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[1.2] Real Solar System v12.0 Dec 8


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When I approach or leave the SOI of Deimos, the SOI transitions several times back between Deimos and Mars between distances of 35 and 55 km. Is it just floating point errors (since Deimos barely has a SOI) or could I have something messed up? I think Phobos has the problem as well.



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  On 5/11/2016 at 8:43 PM, cantab said:

Known Kopernicus bug. Work around is to start the game, load the save, and go straight into the R&D facility and you'll see the proper science archives. It's only once you go into some other building and back that the archives stop working, until the next time you restart the game.



Thank you. But still need help. Where can I find information about the planets : the inclination of the orbit relative to the Earth and the other ? What data do you need to put in a Mech Jeb (Smart AAS)?

I introduced are:

Heading 54

Pit 35

Rol 0

Still, the difference with the orbit of the Moon was 5.6 degrees . :(


 It was here mod Protracktor, but it does not work in version 1.1.2

Edited by Irenicus
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I found a strange bug regarding time warp and idle (deactivated) reactor cores. I am using Near Future Electrics to be specific. The core's life starts to rapidly count down from full lifespan after max timewarp. (rate7 = 6000000x in config)

Steps to reproduce:

-Place a vessel on the launchpad with a reactor.
-Do not activate the reactor.
-Time warp a couple of years ahead at max warp.
-Activate the reactor
-Watch the core life rapidly count down to 0 after time warp

If I do the same steps, but at the next highest time warp factor all is ok and can time warp till end of time without losing the core's lifespan when idle.

Edited by SkyKaptn
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I tried to create a new launchsite by modifying the LaunchSites.cfg in my RSS-folder. I wanted to add Peenemünde, the "cradle of spaceflight".

I used folowing values:

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But the ground is not flat enough and I am running into some problems on entering / leaving KSC with a Kerbal.

Can someone explaine to me, what those values actually mean and do?

Thank you :)

Edited by grosser_Salat
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Few photos from today's gameplay :P


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Few things i realised, firstly Saturn's rings arent able to seen from Titan, secondly; don't bother yourself to send solar panels to Titan, they are complately useless :D:D 

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  On 5/12/2016 at 3:15 PM, leudaimon said:


I managed to get a Brazilian launch site pretty accurate using this as a guideline. 


Thank you! I will try it as soon as possible (maybe not earlyer than next week :().

If there is no better thread than here, I will post the final result here. I am interested in your other launchsites as well, if you want to share them. Maybe we can complete RSS with all major launchsites https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List_of_rocket_launch_sites :)

While the great modders got other things to do.

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Hello! Whre I can get some higher resolution texture for RSS (exc - Moon)? I have 8K texture...But But still blurry textures... . If the orbit is lower than 200 km - just horrible texture.. If it were possible to import textures with Space Engine..

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I could not resist:

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Got Peenemünde wörking working. Now the RT-config has to be adjusted as well. Does anyone know what Guid means in that context? Like "Guid = 5105f5a9-d628-41c6-ad4b-21154e8fc482"

(When testing it, I ran into a bug, where Earth allways lost its visual atmosphere, when returning to Space Centre and leaving a Kerbal in the country. I do not have time to hunt is bug atm, just wanted to mention it.)

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@grosser_Salatthe GUID is a unique identifier for the specific RT station. This must be different than any other GUID inside the RSS station definitions. Try the following value:


And the problem that you reported happens even for the "official" launch sites, it is not only your launch site.

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  On 5/13/2016 at 9:34 AM, Phineas Freak said:

@grosser_Salatthe GUID is a unique identifier for the specific RT station. This must be different than any other GUID inside the RSS station definitions. Try the following value:


And the problem that you reported happens even for the "official" launch sites, it is not only your launch site.


Thank you!

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@grosser_Salat My Brazilian launch site, with the config settings for the ground station there and another one used downrange (and also some flags):


The remotetech configs must be added manually to the file in the RSS folder.

AFAIK only launch sites that succeeded in launching a satellite are included in RSS.


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Hi guys, I’m new to RSS and I’m having a problem with sunk/floating vessels on KSP 1.1.2 (x64). Every vessel I launch either floats above the ground or is sunk partially, depending on the launch site. Is this a bug or something I have to deal with in RSS?

 RSS (and all the dependencies listed on CKAN) is the only mod I have installed right now.

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  On 5/13/2016 at 11:38 PM, NathanKell said:

@cassmssn tweakscale-FAR bug. Remove tweakscale.


Sry if I didn’t make it clear, the vessel isn’t floating upwards or anything, everything works normal except the vessel isn’t positioned right on the runway/launch pad. This problem also occurs on EVA (see link). Graphic details are set to their highest level, and I only have installed the following mod, no FAR or tweakscale (everything via CKAN):


-KSC Switcher

-Module Manager

-Real Solar System (incl. 2048 textures)


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Hi, right, i have RSS (with 4k textures), kopernicus and realism overhaul installed, alongside a few other mods, but when i load KSP i still have the kerbol system, if anyone knows how i can fix that, that would be splendid! Though i feel like this should be something i can fix easily :/

Also i should probably state i had gotten it to work with CKAN but i wanted to do this all manually so i can control what im downloading n stuff

but yea, pls help <3

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  On 5/14/2016 at 1:03 PM, cassmssn said:

Sry if I didn’t make it clear, the vessel isn’t floating upwards or anything, everything works normal except the vessel isn’t positioned right on the runway/launch pad. This problem also occurs on EVA (see link). Graphic details are set to their highest level, and I only have installed the following mod, no FAR or tweakscale (everything via CKAN):



a workarround solution for all who experience that press ESC > Quick Revert fly > It will be set on correct place that is happen random no mater what texture res are use or what visual pack you will add soo > Quick revert fly

Enjoy it

Edited by Blacks
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  On 5/14/2016 at 3:58 PM, Blacks said:

a workarround solution for all who experience that press ESC > Quick Revert fly > It will be set on correct place that is happen random no mater what texture res are use or what visual pack you will add soo > Quick revert fly

Enjoy it


Thank you!

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I have created a new Biome map that includes all of the Earth's real biomes. There are a couple of new ones added. Would anyone be interested in the file?


  • Ice Caps
  • Tundra
  • Taiga (Boreal Forest)
  • Forest (Temperate Forest)
  • Grasslands
  • Mountains
  • Tropics
  • Savanna
  • Chaparral
  • Desert
  • Shores
  • Water

Let me know and I'll post a link.

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