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[1.12.*] Deadly Reentry v7.9.0 The Barbie Edition, Aug 5th, 2021


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It seems that debug window isn't working as intended. I can't place a "." in normal input (I can place it only if I mark a number and press "." button: i.e. to change shockwave multiplier from 1 to 1.12, I need to type "1112", then mark second "1" and press ".")

Log shows nothing.

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hey guys. Testing out the Mk1-2 capsule in my role play and after getting it into 100km orbit I plan a steep re-entry to simulate a direct return from Mun. Any suggestions for the kind of angle I should be going for?

If you are returning from the Mun, if you set your Periapsis no lower than about 20km you should be fine. No need to simulate anything.

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Thanks Taki. As I said though, I'm role playing. Hence, things need to be tested even if I already know they work from seeing other people do it in their games. Right now I'm thinking dropping my Pe down to around 10km from 100km orbit should be a pretty good steep return?

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Thanks Taki. As I said though, I'm role playing. Hence, things need to be tested even if I already know they work from seeing other people do it in their games. Right now I'm thinking dropping my Pe down to around 10km from 100km orbit should be a pretty good steep return?

Then pick any angle you like. It's still going to be a lot gentler than an actual return.

If it's stock you're almost 1km slower than a Mun return would be or 1000 degrees cooler.

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I enjoy using DRE and always play with it, but I do have some nagging questions that I just couldn't find the answer to anywhere. Perhaps they are buried in this thread, but it is so long and encompasses so many versions of DRE that the answer is impossible to find, or obsolete.

The problems I encounter is unexpected behavior of the heat shields. For example, if I come in too hot, the heat shield will overheat and explode despite having lots of ablative surface left. Other times, I've had the ablative surface burn off completely and yet the heat shield held up. Is this normal behavior, and if so what exactly does the ablative surface do?

Another thing, where exactly should a question like this be posted in the future?

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Nathan (and anyone...),

I don't know if there's an active thread for those PlaCo shields, but I managed to get them visible and attachable in the VAB under 24.2, if anyone's interested.

This "fix" is simple, but requires messing with the CFG files. Those PlaCo shields were created before the new parts structure was introduced.

  1. Create a folder under "GameData" called "PlaCo"
  2. Move all of the PlaCo folders from the PARTS folder into this new folder
  3. Open each CFG file and add this line as the TOP line: PART{
  4. Add a closing } as the very LAST line
  5. Optional: add a line TechRequired=**** to determine where in the parts tree you think each shield should be available at.
  6. Restart the game, go into the R&D, and "research" the new parts to activate them
  7. SAVE the game

Whether they still work or not, I don't know. But I figured getting them to show up at all was a good sign. I'm not a DRE user, but I do like the FX...

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I enjoy using DRE and always play with it, but I do have some nagging questions that I just couldn't find the answer to anywhere. Perhaps they are buried in this thread, but it is so long and encompasses so many versions of DRE that the answer is impossible to find, or obsolete.

The problems I encounter is unexpected behavior of the heat shields. For example, if I come in too hot, the heat shield will overheat and explode despite having lots of ablative surface left. Other times, I've had the ablative surface burn off completely and yet the heat shield held up. Is this normal behavior, and if so what exactly does the ablative surface do?

Another thing, where exactly should a question like this be posted in the future?

first questions: This is normal. If you are coming in too hot that your heatshield overheats before it is done ablating it means that the ablative material isn't removing heat fast enough. On the other hand (with your second issue) this is caused by you having just enough ablative material to get you through the part of the atmosphere that actually does the heating so that when you run out the temperature jump isn't enough to destroy the heatshield. The purpose of the ablative material is to boil away, taking some heat with it.

second question: Here is fine

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I'm gonna download anyway, but how do we protect spaceplane's wings''s? The MK2 and MK3 bodies have black heat resistant tiles, but wings don't. how do we protects them?

Looks like the stock wings dont have protection... never noticed that because I use B9 or SP+ wings....

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Nathan (and anyone...),

I don't know if there's an active thread for those PlaCo shields, but I managed to get them visible and attachable in the VAB under 24.2, if anyone's interested.

This "fix" is simple, but requires messing with the CFG files. Those PlaCo shields were created before the new parts structure was introduced.

  1. Create a folder under "GameData" called "PlaCo"
  2. Move all of the PlaCo folders from the PARTS folder into this new folder
  3. Open each CFG file and add this line as the TOP line: PART{
  4. Add a closing } as the very LAST line
  5. Optional: add a line TechRequired=**** to determine where in the parts tree you think each shield should be available at.
  6. Restart the game, go into the R&D, and "research" the new parts to activate them
  7. SAVE the game

Whether they still work or not, I don't know. But I figured getting them to show up at all was a good sign. I'm not a DRE user, but I do like the FX...

