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[1.12.*] Deadly Reentry v7.9.0 The Barbie Edition, Aug 5th, 2021


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7 minutes ago, akaryumc said:

Ok, so I tried what you gave me. Changed some numbers around, but the kerbals still die from a sub-orbital reentry. I don't make it to orbit. I try and angle the pod down to generate a bit of lift but it is not always possible. The crew always dies from G-force overload. This feels a bit broken. I don't know what to do.
<snipped code for clarity>

I think I know what's wrong. It's not going to be possible for you to override until I fix something that I broke :(

I can't say exactly when but I am planning to do a final 1.0.5 update before KSP 1.1 is released. (fixing, among other things, the missing menus)

Edited by Starwaster
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  • 3 weeks later...
5 hours ago, run1235 said:

realyl cant wait for this to be updated, this and FAR are two mods that i must always have in my games. would you be releasing a build for the pre-release or waiting till it's fully released?

There will be a build for pre-release.

What I had wanted to do was fix UI issues then do a final update for 1.0.5 followed shortly by one for 1.1

Unfortunately I'm going to end up doing the updates without a functioning UI still. (not a huge loss, the menu options would have allowed changing certain settings in-flight that otherwise require cfg edit + restart of KSP). The main purpose of the update is to fix a bug preventing cfg settings from overriding the defaults. So that will happen for both 1.0.5 and 1.1

As to when: When I can get time to package the update and push it to the server. I wanted to do that last night but ran out of steam and fell asleep. So sometime today hopefully.


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  • 2 weeks later...

Deadly Reentry V7.3.2

This is the update for 1.0.5

It features a properly functioning menu for tweaking g-force damage. Changes are saved to custom.cfg in the DeadlyReentry folder. Delete that file if you want to restore defaults. (which are actually saved in the DefaultSettings.cfg file; so don't edit that unless you want permanent changes)

Download latest official: https://github.com/Starwaster/DeadlyReentry/releases/latest

A pre-release DRE v7.4.0 will be released sometime in the next 24 hours for KSP 1.1. It will be left in pre

Change Log

  • Reimplemented menu. (reverted previous changes to get it functional again. Old menu duplication bug probably reverted as well)
  • Fixed issue with settings changes not applied.
  • Menu automatically writes changes to custom.cfg
  • Moved g force settings out of ModuleAeroReentry to ReentryPhysics
  • Added leaveTemp to spaceplane parts ModuleAeroReentry
  • Tweaked Space Plane part configs
  • Added missing gToleranceMult to default settings. (part G tolerance)
  • Updated versioning info
  • Removed deprecated config settings from code
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Deadly Reentry V7.4.0 Pre-Release (for KSP 1.1 ONLY)

  • KSP 1.1 compatibility and compile update.
  • 64bit restrictions removed

Like the description says, this is in pre-release only (meaning it won't show up in CKAN). Also, it is no longer restricted to 32 bit KSP client only. As long as the KSP 64bit client proves to be reasonably stable then there will be no such restriction.


Edited by Starwaster
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4 hours ago, iDInkeD06 said:

Is this pre-release version compatible with the final release ? (And are the other pre-release mods compatible too ?)

Pre-release = Not enough testing to know if it's stable enough to be called a release.  

It may work without issues, but you may also run into a bug (or two) that you could then post back to the appropriate forum(s) to help said pre-releases turn into actual 1.1 releases. :cool:



I've been running the pre-release on the current 1.1 version and the only issue (after just a couple hours) so far that I have seen is that the Deadly Re-entry "button" shows up on the title screen for the game and not just at the space center.

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19 minutes ago, Holyvision said:

Pre-release = Not enough testing to know if it's stable enough to be called a release.  

It may work without issues, but you may also run into a bug (or two) that you could then post back to the appropriate forum(s) to help said pre-releases turn into actual 1.1 releases. :cool:



I've been running the pre-release on the current 1.1 version and the only issue (after just a couple hours) so far that I have seen is that the Deadly Re-entry "button" shows up on the title screen for the game and not just at the space center.

