? or can i leave it there and take the results only? thanks

by the way i really like it ;)


is the attachotron part indispensable? or i can use the normal docking ports? they cost like a half...

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Hey Ethernet,

I've been watching this mode since the Alpha stages, as having meaningful stations is exactly what I wanted in my game, and the mod is part of my saves ever since you've had the new models. I did enjoy the challenge of putting the Cyclotron up in orbit and setting up the logistics, but there is something I've been aiming at in my saves, being inspired by real space projects.

That's why I appreciate Beale's Tantares pack which included the tremendous Kvant equivalent which generates a paltry amount of science, but does generate some. And I've been using that part ever since, because I like the modular approach to things and to keep my crafts and stations as small as possible (to reflect the reality in some way, or better yet, so they appear believable).

I'm writing this post with a proposition of sorts. I greatly appreciate the system you've set up, the experiments and the parts you designed, but I think this mod would be much more useful if offered a slightly different approach to things. I realised that basically all the real station modules that have been up in space have been used for SCIENCE. And I think it would be nice to have options to start your Science Stations small, or to be able to expand them piece by piece, not requiring large additions of >2,5 m modules every time I want to add some more science capacity.

I think it would be possible to add a ModuleManager script of some sort which would add eureka generation to all non-piloted crewed parts (e.g. not to capsules and cockpits, but to all Hitchikers and mod parts, airplane and spaceplane crew cabins, even orbital modules). This would allow the player to gradually build up the science generation capacities, even allow performing experiments while flying in atmosphere (I know doing science on Kerbin is something you discourage, but the concept of research airplanes seems to make sense to me).

Of course, the amount of eurekas generated would be miniscule by comparison so that your original station part still has its use - there would be no other part which would allow 4 kerbals to generate that many eurekas.

I still don't know how to incorporate the Kibbal and Quark generation - and the Cyclotron and Biolab are parts I would esthetically appreciate during late game, but I can hardly bring myself to attaching them to basic MIR and ISS-style stations.

Do you find this concept interesting at all? Or perhaps, are you planning on making smaller Station Science parts at some point in the future?


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IMHO, that's a great suggestion, TheBedla.

Even though I don't know if small parts (other than the experiments themselves) are in Ethernet's willing-to-do list, or if he's willing to push the mod in that directiion, I think this would be a nice feature to have.

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Hello all. I just got this mod about a day ago, and I've never built a space station before. I got a contract, not realizing the stations were 2.5m and are big and heavy, and now im trying to complete it.

I currently have an extremely small station up in orbit, and I was wondering if anyone has a good rocket design to get this up into orbit and successfully dock with it. Im having some trouble building rockets, as I am pretty bad. Thanks for anyones help!

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Hello all. I just got this mod about a day ago, and I've never built a space station before. I got a contract, not realizing the stations were 2.5m and are big and heavy, and now im trying to complete it.

I currently have an extremely small station up in orbit, and I was wondering if anyone has a good rocket design to get this up into orbit and successfully dock with it. Im having some trouble building rockets, as I am pretty bad. Thanks for anyones help!

You might want to unlock the 2.5m rocket parts first. It's certainly possible to launch all of this mod's parts without them, but it's easier once you have mainsails (and pretty trivial once if you unlock the 3.75m SLS parts). The deadline on the contract should be long enough to let you unlock a bit more before attempting it again.

And I think it would be nice to have options to start your Science Stations small, or to be able to expand them piece by piece, not requiring large additions of >2,5 m modules every time I want to add some more science capacity.

Seems to me 2.5m is the minimum for a part to really be a "space station" part. 1.25m parts don't read as station parts to me.

I think it would be possible to add a ModuleManager script of some sort which would add eureka generation to all non-piloted crewed parts (e.g. not to capsules and cockpits, but to all Hitchikers and mod parts, airplane and spaceplane crew cabins, even orbital modules). This would allow the player to gradually build up the science generation capacities, even allow performing experiments while flying in atmosphere (I know doing science on Kerbin is something you discourage, but the concept of research airplanes seems to make sense to me).

Of course, the amount of eurekas generated would be miniscule by comparison so that your original station part still has its use - there would be no other part which would allow 4 kerbals to generate that many eurekas.

Eureka generation is only meaningful in terms of you either have it or you don't. Rate is meaningless because time is meaningless. So adding it to other parts would just mean that the Science Lab is pointless. I don't see a good reason to do that. Of course, you can do that for your own install, and even post the ModuleManager script if you want.

As for in-atmo experiments, there's already tons of science you can do in an atmosphere. I don't see a good reason to add more in a space station mod.

Is there any way to bypass an Attach-O-Tron? I don't want to replace the first part of my station because of one old part. Thanks.

You could use KAS fuel pipes, or something like TAC fuel balancer. But I wonder why you would feel you have to replace the first part of your station? As long as you don't have to transfer fuel to it (and why would you?), what's the problem?

ok, this may sound like a stupid question and probably is, but i can't figure it out: how do i take back the results? do i have to undock the experiment module from the station and land it back to recover? or can i leave it there and take the results only? thanks

by the way i really like it ;)

The main intended way (that will always work) is to undock and land. To do contracts, you need to do this.

Some experiments allow you to take out the results on EVA, but I would avoid doing this. It won't complete contracts, and it won't work with some of them (the ones that require Bioproducts).


is the attachotron part indispensable? or i can use the normal docking ports? they cost like a half...

You can use normal docking ports. The only purpose of the Attach-O-Tron is to be early in the tech tree. The normal docking ports are strictly better, once you unlock them.

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Seems to me 2.5m is the minimum for a part to really be a "space station" part. 1.25m parts don't read as station parts to me.

