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[1.12.*] Deadly Reentry v7.9.0 The Barbie Edition, Aug 5th, 2021


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Error downloading log. Thanks for the report, will test.

Very sorry my link didn't work. :( I rechecked it on dropbox and it looks good there. I'll also test the link here after I post and edit this if it doesn't work.


Edited by JeffreyCor
forgot the link :P
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I've been looking at the stock part costs. Consider the fact that a basic wing is 500 or so. Capsules are between 1 and 4 thousand....I definitely think 200 is too little funds especially when you consider that heat shields will allow you to get back some of the initial cost of the parts they protect.

you can separate part costs from resource costs too though. Might want to do that at least. keep the shield part low and put the cost into the resource

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NullReferenceException: Object reference not set to an instance of an object
at DeadlyReentry.ModuleAeroReentry.IsShielded (Vector3 direction) [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0

at DeadlyReentry.ModuleAeroReentry.ReentryHeat (Vector3 velocity) [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0

at DeadlyReentry.ModuleAeroReentry.FixedUpdate () [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0

Getting this issue when launching from Kerbin. Don't exactly know why. The only other plugin I have that could be going against it is DangIt Failures, or perhaps RealChute.

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What about Making the shield part's price X % of the part it is made for, like the 2.5m shield that was made for the 2.5m command pod.

And then give a certain price for the shield, that would work the same way.

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2. Playing on Stock Kerbin, want "harder" / hotter reentry (i.e. faking an 8km/sec reentry): set the shockwave exponent and multiplier to taste; I suggest exponent 1.12 to start. You will need heat shields built for RSS. Place this file in your DeadlyReentry folder: https://raw.githubusercontent.com/NathanKell/RealismOverhaul/master/RealismOverhaul/RO_DRE.cfg

When I click this link I don't get a file, there's just a confusing code. Even when I copy this code into a cfg file and put it to Deadly Reentry folder, the heatshields still overheat at 20km Kerbin periapsis. So, how can I get this to work?

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When I click this link I don't get a file, there's just a confusing code. Even when I copy this code into a cfg file and put it to Deadly Reentry folder, the heatshields still overheat at 20km Kerbin periapsis. So, how can I get this to work?

Where are you de-orbitting from, and at what speed? Quite often if I am doing a direct return from Mun to Kerbin, I need to re-enter much higher for my initial aerobrake, sometimes as high as ~50KM. More or less, the slower you are travelling when you hit atmosphere, the lower you can start your re-entry at.

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NullReferenceException: Object reference not set to an instance of an object
at DeadlyReentry.ModuleAeroReentry.IsShielded (Vector3 direction) [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0

at DeadlyReentry.ModuleAeroReentry.ReentryHeat (Vector3 velocity) [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0

at DeadlyReentry.ModuleAeroReentry.FixedUpdate () [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0

Getting this issue when launching from Kerbin. Don't exactly know why. The only other plugin I have that could be going against it is DangIt Failures, or perhaps RealChute.

I was getting exactly the same and it caused Kerbal crew death by excessive g-force.

I don't have DangIt Failures. I deleted Stock_RealChute_MM.cfg and the problem has gone away (so far).

It may be limited to a problem with the RealChutes patch to stock chutes.

OR, it might be something else entirely as I am not claiming that I have performed completely exhaustive and conclusive bug testing of any kind.

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I was getting exactly the same and it caused Kerbal crew death by excessive g-force.

I don't have DangIt Failures. I deleted Stock_RealChute_MM.cfg and the problem has gone away (so far).

It may be limited to a problem with the RealChutes patch to stock chutes.

OR, it might be something else entirely as I am not claiming that I have performed completely exhaustive and conclusive bug testing of any kind.

Oh crap, something in RC changed; DREC has to do special checks to see if chutes opened; open chutes means the part can overheat and fail . IsShielded() automatically returns false for open chute parts. Now that RC has updated, DREC can't create or retrieve an object it's trying to query.

