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[1.2] Real Solar System v12.0 Dec 8


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Just found out that SCANSat works... Pretty well... I've never even used it before. The resolution is very low, but that might be because I'm using the Basic RADAR Altimetry scanner.


Yes, I know that's a terrible mapping orbit!

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This is most likely the answer to my question, but unfortunately I cannot find that particular line of code anywhere in the RSS.cfg. Is it listed under a different name by any chance?

Thanks for the reply BTW.

So add it. That's how config files work. If not present the program uses default values.

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Hey I was wondering what is being done to fix the bugs in this mod? I really want to play with it on but when soft landing in water results in your space craft kinda glitching its way over sideways until the pod explodes (and Jeb dies), or when no amount of mouse movement will allow clicking on the VAB (the R&D Lab and Runway lit up in a lovely strobe pattern though as I vainly tried), it makes me very frustrated and makes the mod a bit unplayable. I love this concept but I want my KSP experience to be pleasant and this mod kinda removes that at the moment.

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Hey I was wondering what is being done to fix the bugs in this mod? I really want to play with it on but when soft landing in water results in your space craft kinda glitching its way over sideways until the pod explodes (and Jeb dies), or when no amount of mouse movement will allow clicking on the VAB (the R&D Lab and Runway lit up in a lovely strobe pattern though as I vainly tried), it makes me very frustrated and makes the mod a bit unplayable. I love this concept but I want my KSP experience to be pleasant and this mod kinda removes that at the moment.

It's up on Github with an open-source license, you could always help out by making those fixes yourself.

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It's up on Github with an open-source license, you could always help out by making those fixes yourself.

Yes I could and clearly I have nothing better to do than to learn code I'm unfamiliar with in the hopes of fixing something that's non-trivial and which I will never be credited for. Now that we've established our mutual ability to be condescending, I'll wait for an answer from the devs.

Devs: My question was information gathering to if there was still effort being devoted to resolving the issues I had seen in both this version and in versions 3.x and 4.x or if they had been deemed unsolvable and weren't being looked at any more? I'm trying to provide feedback so you know that the user base would like to see those issues addressed and asking a question that will help me answer what mods to get in future versions of KSP. Thank you for your time.

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Through a variety of RL events I haven't opened MSVC# in over a month, so nothing yet.

The Space Center bug goes away once you enter and leave a building (TS/VAB/SPH; the other "buildings" are just GUIs). Given that it does go away, it's probably fixable. I have no idea what's causing the other issue (it seems to occur some in regular KSP anyway) so no progress there at all.

Also, why on earth do you think you wouldn't be credited?

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Got the fnal SCANSat map done. In-game it's very high-quality.


*I didn't really consider my orbit all that well, so I ended up spending 44 in-game days to map the entire planet(there might be a spot or two still left unmapped).

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Hi guys,

I'm having a few issues, which despite careful combing of my GameData folder I can't seem to fix. I'm hoping others gave experienced similar issues and can point me in the right direction:

1. If I ever revert a flight to launch, the surface of the planet is travelling at it's angular velocity through a seemingly stationary atmosphere.

2. Whenever I try to resume a flight (either from the tracking station or the map) the entire vessel has vanished bar one small stretchy tank.

I know I am running very close to the RAM limit, but I've been aggressively purging unnecessary parts and using texture reduction packs.


Edited by TheFluffiestThing
Spelling based OCD
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This is most likely the answer to my question, but unfortunately I cannot find that particular line of code anywhere in the RSS.cfg. Is it listed under a different name by any chance?

Thanks for the reply BTW.

These lines
Hi guys,

I'm having a few issues, which despite careful combing of my GameData folder I can't seem to fix. I'm hoping others gave experienced similar issues and can point me in the right direction:

1. If I ever revert a flight to launch, the surface of the planet is travelling at it's angular velocity through a seemingly stationary atmosphere.

2. Whenever I try to resume a flight (either from the tracking station or the map) the entire vessel has vanished bar one small stretchy tank.

