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[1.12.*] Deadly Reentry v7.9.0 The Barbie Edition, Aug 5th, 2021


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I've never had that visual stutter on the re-entry, but I've had that sound stutter for as long as I've used this mod. I just thought that was the way it was. I never realized that was some kind of glitch?

Yea its not right. Withoit DRE my effects/sounds are smooth. No problems. So for now I'm just using the parts and.. pretending I guess.

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Okay, well.. here it is.

With DRE.


I have tried absolutely everything. A fresh KSP install and DRE install. With only the Squad, DeadlyReentry folders and MM in gamedata. Which I noticed is labeled 1_5_7 ( which is odd because the MM thread isn't updated. ) in the download. So I thought maybe this was the issue so updated it. On top of that I reverted to application settings in my gpu software. Stock as stock gets.. and still the skipping.

I thought maybe it was a vsync or triple buffering issue. Tried TB on/off and both my gpu's vsync and the application vsync. Still the skipping persists. I have done all I can do. Even tried updating drivers.. nothing.

Edited by Motokid600
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Okay, well.. here it is.

With DRE.


I have tried absolutely everything. A fresh KSP install and DRE install. With only the Squad, DeadlyReentry folders and MM in gamedata. Which I noticed is labeled 1_5_7 ( which is odd because the MM thread isn't updated. ) in the download. So I thought maybe this was the issue so updated it. On top of that I reverted to application settings in my gpu software. Stock as stock gets.. and still the skipping.

I thought maybe it was a vsync or triple buffering issue. Tried TB on/off and both my gpu's vsync and the application vsync. Still the skipping persists. I have done all I can do. Even tried updating drivers.. nothing.

You never posted an output_log.txt file did you? Post one please.

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Hi all.

I'm wondering if anyone can help. I installed DRE a few days ago and initially it was working fine now it doesn't seem to be working. Not sure why. I am using stock parts. I have FAR, KWRocketry, NovaPunch2, Alt Resource Panel, Launch Countdown, Final Frontier. No idea whether any of these would interfere with DRE.

The only way I know it isn't working is I do not get a burn up coming in at a ridiculous high angle at high speeds, it just seems to have reverted to the vanilla version of KSP where it glows but there is no damage. Shaking sound is gone as well.

Should I just reinstall KSP? I did have Mission Controller Extended but deleted it as I wasn't too happy with the missions. Maybe that messed it up a bit......

I'm pretty new around here especially with the use of mods so please forgive my ignorance. Anyone have any ideas??

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Is there a reason for the inflatable heat shield not having ablative armor?

Ablative Shielding is rigid, you try inflating something that's hard. There are two types of heat shield. The Ablative one (Which is far more common) and one that directs the heat around the thing it's protecting (Like the inflatable heat shield) It's incredibly difficult to make something move if it has the ablative component.

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Ablative Shielding is rigid, you try inflating something that's hard. There are two types of heat shield. The Ablative one (Which is far more common) and one that directs the heat around the thing it's protecting (Like the inflatable heat shield) It's incredibly difficult to make something move if it has the ablative component.

Ablative shielding doesn't have to be rigid.

There have been inflatable concepts that involved pumping ablative material in the form of a foam. It consisted of a flexible shell that would be inflated by pumping in foamed ablative material. Back in the Apollo days it was even suggested that such a system could be used as a personal reentry system in an emergency.

(needless to say, the personal reentry idea never made it past the drawing board.... I guess they balked at the idea of subjecting unprotected humans to hypersonic reentry.... such wishywashiness.)

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Heres the log with DRE installed. I made a fresh one and performed a simple sub-orbit. All stock.


And the same without DRE if you'd like to compare them.


The error stands out.

Part decoupler.ftr cannot load module #1. It only has 1 modules defined
[WRN 16:50:29.680] PartModule is null.
[WRN 16:50:29.684] Part fuelTank2-2 cannot load module #0. It only has 0 modules defined
[WRN 16:50:29.685] PartModule is null.
[WRN 16:50:29.694] Part liquidEngine2-2 cannot load module #5. It only has 5 modules defined
[WRN 16:50:29.695] PartModule is null.

And then so on varying between module 1 and 0. Im assuming this has something to do with module manager? These config files in the download they stay in the DRE folder, no?

EDIT: Hmm.. nevermind that line there seems to occur before reentry, so.. im not sure.

Edited by Motokid600
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Heres the log with DRE installed. I made a fresh one and performed a simple sub-orbit. All stock.


And the same without DRE if you'd like to compare them.


The error stands out.

Part decoupler.ftr cannot load module #1. It only has 1 modules defined
[WRN 16:50:29.680] PartModule is null.
[WRN 16:50:29.684] Part fuelTank2-2 cannot load module #0. It only has 0 modules defined
[WRN 16:50:29.685] PartModule is null.
[WRN 16:50:29.694] Part liquidEngine2-2 cannot load module #5. It only has 5 modules defined
[WRN 16:50:29.695] PartModule is null.