Actually, I'm pretty sure that I'm not going to get any bug reports until after I'm sufficiently confident to do an official release, and even then not until after enough time has passed to lull me into a false sense of security :wink:

Semi-serious response: Main goals before actual release are to fix the UI which broke in 1.1 and make sure that any new parts that require thermal tweaks are dealt with. (primarily the inflatable, which fell victim to a classic case of 'inflate its thermal mass modifier because we didn't know that low thermal mass shields can still protect from reentry even without ablator :wink: )

Edited by Starwaster
goal statement
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I gave it a very short (2minutes^^) try yesterday and the only two 'weirdnesses' I noticed, was that the only flag I put near the KSC runway burned up instantly, after trying to launch something from the runway and that the menu was dysfunctional, clicking the (finely crafted) DR-icon didn't do anything, but just changing its visual appearance.


KSP 1.1 RC, including all mods (yup, all of them), that have been claimed by their authors to be either specifically pre-1.1 compatible, or already updated for the final 1.1 release, not a single 7th party half baked recompile was used.

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1 hour ago, h0yer said:


I gave it a very short (2minutes^^) try yesterday and the only two 'weirdnesses' I noticed, was that the only flag I put near the KSC runway burned up instantly, after trying to launch something from the runway and that the menu was dysfunctional, clicking the (finely crafted) DR-icon didn't do anything, but just changing its visual appearance.


KSP 1.1 RC, including all mods (yup, all of them), that have been claimed by their authors to be either specifically pre-1.1 compatible, or already updated for the final 1.1 release, not a single 7th party half baked recompile was used.

It will be fixed in the next update. Which is done aside from going over new KSP 1.1 parts to make sure that they have their thermal properties properly set.

Edited by Starwaster
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On ‎18‎/‎04‎/‎2016 at 11:25 PM, Starwaster said:

Deadly Reentry V7.4.0 Pre-Release (for KSP 1.1 ONLY)

  • KSP 1.1 compatibility and compile update.
  • 64bit restrictions removed

Like the description says, this is in pre-release only (meaning it won't show up in CKAN). Also, it is no longer restricted to 32 bit KSP client only. As long as the KSP 64bit client proves to be reasonably stable then there will be no such restriction.


I intall the mod and notice this is conflicting with others mod. The Kis/Kas dont work with Deadly Reentry and my system become unnistable. If you want i have parts of log with problems.

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32 minutes ago, Leandro Basi said:

I intall the mod and notice this is conflicting with others mod. The Kis/Kas dont work with Deadly Reentry and my system become unnistable. If you want i have parts of log with problems.

I always want logs. Every modder wants logs.

We can't do anything without logs :D



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5 hours ago, Starwaster said:

I always want logs. Every modder wants logs.

We can't do anything without logs :D



You dont need to be sarcastic!

I ask you because maybe you already knew about this problem, and the log are giant, but nevermind, problem solved, i remove your mod and all my game back stable with other mods working. Thanks!

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2 hours ago, Leandro Basi said:

You dont need to be sarcastic!

I ask you because maybe you already knew about this problem, and the log are giant, but nevermind, problem solved, i remove your mod and all my game back stable with other mods working. Thanks!

Glad to hear you solved your problem! Enjoy.


1 hour ago, Gaugeforever said:

Maybe I missed something but he wasn't being sarcastic?  I don't think he was knocking you at all... 

Some people are more easily upset than others I guess.

Do you know how long I've been sitting on that image without using it? You'd think a modder could have some fun once in awhile but I guess not :(

Edited by Starwaster
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just ignore him star some people get but hurt just by u saying hello to them.

btw the 64bit for 1.1 is just as sstable for me as 32bit so should be safe to say u never(unless they break it again) put a 64 lock on it again. no once this is updated just need real fuels then my normal game can be fun again and then ill be all ready for finaly building a RSS game once it gets updated.

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@Starwaster, I too have a bug with no logs, if you want you can use your Dr. Evil meme on me...   

