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[1.12.*] Deadly Reentry v7.9.0 The Barbie Edition, Aug 5th, 2021


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Try playing with the ablative shield values a bit. I usually try to go as shallow as possible, so I can keep my temperature low enough. it's a balancing act to not exceed the G's or overheat. The ablative shielding burns off, but you can still overheat if the shockwave gets too hot. The heatshield can't handle everything, it will gain heat and transfer heat to the pod(I think).

Until @ferram4 updates FAR for that, the heavier side of the pod slips into the wind stream, so having a parachute on top will unbalance the pod and make it turn around. Try using SAS or somehow add 4 linear RCS thrusters and some RCS to help stabilize the pod during re-entry. You could also try adding some weight to the bottom of the pod or using fins, although they might just burn off.

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Do you get destroyed by the deceleration or do you burn up? (What does the post-flight log say?) Generally, if you reenter steeper, forces become limiting, and if you reenter shallower, overhearing sets the limit. You have to find the right balance.

Edit: Ferram4 says he's working on the pod aerodynamics. Last point:


It's definitely from overheating, my G forces are at pretty much <1 at the time of disintegration. Heating and G forces didn't really begin in earnest until around 34k with the old DRE, which was fine because you got a tradeoff of heat for aerobraking. Now heating starts at 50k, and the amount of heat generated doesn't seem in realistic proportion to deceleration until you start getting around 40k.

Edit: Ok, figured out that I had the shockwave exponent was set to 1.17, which is apparently scaled for Earth, re-entry is back to usual

Edited by Bloodbunny
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Yeah, this should be in the thread starter:

Nonono, the new shockwave exponent and multiplier are if you want realistic heat on STOCK Kerbin, as FlowerChild and others were asking for. If you try to up it on rescaled Kerbin, you'll definitely burn up! Sorry that wasn't clearer.

Here are the config options, basically:

1. Playing on Stock Kerbin, want traditional DRE functionality: don't change anything

2. Playing on Stock Kerbin, want realisitc levels of heat on reentry (i.e. faking an 8km/sec reentry): set the shockwave exponent and multiplier to taste; I suggest exponent 1.17 to start. You will likely have to increase the dissipation rates of heat shields (in the heatshield part.cfgs and in DeadlyReentry.cfg). For good values, you can check what I did for the Gemini heat shield in the Realscale Gemini I posted on the FASA thread.

3. Playing on Real-scale Kerbin, want traditional DRE functionality: set _heat_ multiplier to 12 or so.

4. Playing on Real-scale Kerbin, want realistic heating. Change nothing in DRE settings. However, as in 2, you will likely need to edit heat shields.

I guess your shield just overheated faster than it could dissipate the heat by ablating, though I'm not sure this is working as designed?

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Do I need to do anything special to get Deadly Reentry to play nice with KSP Interstellar in career mode? The parts are not appearing when I play. I'm only a level or two into the tech tree, but I believe I saw that Scott Manley had heat shields available in the first episode of his Interstellar career game.

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Yeah, this should be in the thread starter:

I guess your shield just overheated faster than it could dissipate the heat by ablating, though I'm not sure this is working as designed?

Definitely not as designed, as it makes realistic re-entry basically impossible. This is probably more the fault of FAR than DRE though.

It is fine with the 1.0 exponent, though a bit easy then.. will experiment with the numbers to try and get something realistic for FAR

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FlowerChild, thanks again! When you've got settled values it's going in. :)

Sorry for the delay on this folks, been super busy with RSS at the moment. I just got the burnup on launch bug myself, so I can guarantee you it's still there. :(

Which is really weird, considering by all rights it shouldn't be. I have some more ideas, though. I'll try them.

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FlowerChild, thanks again! When you've got settled values it's going in. :)

Oh! Word up man! I totally wasn't expecting that, but yeah, makes sense as I suspect for casual players just being able to plop DR into a stock install would be ideal.

Works great for me too, as I won't have to worry about tweaking the values externally in my own mod :)

I've been mostly rebalancing the early tech tree of my thing around DR for the past few days, which is why I've only got the 1.25m shield and MKI cockpit tweaked so far, but I'll be moving on to the Mark II capsule with a heat shield balanced for return trips from the Mun shortly, and it should be relatively quick going from there.

Sorry for the delay on this folks, been super busy with RSS at the moment. I just got the burnup on launch bug myself, so I can guarantee you it's still there. :(

Which is really weird, considering by all rights it shouldn't be. I have some more ideas, though. I'll try them.