And then so on varying between module 1 and 0. Im assuming this has something to do with module manager? These config files in the download they stay in the DRE folder, no?

EDIT: Hmm.. nevermind that line there seems to occur before reentry, so.. im not sure.

Ignore that error. You will see that if you have mods.

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So... Is there anything I can do to fix this? This is honestly the first time anyone has had this issue?

First or second. I forget who reported it first, but yeah, so far as I can remember, this hasn't popped up before.

I sent you a private message though. I dunno if it will lead to a fix but might shed a little more light on the problem. Looking at the logs now.

Also, I was a bit rushed on my last message, so a bit of clarification about that error for anyone who's curious. So far as I know, it's harmless and it's caused by plugins that add PartModules directly in their code rather than through part configuration files or through ModuleManager. It creates what KSP sees as a discrepency because the code that's responsible for the error only knows about modules that were loaded from the PART{} node for that part. This part is strictly speculation on my part but it's probably because it builds a list when processing configs and throws that error if there are more PartModules than what it loaded from configs.

So, plugins like DREC or FAR will cause errors like that but I've never known it to lead to actual errors. Everyone that uses plugins that do that will have those errors whether they are aware of it or not.

(uninstalling plugins can also cause that error in craft that already exist in a save file prior to uninstallation)

Edit: And when it says something like 'module #1', that's actually module #2 because module #0 is the first module. (so, 'cannot load module #1. It only has 1 modules defined' actually does make sense if you think like a machine)

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I belive DeadlyReentry have some issue with FAR. Since FAR represent realistic aerodynamics aerobraking became less efficient when craft shape is aerodynac. So in order to get the same amount of aerobraking as stock game you need to go deeper into the atmosphere and there you get you ship destroyed with g forces by DR. Playtesting showed that it is almost impossible to airbrake to stable orbit from speed over 6 km\sec.

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I belive DeadlyReentry have some issue with FAR. Since FAR represent realistic aerodynamics aerobraking became less efficient when craft shape is aerodynac. So in order to get the same amount of aerobraking as stock game you need to go deeper into the atmosphere and there you get you ship destroyed with g forces by DR. Playtesting showed that it is almost impossible to airbrake to stable orbit from speed over 6 km\sec.

It's not impossible and that's not an issue.

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Here, try these. They're the Goblin Enterprises sunshades that I've altered the .cfgs on to add DRE compatibility.

Heads up, though: These have not been heavily tested, so any feedback is welcome. Also, the larger shields are not entirely plasma-tight, so there may be some... leakage. Mind the raycasting of the reentry effects.


Let me know if the download link doesn't work.



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I am not sure if this was an issue with DRE, but I did notice this after I installed the plugin. I only had DRE and FAR with vanilla, but when I try to put on the heatshield, it bounces up and down and attaches to the bottom node of the heatshield instead of the top node when placing below a command pod. I have to keep trying and hope it connects the heatshield's top node with the bottom of the command pod. Anyone know how to fix this or what could be causing this?

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I am not sure if this was an issue with DRE, but I did notice this after I installed the plugin. I only had DRE and FAR with vanilla, but when I try to put on the heatshield, it bounces up and down and attaches to the bottom node of the heatshield instead of the top node when placing below a command pod. I have to keep trying and hope it connects the heatshield's top node with the bottom of the command pod. Anyone know how to fix this or what could be causing this?

Make sure your view is oriented so the mouse cursor won't be over whatever you're attaching the shield to. If you still find it problematic, you can try decreasing the node size so it's less likely to snap to something you dont want it snapping to.

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I think I need to tweak the g forces limit but I'm not sure what values mean. I guess crewGlimit equals 6 g but what about gToleranceMult what is 2.5 mean?

gToleranceMult = 2.5

crewGLimit = 600000

gToleranceMult applies to G limits for parts (their base G tolerance is multiplied by this). The crewG stuff applies to kerbals--check the changelog in the readme for what all the values do.

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I am pretty new at this and have a question. How do I know if DRE and FAR are working correctly?

I don't seem to be burning up in the atmosphere on reentry. Lots of glowing but nothing blowing up. I see the heat shields in my parts so I know that bit is working but how can I find out if the model is working on reentry? Maybe it's just fluke I am not burning up but I doubt it.....

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TimeforAction: If you're reentering from LKO, it's actually rather difficult to burn up. Really, anywhere in the Kerbin SoI is safe for the one man pod if you're sensible about your reentry corridor.

As for how to check if they're working: DRE: parts have a temperature readout. FAR: parts have a drag readout.

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