Here is what happened (and I admit this could be a mod conflict, but I haven't tested that)...

All of this is is (x64) on your v732 version of DRE

I had a kerbal on sub-orbital at Mun, I switched away from the kerbal to another craft (also happens if switch to space center) and when I returned to sub-orbital Kerbal, RCS would not function.  Pressing the keys did cause the normal reorientation of the kerbal to the camera, but the RCS would not do anything, speed on any axis was not changing.   After a few attempts, and smacking the R key, etc, the kerbal would either shoot off into space at a really remarkable speed, or would fall directly toward Mun at just as remarkable of speed.

I started pulling mods off one by one, restarting, reloading and recreating... Each time the results were the same until I removed DRE, then the weird stopped and everything worked normally.  By the time I removed DRE, the only remaining mods were EVE, Scatterer, V.o.i.d., KAC, navy fish Docking port alignment, and precise node (none of which I would think would be conflicting with DRE).

I then reinstalled DRE and the weirdness came back.

I have also noticed that with DRE installed, even when the kerbal jetpack is working normally, the thruster plumes are not drawn.  I was completely mystified that DRE would be the culprit, but I haven't had a moment to test with everything clean and only DRE... Anyhow, just a heads up for something you might want to stir your brain with next time you have a chance.   If time permits I'll get you a clean test, but that might be a few days.

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There's nothing here I can work with.

How are you using 7.3.2 with 64 bit? How do I interpret that? It's not compatible with any 64 bit Win client (unless DRE is hacked) and it's not compatible with KSP 1.1. Is it Linux? I have no idea what you're using it with.


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7 hours ago, Starwaster said:


There's nothing here I can work with.

How are you using 7.3.2 with 64 bit? How do I interpret that? It's not compatible with any 64 bit Win client (unless DRE is hacked) and it's not compatible with KSP 1.1. Is it Linux? I have no idea what you're using it with.


if u meant me?

i was just saying how the 64bit for 1.1 is stable not that your mod is working on 1.1 dont have it in my 1.1 buiild yet.

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3 hours ago, sidfu said:

if u meant me?

i was just saying how the 64bit for 1.1 is stable not that your mod is working on 1.1 dont have it in my 1.1 buiild yet.

No, I meant the guy I directed that at who says he's using 7.3.2 with x64 and he's having trouble.

Which, depending on how I interpret that could mean he's using 7.3.2 with a KSP client that it's not compatible with (1.1) or using a hacked version of DRE with 64 bit KSP 1.0.5. Or using unhacked DRE with 64 bit KSP 1.0.5 in which case DRE will pretty much refuse to function because it detects an incompatible environment. Or it could be Linux in which case it doesn't care about the 64 bit issue. Of course, I wouldn't have to speculate if I'd been provided with logs, but nobody seems to want to do that so I hope there's not a legitimate problem because it won't get fixed without logs.

So all I can do is shrug... reread the post... shrug... shrug some more and then go on to something productive like finish up balancing these configs so I can release.

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20 hours ago, Starwaster said:


There's nothing here I can work with.

How are you using 7.3.2 with 64 bit? How do I interpret that? It's not compatible with any 64 bit Win client (unless DRE is hacked) and it's not compatible with KSP 1.1. Is it Linux? I have no idea what you're using it with.


Ok, so clearly I huffed some bad mushrooms or something.  Nope, windows 64bit...  Not linux.  Perhaps I got (un)lucky...?

I swear that somewhere you'd said that 7.3.2. was 1.1 (x64) good... But I'm reading it again and either I imagined it or you're made of evil magic :-)

I'm sorry, I really did think I saw you say you were 1.1 (x64) built and ready for action.

Sorry for wasting your time.  But hey, heads up, @Starwaster, your not yet 1.1 (x64) build can totally murder sub-orbital kerbals at the Mun.  Just sayin... Derp

Damn I feel stupid... I really did think you said this build was good for my install.  How's your weekend?

Edited by Kurtvw
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