Yeah, I've run into this several times myself during my testing, so I can confirm it's definitely a thing. I keep forgetting to hit F3 when it happens though, so I can't confirm if it's due to G's or heat. It doesn't appear to freeze the interface though the way burning up on reentry does.

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*Removed , feel myself stupid. Had temp mult 2.5 not 25...*

But idea about making engines much less capable of acting as heatshields still lives.

Ill add directional heatshield to engine with -50% "bonus" , making it take 1.5 heat from below. Theoretically.

Edited by DartBoris
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Sorry if this has been answered before, but I've checked and didnt find it. I just installed KW rocketry a few days ago and DR no longer works. I still have the heatshield parts, but when I fly I get no heat damage no matter how fast I go. Right clicking on a part also doesn't tell me the temperature of it, but it shows "isshielded: false". This also affects ships that only have stock parts used. I had B9 installed before and it seemed to work fine then

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Playing around with this mod for the first time. I see that when I place a heat shield, I get a decoupler in the staging organizer. What is the purpose of having the heat shield act as a decoupler? I thought I would just need to slap a heat shield on the bottom of my pod and I'd be good. In what cases would I potentially want to decouple my heat shield? Pretty confused on that functionality of heat shields. Thank you very much to whoever shines a light on the subject for this poor DRE noob. :)

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Playing around with this mod for the first time. I see that when I place a heat shield, I get a decoupler in the staging organizer. What is the purpose of having the heat shield act as a decoupler? I thought I would just need to slap a heat shield on the bottom of my pod and I'd be good. In what cases would I potentially want to decouple my heat shield? Pretty confused on that functionality of heat shields. Thank you very much to whoever shines a light on the subject for this poor DRE noob. :)

Well, in real life terms, ablative heatshields are usually pretty heavy (they're basically a chunk of metal that's supposed to melt instead of you). It therefore makes sense to eject them after the heating has come down, to lower the stresses on the vessel and parachutes. Additionally, vehicles like Curiosity were protected by a heatshield for reentry, but later on they needed to be free underneath (for starting the powered descent and landing) and therefore ejected the heatshield.

In game terms, I don't remember how heavy the heatshields are currently (so that might not be an issue), but you could still use them Curiosity-style, i.e. beneath a rover for reentry. Then, when things calmed down, you would jettison the shield and land on your wheels.

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Need some suggestion values for FAR 0.1.

I want some some good realistic setting, so I really have to nail it or I burn up.

Can someone help.

Would be nice to have some presents that go well with mods. (ISP difficulty style)

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Actually, I'll make an addition to my previous values as I tweaked and tested for reentry on a return trip from the Mun yesterday with the 2.5m heatshield. Again, this is for stock, with a shockwaveExponent of 1.09 for a good "game" (not realism) feel:

// Command Pod MK1
@key, 1 = 800 480

// 1.25m Heatshield
@key, 1 = 800 480

// Heat Shield for Mk 1-2 Pod
@key, 1 = 800 240

The idea with these values is that the 1.25 heat shield (and the integrated heatshield on the MI command pod) is a good choice for reentry from a low Kerbin orbit, while the 2.5m is capable of dealing with the greater reentry velocity returning from the Mun, Apollo style.

Edited by FlowerChild
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Hey Nathan! Now I'm gonna post a complaint here as well to round it up :P

Ok, the problem I've got is that heatshield for the 1.2 pod keep failing off that very pod :( Do you know if there anything I could do to fix that - it really annoys the hell out of me :(

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For a shield with only 848 units of ablative shielding I used these values and it deorbited fine (peak G around 7):

{ // loss is based on the shockwave temperature (also based on density)
key = 650 0 // start ablating at 650 degrees C
key = 2000 480 // peak ablation at 2000 degrees C
key = 5000 600 // max ablation at 5000 degrees C
{ // dissipation is based on the part's current temperature
key = 300 0 // begin dissipating at 300 degrees C
key = 800 170 // maximum dissipation at 800 degrees C

For the 2.5m shield, 240 sounds about right for a lunar return.

asmi: Huh. Are you using KJR? As you might have seen from that thread I had an issue with my 4m Mk1-2 and a 4m shield. If not...I'll check. You _do_ know that you don't need a shield for the Mk1 pod, right? It has a built-in shield. It must look awful funny with an extra shield. Or did you need a thicker shield?

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