I know I am running very close to the RAM limit, but I've been aggressively purging unnecessary parts and using texture reduction packs.


Your symptoms don't sound like you're hitting a memory limit.

You should submit your output_log.txt file (Not the ksp.log in the main KSP folder, you want output_log.txt from the ksp_data folder)

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Did a full uninstall of KSP, everything seems to be fine now, must have screwed up the mod installs somehow.

Now I'm trying to position KSC on Ascension Island, I've got the Lat / Long right, but how do I adjust the rotation of it? (the runway is on a heading of roughly 150) and get the space centre to sit at the correct height above the ground?



KEYname = KSC

//repositionRadial = 158200.0, -220.0, -570000.0

latitude = -7.9150

longitude = -14.3500

repositionRadiusOffset = 53 //42.7000007629395

repositionToSphereSurface = True




//radius = 79637.5

radius = 10000 // KSP: 7500

heightMapDeformity = 80 // was 75

absoluteOffset = 0

absolute = true

latitude = -7.9150

longitude = -14.3500

Cheers :)

Edited by TheFluffiestThing
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In the PQSCity node:

Use repositionRadiusOffset to change the height above the terrain.

Use reorientFinalAngle to change the orientation of the space center.

Is that working now? Capital! It's faux-Baikonur time!

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I know it's in my source. Not sure if the prerelease I upped had it. If it doesn't work for you let me know and I'll reup with the latest.

I'll just compile it myself, no need to trouble yourself unless you're ready for a release.

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I'm waiting on Starwaster's "ready!" (he's been doing work on pressureCurves) so I can fold that into v6. Also HoneyFox fixed the orbits-showing-through-planets thing. So you get more bonus from compiling from source :)

Tom K.: RasterPropMonitor.

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I'm waiting on Starwaster's "ready!" (he's been doing work on pressureCurves) so I can fold that into v6. Also HoneyFox fixed the orbits-showing-through-planets thing. So you get more bonus from compiling from source :)

Tom K.: RasterPropMonitor.

Ah you should already have a pull request for RSS on github.

Earth/Kerbin's curve data is part of the pull with a cutoff of 250. (below 250 to at least 200km you can still quicksave and even exit to space center safely)

I did do curve data for Mars/Duna and I think I emailed that to you but it's only had minimal testing and is not part of what I have on github right now. It goes all the way up to 400km (I think) unless we want to lower it's cutoff. Given that Mars does have a larger atmospheric envelope we should have it higher than Kerbin's. But if you want a lower cutoff I can recalculate that.

If you also want curve data for anything else I think I'm happy enough with the system I have to generate everything else automatically and I can have that done later tonight. (will actually only take maybe ten minutes but it's not ten minutes that I have at the moment)

(actually as I write this I just realized I do have some newer code but it does nothing but move the animation curve parser into a separate function which will be useful if we want to implement non atmospheric curve data that can use the same parser. But aside from that what's on github is totally functional)

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How would I go about fixing this problem.

The island base is mostly underground.



And yes I made a VTOL scout aircraft to fly out there at Mach 3.5 just to look.

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Sax Man Aeronautics: You can compile from source, or grab the pre-release in this post

Hodo: You can duplicate the PQSCity node in the cfg, and change KEYname to IslandAirfield

Here are the original parameters for the Island airfield:

[LOG 19:50:10.604] PQSCity IslandAirfield
[LOG 19:50:10.604] Parent sphere: Kerbin
[LOG 19:50:10.605] order = 100
[LOG 19:50:10.605] reorientToSphere = True
[LOG 19:50:10.606] repositionRadial = (186253.6, -16135.7, -570176.8)
[LOG 19:50:10.606] repositionRadiusOffset = 28
[LOG 19:50:10.606] repositionToSphere = True
[LOG 19:50:10.607] repositionToSphereSurface = True

Try increasnig repositionRadiusOffset to like 40 or so.

so it'd look like

KEYname = IslandAirfield
repositionRadiusOffset = 40

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