Eureka generation is only meaningful in terms of you either have it or you don't. Rate is meaningless because time is meaningless. So adding it to other parts would just mean that the Science Lab is pointless. I don't see a good reason to do that. Of course, you can do that for your own install, and even post the ModuleManager script if you want.

As for in-atmo experiments, there's already tons of science you can do in an atmosphere. I don't see a good reason to add more in a space station mod.

Well there are some nice 1.8 m components, but otherwise I agree. It's just that the StationScience labs exceed 2.5, therefore I find them hard to incorporate nicely into my designs. But that's certainly my problem :)

I'll give the MM config a try and see how that works.

I don't think eureka generation is meaningless. It still matters whether you can get an experiment completed in hours or in days - and that depends on eureka generation. I for one don't like timewarping through days just to get an experiment done (though again, I recognize that's a matter of personal preference).

I was thinking in-atmo medium-term experiments, something you could do while flying to space (in a spaceplane) or between waypoints (courtesy of FinePrint).

Thanks for the reply!

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how exactly am i suppposed to complete the experiments? if i set "start experiment" on plant growth experiment module it sais "experiment started" but nothing happens. i can't even move kerbals inside the module if that's what i am supposed to do. Any help?

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You could use KAS fuel pipes, or something like TAC fuel balancer. But I wonder why you would feel you have to replace the first part of your station? As long as you don't have to transfer fuel to it (and why would you?), what's the problem?

It's more to do with being able to refill the 2.5m TACLS tank I launched with the first piece. Thanks for the suggestions. I tried using a KAS winch and radial attachment port which didn't seem to work, I'll try fuel pipes.

Edited by SnappingTurtle
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Well there are some nice 1.8 m components, but otherwise I agree. It's just that the StationScience labs exceed 2.5, therefore I find them hard to incorporate nicely into my designs. But that's certainly my problem :)

I'll give the MM config a try and see how that works.

I don't think eureka generation is meaningless. It still matters whether you can get an experiment completed in hours or in days - and that depends on eureka generation. I for one don't like timewarping through days just to get an experiment done (though again, I recognize that's a matter of personal preference).

Roleplay, reasons, sure, but that's not useful for balance. In terms of gameplay, time is meaningless.

I was thinking in-atmo medium-term experiments, something you could do while flying to space (in a spaceplane) or between waypoints (courtesy of FinePrint).

Simply flying for a long time just doesn't sound like a fun thing to do. Why encourage it with Science rewards? The point of the current mod is to encourage launching heaving parts and docking them together, which are challenging things to do, and thus, hopefully fun.

And again, why put something like this in a space station mod? I'm not fond of feature creep for mods. Do one thing, and try to do it well, is my philosophy.

how exactly am i suppposed to complete the experiments? if i set "start experiment" on plant growth experiment module it sais "experiment started" but nothing happens. i can't even move kerbals inside the module if that's what i am supposed to do. Any help?

Are you running the latest KSP, and version of this mod? To you have a manned Science Lab?

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Ethernet, honestly your mod and all the parts within are perfect just the way they are. I use FAR/TAC/RF/RT/DR and these parts definitely take quite a bit of time designing a capable rocket just to get them to LKO. Some of the funnest challenges I've had to date.

The rocket I used just to put the station into LKO w/ solar, batteries and empty TAC containers the rocket weighed like 600 or 700 tons! Then I had to dock a transport ship to fill the TAC and transfer kerbals to the science lab. Definitely a fun couple hours as well as some pretty incredible explosions during the first few trial runs!

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Hi, got a problem...when i do the plant growth science, it says experiment finished, i click to keep the results rather than transmit, then take everything back to kerbin, thats the lab and the growth module etc, but when on kerbil, the science results and points dont show up, and the contract shows as not complete...what am i doing wrong please...thank you.


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Hi, got a problem...when i do the plant growth science, it says experiment finished, i click to keep the results rather than transmit, then take everything back to kerbin, thats the lab and the growth module etc, but when on kerbil, the science results and points dont show up, and the contract shows as not complete...what am i doing wrong please...thank you.


I assume you recovered the vessel? Doesn't sound like you did anything wrong. Do you have a quicksave from before recovery?

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Hi ethernet, think i see what problem is, reading page one of this thread, says click finalize results, and i didnt do that...didnt actually see it come up, anyway shall go have a look...thanx for responding...all best


If you didn't click Finalize Results, I'm confused how you could have clicked to keep the results instead of transmitting. That results dialog should only show up when you right click a completed experiment, and click Finalize Results.

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If you didn't click Finalize Results, I'm confused how you could have clicked to keep the results instead of transmitting. That results dialog should only show up when you right click a completed experiment, and click Finalize Results.

I have experienced this as well. Id love to be able to transmit it back or perhaps have a "Science collector ship" with a storage module on board for the experiments. I have to admin having spent literally a day of my life building, launching and docking a station I was off put by the fact that I had to then land the damn thing. It weighed almost 800,000 KG until I changed the engine config. This is it with the science lab docked milking mun science. http://i.imgur.com/OOHg1Wf.jpg

I need a new ship to complete the landing or a few many parachutes :P

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I have experienced this as well. Id love to be able to transmit it back or perhaps have a "Science collector ship" with a storage module on board for the experiments. I have to admin having spent literally a day of my life building, launching and docking a station I was off put by the fact that I had to then land the damn thing. It weighed almost 800,000 KG until I changed the engine config. This is it with the science lab docked milking mun science. http://i.imgur.com/OOHg1Wf.jpg

I need a new ship to complete the landing or a few many parachutes :P

You don't need to land the whole thing. Just the pods. As described in the OP of this thread, and the part descriptions of each pod, you're supposed to bring the experiment pods up, do them, then undock them and bring them back to Kerbin.

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