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[1.2] Real Solar System v12.0 Dec 8


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OK while im here I figured it was right i say what an awesome addition to ksp the realism package as a whole is , didnt take me long to get bored of the stock game but from the moment I installed the realism mods I think it took me nearly 2 weeks to get to the mun and back safely , building something big enough to obtain orbit and able to carry a lander and enough of a transit stage was a mega challenge , now im working on building a station and then im just gonna setup a fueling station to allow the fueling of empty transit stages in orbit , should help me get bigger stages in to orbit without the weight . So cheers NathanKell and all others involved , I work hard all day and have not gamed for a while , took me ages to bother to fire the game up and now im hooked ,

appreciate all you do cheers, heres a screenie of my station as its takin shape (over white land atm lol )


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I've been trying to restore RSS to the way it was pre-v6 (Earth size, real planet orbits, no change to textures/KSC location), and am almost there. Now the only problem is the terrain floating above the KSC. I've just spent almost two hours trying to change different values but can't figure it out. Anyone know what I need to do to fix this?


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Can anyone point me in the right direction to fix this? , ive never had the earth texture before all the time ive had RSS installed , btu how I have this after updating it today


Are you using Active Texture Manager ? If so what version ? I used the earlier version 2.15 on my test install earlier and it did the same thing. Update to the latest version if so might fix this.

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Does anyone else have problems finding an encounter using the maneuver nodes? I've been trying some moon missions, and the game will frequently deny any encounter until I actually fly into the moon's SoI.

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Are you using Active Texture Manager ? If so what version ? I used the earlier version 2.15 on my test install earlier and it did the same thing. Update to the latest version if so might fix this.

no I wasnt but ive just thrown the foder in my gamedata, loading now see what happens :)

ok edit , still white land but holy **** my ram usage just dropped to 1.6 GB , time to ramp up the rendering lol

Edited by sploooshman
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So I just tested the new version of RSS, looks pretty cool. I did find some problems with the new atmospheres.

- Venus's pressure curve wasn't working; changed useLegacyAtmosphere to false

- Mars's pressure curve had some odd entries and you couldn't time warp up to the edge of the SOI; trimmed some values and capped it at 192 km

- Titan's atmosphere was capped too low so the pressure curve above that level wasn't working; changed the cap to the max value on pressure curve

Link to the updated config file. All the atmospheres should work as advertised. Didn't change anything else.

I'm also working on updating some of the other scale configs with the new version RSSv6.

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no I wasnt but ive just thrown the foder in my gamedata, loading now see what happens :)

ok edit , still white land but holy **** my ram usage just dropped to 1.6 GB , time to ramp up the rendering lol

Take a look at the space center and see if the ground is grassland as usual. If yes, try launch a rocket and see how the ground texture change, perhaps it will change from normal grassland to totally white gradually during your ascent.

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So... Any fixes for the white-red kerbin other than upgrading Active Texture Management? I did that, still all white, any ideas? Also, the space center is inside a hole... Im playing with alot of other realism mods, so it may be it (About the hole space center)...

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sploooshman, thanks so much! Glad it's providing exactly the enjoyment (and challenge) I'd wish it to. :)

If you can't resize the texture, btw, let me know and I'll email you a resized copy (you too SlimeCrusher).

JRJJ0: Replace the PQSCity and MapDecalTangent nodes with this:

KEYname = KSC
repositionRadial = 158200.0, -220.0, -570000.0
lodvisibleRangeMult = 6
radius = 75000

That should give you the same KSC and peninsula there was in v5. You also need to remove the heightmap = filename line in PQSMod_VertexHeightmap, and the two SS lines above that point to filenames. I *think* that should do it; you'll get my terrain tweaks but the old heightmap and old scaledspace color/normal maps. Note however that the old heightmap is pretty low resolution, so terrain will be its old blurry/gentle self from earlier RSS versions.

hydropos: make sure you align planes with the moon's orbit before trying to transfer to it.

metaphor: Thanks! Sorry about the stupids/typos, but the problems with atmospheres go deeper; eggrobin is currently redoing them vs. the standard models and best-fit polynomials. Expect much improved curves for v6.1.

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So I just tested the new version of RSS, looks pretty cool. I did find some problems with the new atmospheres.

- Venus's pressure curve wasn't working; changed useLegacyAtmosphere to false

- Mars's pressure curve had some odd entries and you couldn't time warp up to the edge of the SOI; trimmed some values and capped it at 192 km

- Titan's atmosphere was capped too low so the pressure curve above that level wasn't working; changed the cap to the max value on pressure curve

Link to the updated config file. All the atmospheres should work as advertised. Didn't change anything else.

I'm also working on updating some of the other scale configs with the new version RSSv6.

Oh crap seriously?? Looks like I had some spurious keys in there for Mars. Dammit.....

Not sure what you mean though about a 'cap'. There is no cap except for the point in the curve where the value (pressure) = 0. Unless you mean the maxAtmosphereHeight but that doesn't actually affect anything when determining pressure for a given altitude above a body. It might affect third party mods like MechJeb, which uses maxAtmosphereHeight to determine where atmosphere cuts out. From that standpoint we definitely want it to match the final key in the pressureCurve. (although in MJ's case, they're also assuming that the 1e-6 cap is in effect, so that's a problem)

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Oh crap seriously?? Looks like I had some spurious keys in there for Mars. Dammit.....

