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[1.2] Real Solar System v12.0 Dec 8


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  braininator said:
The ships tearing apart is part of far now. He added dynamic pressure. Scott Manley shows this re added feature in this video. http://m.youtube.com/user/szyzyg if you don't have far installed IDK what the issue is.

OOooooo I forgot about that. I turned that off because I had wings tearing off of my spaceplane at 100m/s when it was still trying to take off.

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  braininator said:
The ships tearing apart is part of far now. He added dynamic pressure. Scott Manley shows this re added feature in this video. http://m.youtube.com/user/szyzyg if you don't have far installed IDK what the issue is.
  Starwaster said:
OOooooo I forgot about that. I turned that off because I had wings tearing off of my spaceplane at 100m/s when it was still trying to take off.

I just realized I haven't actually PLAYED this game in almost a month while I've been playing around with maps and image mosaics. Sounds like I need to go through and update everything before I try to start launching stuff again rather than just hyperediting everything around to check my work...

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  von Ziegendorf said:
Hi, this mod is amazing! Just upgraded old version to 6.1 and that's the result:

how is your venus correct colour? is this standard RSS or sovereign's version of RSS?

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  SpacedInvader said:
I just realized I haven't actually PLAYED this game in almost a month while I've been playing around with maps and image mosaics. Sounds like I need to go through and update everything before I try to start launching stuff again rather than just hyperediting everything around to check my work...

kinda same here. I havent done much playing :(

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For those playing with RemoteTech, and RSS' latest inclusion of extra launch sites, I've done a RT2 Settings config to place ground stations at all of said launch sites.


Fair warning: You might want to turn off RT2 displaying ALL antenna connections on the in-flight map view, and instead show only your ship's connection line. Otherwise it will be... cluttered. :P

Edited by CerberusRCAF
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  Probus said:
I posted this in addon requests but I wanted to ask Nathan. I figure you know exactly how hard it would be to I've been playing RSS and love it. How hard would it be to create a mod that randomly does the following:

1 rearranges the planets and moons with randomized names and orbits.

2 alters gravities.

3 alters planet/moon size.

4 alters atmosphere heights and densities.

5 alters low and high altitudes.

6 Randomized biomes on each new planet (already a mod) w/mapping support.

I've found it adds a huge amount of fun discovering all these features with probes instead of just looking them up in a wiki.

I don't know how hard it would be to implement any/all of these features but it would be wonderful if the mods are not too difficult.

Actually it wouldn't be that hard. You'd just need to have a way to change the RSS config file from inside the game.

I've had this idea for an interstellar mod for a while, where you could go from one star system to another, with the planets at each system randomized. Instead of all the star systems being rendered in the same game, the mod would create a new save for each new star system, so each save would basically be the Kerbol system but randomized. It's possible for vessels to be transferred from one save to another in-game, so travel between the systems would be possible (with a transfer condition like needing a certain speed and distance from the star). And since each one is put on a new save, the number of systems would be unlimited.

Anyone interested in a mod like that?

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  metaphor said:
Actually it wouldn't be that hard. You'd just need to have a way to change the RSS config file from inside the game.

I've had this idea for an interstellar mod for a while, where you could go from one star system to another, with the planets at each system randomized. Instead of all the star systems being rendered in the same game, the mod would create a new save for each new star system, so each save would basically be the Kerbol system but randomized. It's possible for vessels to be transferred from one save to another in-game, so travel between the systems would be possible (with a transfer condition like needing a certain speed and distance from the star). And since each one is put on a new save, the number of systems would be unlimited.

Anyone interested in a mod like that?

Sounds interesting!

But no FTL drives.

And no time-warping. Realtime only!

(ok ok just kidding about those last bits....)

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  metaphor said:
Actually it wouldn't be that hard. You'd just need to have a way to change the RSS config file from inside the game.

I've had this idea for an interstellar mod for a while, where you could go from one star system to another, with the planets at each system randomized. Instead of all the star systems being rendered in the same game, the mod would create a new save for each new star system, so each save would basically be the Kerbol system but randomized. It's possible for vessels to be transferred from one save to another in-game, so travel between the systems would be possible (with a transfer condition like needing a certain speed and distance from the star). And since each one is put on a new save, the number of systems would be unlimited.

Anyone interested in a mod like that?

I like the idea, but you'd need to have a Kerbin with no KSC already, or else it would just be kinda weird. It might even be worthwhile to just randomize the PQS for each planet on top of moving the planets around, so that each new system would really be a new system rather than a reshuffled version of the original. Not sure how hard it would be to implement something like that while keeping the results somewhat within the realm of reality...

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  BadRocketsCo. said:
Does anyone know, how to fix that thing?

Is that supposed to be for Earth or Kerbin? Did you delete the files that make it Earth? If so then you need to edit RealSolarSystem.cfg and delete the Kerbin node that says PQSCity (keyName = KSC)

Or if you're using someone else's config then they screwed up KSC's placement.

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Before I had an older version, where Kerbin still looked like Kerbin. So now I FINALLY installed the new version and then THIS happened. It is quite hilarious, but the space center is more useful on the ground :D .

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  Starwaster said:
Is that supposed to be for Earth or Kerbin? Did you delete the files that make it Earth? If so then you need to edit RealSolarSystem.cfg and delete the Kerbin node that says PQSCity (keyName = KSC)

Or if you're using someone else's config then they screwed up KSC's placement.

Nope, I haven´t deleted anything. What do you mean "For earth or for Kerbin"? If you mean, that do I have the resized version, then it is for Earth...I guess.

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  BadRocketsCo. said:
Nope, I haven´t deleted anything. What do you mean "For earth or for Kerbin"? If you mean, that do I have the resized version, then it is for Earth...I guess.

Mmmmmmm you really don't know what planet you're on?

Just do what SI said and nuke the entire RSS folder and redownload/reinstall.

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