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[1.2] Real Solar System v12.0 Dec 8


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I have found some funny thing in Earth biome maps.

screenshot76.pngDo you seriously consider Kunlun mountains south of Tarim basin a "highland"?

(surface coordinates are visible in Surface Info Mechjeb window, 35º 36'N 84º 17'E, biome is shown in Flight Info window as Upper atmosphere of Eartg Highlands).

another oddity in this picture is that MechJeb shows terrain height ~11km: ASL altitude 66.32 km, true altitude is 55.26 km.

Also I think, calling area around Bajkonur a "highland" is also an overstretch, but in other direction. 


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Hello, i have a small problem with RO/RSS, RCS doesnt work if i put monoproppellant or if i even cheated "infinite fuel". How can i use RCS in RSS/RO ?

Is there any file to use stock RCS ? :P

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NathanKell.. I have a problem... I downloaded RSS and Kopernicus, And the textures, Im using 2048, but I cant seem to add the earth textures, or the planets textures.. nor RSS works... the RSS texture zip file was master.. and it got more confusing with the other one.. the moon/mars biome.. and also, I dont know how to add the textures, CKAN does not work too D: so I need a in-detail instruction on how to do this.. using the master version of the RSS textures (Im such a noob) woops, I need to place this in RO... or do I not?

Edited by KerbalsForDummies
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The OP of this thread does include the instructions. It includes a link to the place to download the textures; once there, the page instructs you to pick a resolution (say, 2048). So download that zip (2048.zip). Inside that zip will be a readme file that explains exactly how to install the textures. :)

You should not be downloading any repositories directly, or sources, just release zips.

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So I've had this bug occurring a few times, after time warping for long periods of time (in the space center), spacecraft would explode upon returning to them attacked by the Kraken, flight log would record "crashed with launch pad" which is quite odd lol.


Any known fixes? I don't have any mods that aren't among the "required" to play realism overhaul.


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So, I got a probe that was landed as Venus that teleported to Ganymede...

Any ideas on what could have caused this ? I don't remember updating/modifying my RSS install lately.

Also, anyone already had something similar ? I would like to avoid having Moon bases teleporting to Pluto if possible :P

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  On 12/9/2015 at 1:35 PM, Phineas Freak said:

There was an issue once with Kopernicus where some body IDs were changed. But this was before the 1.0.5 update.

Did you encounter this on a clean RSS installation or on an upgraded one?


That is what I originally thought, but I'm still on KSP 1.0.4 and RSS 10.3.1: I haven't changed anything for some time. At least since last time I checked, when my probe was still at Venus.

Edited by Gaarst
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does anyone know how much memory this mod uses? my game keeps crashing and im wondering if installing this mod pushed me over the memory limit for the game (damn 32 bit .exe)

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  On 11/4/2015 at 10:13 PM, chrisl said:

Just out of curiosity, did the targetBody values change in 10.3 and/or 10.3.1? I had some contracts that were sending me to Mars, Phobos and Deimos. After upgrading to 10.3.1 suddenly those contracts are sending me to Saturn, Ganymede and Neptune.


@GaarstThat is the only thing that i could find that matches somewhat your situation. Other than that, i do not know :(.

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First, you should be asking in the RO thread; this is the thread for the planets and moons themselves, not part changes from the RO mod. :)


As to the issue: Are you sure they are producing 0 electricity, even when 'exposure' is 1.0 ? Because some solar panels are very weak indeed.

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I need to know this because of a realistic military challenge I am posting on the forums, conducted with RO (and your RSS). Because the challenge will be dependent on tactics and strategy, simulating real-life combat situations in real-life war torn locations (vietnam, Iran, Kuwait...), I have to ask about the quality of Earth's height map. How is it?

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  On 12/17/2015 at 7:11 AM, 073198681 said:

I need to know this because of a realistic military challenge I am posting on the forums, conducted with RO (and your RSS). Because the challenge will be dependent on tactics and strategy, simulating real-life combat situations in real-life war torn locations (vietnam, Iran, Kuwait...), I have to ask about the quality of Earth's height map. How is it?


Not good... !

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Playing around with the KOS mod (I like to tinkle ) with automating launches, docking etc...

Got as far as launch to orbit with RSS/RO, with some nice engine control using a Bit-Banging method on multiple small engine.

(An example how to use non-throttleable engines for more precise control)

Satellite (5 tons): https://www.dropbox.com/s/1df0y8076bplpx0/KosSat.mp4?dl=0  (95MB = 09:45)

ISS bits (50 tons): https://www.dropbox.com/s/rz92i7lfvqje8e9/Kos_ISS.mp4?dl=0 (9MB = a few seconds)

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The height map resolution AFAIK is not that great... I don't think KSP can handle that much data, and your frame rate would probably come to a standstill.

So I don't think there can be be fixing to do....  and I wouldn't know when, as I'm not involved with any KSP/RSS/RO development.

Remember KSP, besides being nice for building things(minecraft like), is not really a high performance game... for better maps you should try Orbiter (free), but it's a different ball game and doesn't have as many toys... but it has a nicer developer kit.. where you can also make your own things.. from scratch though.


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