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[1.4.3]ALCOR,"Advanced Landing Capsule for Orbital Rendezvous" by ASET (08/02/2017)


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On 3/20/2016 at 1:57 PM, ComatoseJedi said:

Okay, I'm doing this little favor for new comers to the ALCOR and ASET downloads until Alex migrates over to another medium in the OP. Here are download links to the last version of ALCOR and patch, ASET Props, ASET Avionics.

ALCOR Pod 0.9.4

ALCOR IVA Patch 0.9.4

ASET Props 1.3

ASET Avionics 1.0

You will have to install this manually, just like the directions in the OP. If this is a Pete and RePete situation, I do apologize for making this post, but I tend to lean towards 68 pages of information a bit much to thumb through just to find links to mods. 

Just in case this violates something, I did not make this work, credit goes to @alexustas. I was only trying to help :)

You forgot to mention the amazing ASET Landing Legs :D

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On September 12, 2016 at 9:42 AM, linuxgurugamer said:

 Here is a fully working, updated ALCOR: https://www.dropbox.com/s/56y9bp7lb1qtqoy/ASET.zip?dl=0


On October 16, 2016 at 0:40 PM, Ralathon said:

Get notepad++. Load up the cfg file. ctrl+h. In the search box use:


Then in the replace box use:


Make sure to set search mode to regular expression.

That should replace it with the correct syntax.

Can even open all files at once and replace it in all of them.


On October 16, 2016 at 6:35 PM, Movado said:

Well that fixed most of the tags but rendered most of the displays inoperative (i.e., black screens, no response to button clicks). Considering the somewhat complicated nature of some of the LabelText statements, I'm not surprised it broke.

I'll try fiddling with it and see if there's something I'm overlooking. The regular expression global change of the labels is a good concept.

I did some messing around with my game, and came up with a solution I'm happy with, until an update is released.

Building off of @Ralathon's regular expression I experimented with the package @linuxgurugamer provided a few pages back, and came up with this monstrosity.

Find using regular expression mode of Notepad++

(\[#([0-9a-fA-F]+)\]|\[#(<=[0-9a-fA-F:"\;]+=>)\])([a-zA-Z0-9\$\&<=\;:\|_\.²\-\+"'>\(\)\, \/]+)(?![\[#[0-9a-fA-F]\]])

Replace with

<color=#\2\3> \4 </color>

This does break MFD's thankfully all you have to do is exclude the MFDs directory (I just re-extract that one directory overtop after running the find and replace)



The new formatting does break alignment somewhat but it's way better than before.

Edited by Rowen Wulfe
grammar... And then spelling
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On 10/24/2016 at 9:59 AM, W1ntermute said:

You forgot to mention the amazing ASET Landing Legs :D

I didn't include the legs at the time due to the fact that landing legs/landing gear were fouled up when the I originally posted the information. The IVA tools are not reliant on game physics in order to work, just as long as RPM is updated and is kept updated, the IVA will work. But, yeah, the amazing landing legs are beyond awesome!

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        name = ModuleAnimateGeneric
        animationName = KLLDeployAnim
        startEventGUIName = Lower Leg
        endEventGUIName = Raise Leg
        wheelColliderName = wheelCollider
        suspensionTransformName = Piston
        orientFootToGround = true
        landingFootName = FootHing
        // Axis is aligned forward instead of up
        alignFootUp = true
        suspensionUpperLimit = 0.65
        impactTolerance = 6500
        suspensionOffset = 0, 0,0
        suspensionSpring = 5
        suspensionDamper = 1

use the above to replace the MODULE {name = ModuleLandingLeg} block to get the ASET Landing Legs going in 1.2. 

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On 3/19/2016 at 9:57 PM, ComatoseJedi said:

Okay, I'm doing this little favor for new comers to the ALCOR and ASET downloads until Alex migrates over to another medium in the OP. Here are download links to the last version of ALCOR and patch, ASET Props, ASET Avionics.

ALCOR Pod 0.9.4

ALCOR IVA Patch 0.9.4

ASET Props 1.3

ASET Avionics 1.0

You will have to install this manually, just like the directions in the OP. If this is a Pete and RePete situation, I do apologize for making this post, but I tend to lean towards 68 pages of information a bit much to thumb through just to find links to mods. 

Just in case this violates something, I did not make this work, credit goes to @alexustas. I was only trying to help :)

the second link doesn't seem to work

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48 minutes ago, Gianni1122 said:

Does anyone know why this might be happening with the ALCOR pod?

