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[1.2] Real Solar System v12.0 Dec 8


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Thanks for the reply Starwaster and thanks for the config Nathan. I was playing last night for sometime trying to get the hang of things. Now... I know I've seen people post about this before, but Eve/Venus and Jool/Jupiter seem to have the new texture and the stock textures at the same time.. overlapping eachother and bleeding through. Also aren't the planets supposed to be renamed or, no?

And as for PQS Starwaster I did read that on the Wiki. I understand how they work, but not so much as to how pqs is applied into the mod. Or.. where to even get a PQSMod. Or.. if I'm just completely off base lol.

Edit: Oh.. and is Earth's barycenter supposed to be offset to the point where it's on its surface?

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And as for PQS Starwaster I did read that on the Wiki. I understand how they work, but not so much as to how pqs is applied into the mod. Or.. where to even get a PQSMod. Or.. if I'm just completely off base lol.

look at the realsolarsystem.cfg file. Each world has PQS* sections.

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By the way I have just realized that I forgot to ask about this bit when I was reading it.

When you say a flatter trajectory do you mean turning quicker at the end like the mechjeb turn shape option or starting earlier and keep the whole turn lower in the atmosphere? Or do you mean something else?

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low/normal initial TWR, high final TWR - turning quicker at the end, or in other words: pitching down before your TWR gets unmanageably high (trying to maneuver when your TWR is above 7 g is generally not advised, you will see why if you try (feels like a rodeo))

high initial TWR, normal/high final TWR - starting slightly earlier and turning a little bit more aggresively to keep the whole turn lower

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Thanks again Starwaster. I'll play around with it. As for RSS... Wow. I'm back to square one. Gotta relearn the whole damn game. And I love it! Thanks so much for this. I cannot believe it took me this long to try it.

And I gotta say... Believe it or not x64 with almost ALL the mods in the RealOverhaul is running very nicely with it. 4 hours last night of smooth, new, complex, educational gameplay.

Oh.. there was one more thing. Is Earth's center supposed to be as far off as it is? Simulating some sort of barycenter? Right now its almost half the Earth's diameter away. With the center mark on the surface. The real barycenter is a bit farther in, no?

Edited by Motokid600
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Is the map view bug why Jupiter is freaking out, or is this something new?

From map view, until you get real close... it looks like the clouds are flipping out, but once your close enough it looks fine. All the other planets look great, in map view.

If they're multilayered and the layers are too close together you'll get 'Z-fighting' because the Z buffer isn't precise enough to accurately determine which layer is actually on top of another. Resulting in flickering.

Solution is generally wider separation of the layers. Other solutions include moving the near clip plane deeper into the scene and/or moving it closer to the far clip plane. (which explains why the effect stops as you get closer)

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Yesterday i lunched probe to Jupiter and recorded it;P

Well it wasn't perfect ascend profile by any means(i had so much ÃŽâ€V left on the second stage becouse the carrier rocket was desingned for heavier payloads-8t for LEO)

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Oh.. there was one more thing. Is Earth's center supposed to be as far off as it is? Simulating some sort of barycenter? Right now its almost half the Earth's diameter away. With the center mark on the surface. The real barycenter is a bit farther in, no?

Do you mean the red dot? That is not the barycenter it is the control center where all connections in Remote Tech have to route to.

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Hattivat I have seen some toolbar icons that are unknown to me in your video so what mods do you use?

What did you do near the end when the second booster stage was finally gone? The apoapsis was solid like a rock until that and then suddenly just started to run away like crazy and in a few seconds managed to rise about four kilometres higher then intended. What happened there?

Thank you!

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Mods on the toolbar: Action Group Manager, Chatterer, Connected Living Space, Crew Manifest, Custom Biomes (useful 'cause it's a 23.5 career mode save), Docking Port Alignment Indicator, FAR, Fusebox, KAC, some Mechjeb functions, Science Alert (again, due to it being a career mode save), TAC fuel balancer, TAC life support

As for what I did at the end - I simply wasn't paying enough attention and missed the point at which my periapsis exceeded my apoapsis, therefore becoming the new apoapsis.

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Thank you!

I think that I am starting to get it.

Also that is not related to the video or the launch techniques but what is that mod appearing here and there that makes the surface of the planet deep blue and blurry because of the atmosphere like it is in real life and does it work with the rescaled things?

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You're welcome, I'm glad it helped.

You probably mean some config for Environmental Visual Enhancements, like the Astronomer's Pack or Prot's Renaissance Compilation. Most would not work properly with RSS, but this one was designed specifically for it: http://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/threads/83215-RSS-Visual-Enhancements-WIP?p=1215513

There is no official release for 0.24.2 yet, but it appears that some people managed to get it to work for them (I haven't tried it yet, as I don't have any more memory to spare for visuals, but definitely will once I finally get around installing linux).

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MaxP: If you remove the BoulderCo folder, you have removed all the cloud textures. So I would not recommend doing that. :)

I'm playing 64-bit version, so it seems it is a only way to avoid errors and freezes, and with it the ground straight under the vessel looks very odd.

Anyway, it looks beautiful even without clouds :)

May be there is another way, but I can't find.

Overvhaul version works alike, but looks worse.

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I have a big strange problem with my game.

Yesterday evening it was all running just fine without a problem and as you guess nothing changed since then.

By the way this is a playable version of the two found on my computer and not the realistic one.

When I say that nothing was changed I mean neither of them was changed in any way.

Now it crashes without any reason on every loading attempt. The game finishes loading files and applying all those module manager patches the black screen with orbiting planets in the corner appears but then instead of the main menu nothing happens at all and somewhere around this point a crash report is created. Here is one of them. What do you think could possibly happen here?



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I have a big strange problem with my game.

Yesterday evening it was all running just fine without a problem and as you guess nothing changed since then.

By the way this is a playable version of the two found on my computer and not the realistic one.

When I say that nothing was changed I mean neither of them was changed in any way.

Now it crashes without any reason on every loading attempt. The game finishes loading files and applying all those module manager patches the black screen with orbiting planets in the corner appears but then instead of the main menu nothing happens at all and somewhere around this point a crash report is created. Here is one of them. What do you think could possibly happen here?



Clear as crystal

[ ALLOC_PROFILER ] used: 266364B | peak: 0B | reserved: 8388608B

Could not allocate memory: System out of memory!

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@Kitspace: You are running out of memory. Not sure how this could happen without you changing anything. Are you sure you haven't installed any new mod or changed some graphic settings?

@Motokid600: It uses the planet factory planets to add a bunch more objects than the regular RSS has, ie. Neptune, Ceres, Vesta, Eris, a couple of gas giant moons. It also included proper textures for planets and their moons at the time the regular RSS didn't (ie. regular RSS had Venus that still looked like Eve, just bigger). It's basically a relic of 23.5 days, I don't think it works on 24.2 installs.

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You can get over it and start uninstalling things to bring your memory requirement down. Better ATM configs maybe. Delete parts you don't use from bigger mod packs. Smaller texture sizes for things.

What ever you do, you need to stop posting in the RSS thread about your memory problems.

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