I also like the FX the PlaCO heat shields added to the game -- however since we (regrettably) moved to curse from space port, I have not been able to find an active download link. Do you happen to know where a living link still exists?

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I also like the FX the PlaCO heat shields added to the game -- however since we (regrettably) moved to curse from space port, I have not been able to find an active download link. Do you happen to know where a living link still exists?

Sadly, no. I've tried the "Wayback Machine" with no immediate success. I still have my copy of the zip file from 03-2013. That's what I've been using.

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Sorry if this was already mentioned, but I couldn't find it anywhere.

I've found an interesting side effect of using DRE. Crafts became much more resistant to craft-craft collisions (i.e. being blown up by missiles).

For example on stock a M-Beam 200 I-Beam (375kg) impacting at ~200m/s is enough to completely destroy a full Kerbodyne S3-7200 Tank and some parts attached to it.

With DRE I had to use a full FL-T800 (4500kg) impacting at ~500m/s and the only effect was broken joints with no parts destroyed.

I think the reason is the way DRE models G damage.

So my point is: If you're using DRE and like to blow things up with rockets, make sure you use MUCH heavier and faster warheads.

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Under which conditions are Parachutes supposed to burn up?

Is this a part of DeadlyReentry or RealChutes?

Deadly Reentry. Don't open your chutes until outside temperature (roughly equal to velocity in m/s) is less than halfmthe chute module's max heat rating.

Sorry if this was already mentioned, but I couldn't find it anywhere.

I've found an interesting side effect of using DRE. Crafts became much more resistant to craft-craft collisions (i.e. being blown up by missiles).

For example on stock a M-Beam 200 I-Beam (375kg) impacting at ~200m/s is enough to completely destroy a full Kerbodyne S3-7200 Tank and some parts attached to it.

With DRE I had to use a full FL-T800 (4500kg) impacting at ~500m/s and the only effect was broken joints with no parts destroyed.

I think the reason is the way DRE models G damage.

So my point is: If you're using DRE and like to blow things up with rockets, make sure you use MUCH heavier and faster warheads.

The only type of damage resistance altered is max heat which is reduced. DREC acceleration damage is something extra it does not linked to a parts ability to withstand impact. Sounds like you have something else (not-DREC) modifying impact resistance.

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Deadly Reentry. Don't open your chutes until outside temperature (roughly equal to velocity in m/s) is less than halfmthe chute module's max heat rating.

Thank you!

I just wasn't sure since my chute also got the reentry animation (looking as if RealChute's "Nylon" might be about to melt) but the temperature of the module was around 0 degree (probably only being measured at the case of the chutes).

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Sounds like you have something else (not-DREC) modifying impact resistance.

Hmm, strange because I tested it just with stock and stock+DREC... Guess I have to do more thesting then.

EDIT: Okay. After a bit of additional testing of IDENTICAL rockets and IDENTICAL targets in IDENTICAL conditions (save for the presence or absence of DREC) I have to say collision damage has a lot more to do with the angle of impact and the part that hits first than with DREC.

My first conclusion was too hasty and resulted from having too small sample:blush:

Guess as a scientist I should know how to properly set up an experiment but it turns out I left the scientific method in my office :D

Edited by Silias
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Thank you!

I just wasn't sure since my chute also got the reentry animation (looking as if RealChute's "Nylon" might be about to melt) but the temperature of the module was around 0 degree (probably only being measured at the case of the chutes).

What was your velocity and air pressure? (or altitude and body if you're not sure)

Short story though is that for purposes of shielding, chute modules are treated differently than regular parts if the chute is deployed. If other parts are hot enough to be destroyed (without shielding) then your chute should also be getting destroyed if deployed. (just the chute, not the chute part. The chute would effectively be 'cut')

Older versions of DREC would just treat the chute module as unshielded no matter what parts were in front of it.

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What was your velocity and air pressure? (or altitude and body if you're not sure)

Short story though is that for purposes of shielding, chute modules are treated differently than regular parts if the chute is deployed. If other parts are hot enough to be destroyed (without shielding) then your chute should also be getting destroyed if deployed. (just the chute, not the chute part. The chute would effectively be 'cut')

Older versions of DREC would just treat the chute module as unshielded no matter what parts were in front of it.

Since I can't reconstruct what my velocity and air pressure were I just assume that although the visual effects were visible the temperature was not enough. I'll note those values next time to take a look at it.

Thank you!

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I would swear I saw in the code that they are ignored.... I think the stock game even ignores them for heat....? dont hold me to that though.

There is a Mod that dass physic to those Parts (at least most of them). Would this then also change DeadlyReentry behaviour?

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