If you read the last couple of pages of this forum thread, you'll see why this is happening and how to fix it.

The problem... 


The fix... 

... or just wait until the 1.2 version comes out.


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1 hour ago, Movado said:

If you read the last couple of pages of this forum thread, you'll see why this is happening and how to fix it.




Ah thanks. I'm sorry for repeating the question then. 

I'm not great with coding (no clue what I'm doing) but oh well I'm going to try it anyhow lol


Edit: ..... Yeah on second thought I'll wait for the 1.2 patch

Edited by Gianni1122
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On ‎10‎/‎16‎/‎2016 at 10:40 AM, Ralathon said:

Get notepad++. Load up the cfg file. ctrl+h. In the search box use:


Then in the replace box use:


Make sure to set search mode to regular expression.

That should replace it with the correct syntax.

Can even open all files at once and replace it in all of them.

Please forgive my ignorance. But which cfg referenced above. is the correct cfg to edit? I wanted to try and apply the fixes mentioned on the last couple pages but I am not entirely sure as to which file I should be tearing apart.



My apologies I just figured it out. It's all the various cfg files for the individual assets for the internals. Sorry. Guess I have a little work ahead of me :)

Edited by V8jester
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11 hours ago, V8jester said:

Please forgive my ignorance. But which cfg referenced above. is the correct cfg to edit? I wanted to try and apply the fixes mentioned on the last couple pages but I am not entirely sure as to which file I should be tearing apart.



My apologies I just figured it out. It's all the various cfg files for the individual assets for the internals. Sorry. Guess I have a little work ahead of me :)

Follow these steps to edit the ALCOR cfg files (there are quite a few of them). These steps assume ASET is not currently installed:

  1. Download and install the free Notepad++ app (https://notepad-plus-plus.org/download/v7.1.html).
  2. Download the updated ALCOR mod ( https://www.dropbox.com/s/56y9bp7lb1qtqoy/ASET.zip?dl=0 )
  3. Extract the ASET.zip file into your GameData folder.
  4. Make a copy of the ASET folder (call it something like ASET_unedited).
  5. Run Notepad++.
  6. Under the Search menu, choose Replace... (or press Ctrl H).
  7. Select the Find in Files tab at the top of the dialog window.
  8. In the Find what: field, enter... 
    (\[#([0-9a-fA-F]+)\]|\[#(<=[0-9a-fA-F:"\;]+=>)\])([a-zA-Z0-9\$\&<=\;:\|_\.²\-\+"'>\(\)\, \/]+)(?![\[#[0-9a-fA-F]\]])
  9. In the Replace with: field, enter...
    <color=#\2\3> \4 </color>
  10. Click on the ... button to the right of the Directory field.
  11. In the Browse for Folder window, navigate to the ASET folder (e.g., C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\common\Kerbal Space Program\GameData\ASET) and select the ASET folder (click once of the ASET folder and press OK).
  12. Important: Click on the Regular expression option at the bottom of the dialog window.
  13. Make sure the In all sub-folders checkbox is checked.
  14. Make sure the Match case checkbox is unchecked.
  15. Press the Replace in Files button.
  16. Quit the Notepad++ app.
  17. Go to the MFDs folder in the copy of the ASET folder (e.g., C:\Program Files (x86)\Steam\steamapps\common\Kerbal Space Program\GameData\ASET_unedited\ASET_Props\MFDs).
  18. Copy the entire MFDs folder from the copy of the ASET folder into the ASET folder you just edited.
  19. Delete the folder ASET_unedited so you don't have two ASET folders in the GameData folder.
  20. Run KSP.

The ALCOR pod should now be working pretty much without a glitch.

Good luck!

Edited by Movado
Forgot step 19 to delete the ASET copy.
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  • 3 weeks later...
7 hours ago, Virtualgenius said:

i copied the landing leg info but they wont deploy with the G Key what do i need to do to make that happen 


They don't default to AG (G) you just need to assign them in the SPH to the proper Action Group and you are good to go.

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With Alex's permission, I offer a new video, IVA Rescue on Minimus.   It shows some of the highlights and features inside the upcoming A.L.C.O.R capsule, as well as some of my tips for using its capabilities to the fullest.   Enjoy. 

This video was made during beta testing.

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1 hour ago, nukeboyt said:

With Alex's permission, I offer a new video, IVA Rescue on Minimus.   It shows some of the highlights and features inside the upcoming A.L.C.O.R capsule, as well as some of my tips for using its capabilities to the fullest.   Enjoy. 

ALCOR once again makes me happy! Awesome stuff!

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