(so, needless to say; this is really really bad)

Edit: Looking at the latest on github, I'd say Nathan is already on top of this. I'd expect another update real soon....

Edited by Starwaster
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Oh crap, something in RC changed; DREC has to do special checks to see if chutes opened; open chutes means the part can overheat and fail . IsShielded() automatically returns false for open chute parts. Now that RC has updated, DREC can't create or retrieve an object it's trying to query.

(so, needless to say; this is really really bad)

I second that, with Deadly Reentry and Realchutes installed, it spams

NullReferenceException: Object reference not set to an instance of an object
at DeadlyReentry.ModuleAeroReentry.IsShielded (Vector3 direction) [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0

at DeadlyReentry.ModuleAeroReentry.ReentryHeat (Vector3 velocity) [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0

at DeadlyReentry.ModuleAeroReentry.FixedUpdate () [0x00000] in <filename unknown>:0

over and over.

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I couldn't for the life of me even get the mod to function properly. I installed it and all it did was make my command pod glitch and detach the rest of the ship while remaining fixed in the air. Once I uninstalled it, the game now tells me "the following mods need an update: "KSPAPIExtentions" which I never dealt with or knew existed. When I try to launch now without DR, a similar effect happens with my upper stage just falling through the rest of the rocket. Is this a known bug or am I looking at a fresh install? It worked before the most recent update.

The only mod I have that might conflict with it is FAR, and I made sure that was updated.

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i cant get it to work, i kept everything stock and put it in my gamedata folder and nothing i put in space gets destroyed on the way back, any advice?

Read the first page, it has instructions on the very first post for increasing difficulty.

Bottom line is a reentry from Kerbin orbit is not going to be as dangerous as a reentry would be from Earth. You're only going to be seeing reentry temperatures of about ~2200 tops which is maybe a ~third of what you'd get on Earth.

Follow the instructions in the first post and you can increase the temperature to suit.

But be warned if you go all out and go for an Earth style reentry you're going to need improved heat shields, which is also dealt with in the first post.

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Hi there,

i got a problem with one overheating part, the other parts are about 100c. I have no idea there the heat does come from. The shockwave temp is below zero, the other heat source(nerva) is on the other end. Shouldn't other parts explode first? How does the heat mechanics work with DRE? Thx.


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Hi there,

i got a problem with one overheating part, the other parts are about 100c. I have no idea there the heat does come from. The shockwave temp is below zero, the other heat source(nerva) is on the other end. Shouldn't other parts explode first? How does the heat mechanics work with DRE? Thx.


Basically, ships velocity -273 is the shockwave temperature in celsius

Anything exposed to the shock, ie anything not shielded by another part, begins to heat up based on shockwave temperature scaled by atmospheric pressure (or density, I forget)

Simply put, theres no way that part is heating up because of DREC unless there is a bug related to 0.24 changing things somehow.

To be sure, try uninstalling DREC and try reproing that problem. I definitely think its .24 interacting with some bug that is preventing the part from shedding heat while it absorbs heat even from ambient temperature.. I saw some Real Chutes parts chill to -2600 Celsius while in orbit.

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I am having the same DRE exceptions like the users a few posts up. Difference is my KSP x64 outright crashes on these errors.

I know Nathan is already dealing with the issue. Any news on an update? It's nighttime in the US, I know, just thought I'd ask.

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*Now will cut chutes when they burn up, rather than destroying the part. Max chute temperature defaults to 1/2 part max temperature

*Fixed issue with RealChutes compatibility - thanks to stupid_chris! (Also the RealChutes-compatible version of the above feature)

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*Now will cut chutes when they burn up, rather than destroying the part. Max chute temperature defaults to 1/2 part max temperature

*Fixed issue with RealChutes compatibility - thanks to stupid_chris! (Also the RealChutes-compatible version of the above feature)

Nathan this is for RealChutes 1.2?

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