Not sure what you mean though about a 'cap'. There is no cap except for the point in the curve where the value (pressure) = 0. Unless you mean the maxAtmosphereHeight but that doesn't actually affect anything when determining pressure for a given altitude above a body. It might affect third party mods like MechJeb, which uses maxAtmosphereHeight to determine where atmosphere cuts out. From that standpoint we definitely want it to match the final key in the pressureCurve. (although in MJ's case, they're also assuming that the 1e-6 cap is in effect, so that's a problem)

Yeah, that's what I did, set the 192 km key to 0, and also set it as maxAtmosphereHeight. Similar to what I saw in Kerbin's pressure curve, which works great.

metaphor: Thanks! Sorry about the stupids/typos, but the problems with atmospheres go deeper; eggrobin is currently redoing them vs. the standard models and best-fit polynomials. Expect much improved curves for v6.1.

I noticed that the Venus and Titan curves are purely exponential based on one scale height, not on any real profile (which is pretty different in reality at least for Venus, like in the figure on this page about 1/4 of the way down).

Anyway, I just made an updated config file for the 1/10th scale RSS. Using just the vanilla RSS v6, no Planet Factory. LINK

Important note: you need to delete or move the old config file out of the folder, just renaming it doesn't work.

I didn't know how to lower the max elevation on Kerbin/Earth, so there might be some steep slopes. How do you smooth out a planet's terrain? Would also be useful for Bop and Gilly.

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I noticed that the Venus and Titan curves are purely exponential based on one scale height, not on any real profile (which is pretty different in reality at least for Venus, like in the figure on this page about 1/4 of the way down).

Too many data charts on Venus disagrees with each other. NASA doesn't even have a decent model for it listed at all like they do for Mars or Earth. I'd love to have a better curve for it, but I just can't find any information that fills me with confidence to make one better than what's in there now :( Listed scale heights range from 15-22. Wiki lists it's atmosphere as ending at 250km but I'm a bit skeptical at that.

And we've got a heck of a lot more information on Venus than we do on Titan...

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Have made great progress with my RSS project. Now have a fully functioning ksp original sized RSS that uses standard parts AND with a regular download of Deadly Re-entry provides enough of a challenge to keep me interested at least :P rbrays clouds seem to work ok. New earth looks amazing and so does the moon that was posted a few pages back by AndreyATGB. A re-map of city lights is being done by sippyfrog, Am really impressed by this mod! A real "Game Changer"

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JRJJ0: Replace the PQSCity and MapDecalTangent nodes with this:

KEYname = KSC
repositionRadial = 158200.0, -220.0, -570000.0
lodvisibleRangeMult = 6
radius = 75000

That should give you the same KSC and peninsula there was in v5. You also need to remove the heightmap = filename line in PQSMod_VertexHeightmap, and the two SS lines above that point to filenames. I *think* that should do it; you'll get my terrain tweaks but the old heightmap and old scaledspace color/normal maps. Note however that the old heightmap is pretty low resolution, so terrain will be its old blurry/gentle self from earlier RSS versions.

Thanks Nathan! I've been using UniverseReplacer with a 4K heightmap for a while, so the default resolution hasn't been a problem. The PQSCity and MapDecalTangent got me pretty close, but KSC was still a bit underground. I got it now; here it is if anyone wants to use it:

KEYname = KSC
repositionRadial = 158200.0, -220.0, -570000.0
lodvisibleRangeMult = 6
repositionToSphereSurface = false
repositionRadiusOffset = 53
radius = 75000

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JRJJ0: Thanks for posting your settings for the KSC location. Are you using 10 x sized stock KSP solar system? Or are you using real world solar system with Earth sized Kerbin instead of Earth? If the latter, how do you achieve this? I can't decide whether to go with Earth or Kerbin right now, but I want the real solar system. Choices....

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Hey guys!

I have a problem here. My KSC seems to be stuck underground. Also, only Kerbin, Eve and Moho have new orbits. Everything else is still in the equatorial plane. Could anyone please help me with that?

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hydropos: make sure you align planes with the moon's orbit before trying to transfer to it.

I was so aligned that just rotating the capsule with the SAS would move the ascending node around. It turns out part of the problem was setting the Moon as target. If I just used the targeting system to align planes, then unset target, things got better. Although I still had to repeatedly click the node position to get the encounter to show up, even for very low (7km) periapses.

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JRJJ0: Thanks for posting your settings for the KSC location. Are you using 10 x sized stock KSP solar system? Or are you using real world solar system with Earth sized Kerbin instead of Earth? If the latter, how do you achieve this? I can't decide whether to go with Earth or Kerbin right now, but I want the real solar system. Choices....

I'm using the latter; real life sizes and orbits, but with Kerbin still Kerbin. To do it, replace your PQSCity and PQS_MapDecalTangent with the ones I posted, and comment out any lines that reference the textures (search for .png).

Fake edit: Decided I'd just upload my config to make it easier. Here you go.

It's not perfect, but works with both default Kerbin and the 8K texture/4K heightmap I use. If you need to raise/lower the KSC buildings change the repositionRadiusOffset value under PQSCity.

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Thanks Nathan! I've been using UniverseReplacer with a 4K heightmap for a while, so the default resolution hasn't been a problem.

Nope, that's a normal map for the scaled space mesh. I'm talking about a heightmap for PQS, and RSS (or PlanetFactory CE) is the only way to change that.

Hey guys!

I have a problem here. My KSC seems to be stuck underground. Also, only Kerbin, Eve and Moho have new orbits. Everything else is still in the equatorial plane. Could anyone please help me with that?

Output_log.txt please

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Great mod. I just spent a few hours reenacting Almaz. This mod is what KSP should be. Stock KSP really lacks perspective in comparison.


More pics: http://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/entries/1411-My-Day-with-Reality

Sweet mother of God and all that is holy, struggling to breath a bit here.. Is this a high res earth texture? Where can get? or was it the one on the OP?

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