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[1.2] Real Solar System v12.0 Dec 8


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NathanKell could you help me out? I removed terrain of the planet so I get huge boost of ram/stability when on Earth and I want to lower NORMALmap/textures to ground level, but can't find in your configs. Could you write what to do exaclty? Thanks :)

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@Phineas Freak I mannaged to tweak stuff and now with ton of mods my game runs with no lag and no crashes, of course Earth is complete round with no mountains, but I still spend time in VAB and then straight to space :)  Would be great if some modder could make it so textures would be renderable (near ground very detail and then fade to low when in altitudes). Then it would look great and work with huge performence.

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I have this problem that the science archives still shows the old stock planets (for the filters, the reports are fine.) It's quite complicated though, for instance if I open the science center directly after loading, it shows the real planets. But after I've controlled a spacecraft and return to the Space Center it shows the stock planets.

It is somewhat irritating, but not game breaking. Does anyone else have this issue?

*I use RSS 11.2 with kopernicus 1.0.5 on KSP 1.1.2 (and RO 11.0.1). I already tried freshly installing the mods on a clean install.

**Oh by the way, many thanks to all the modders involved in these awesome mods! RSS + RO and RP-0 really turn KSP into a completely different game

Edited by Krankenhausen
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I was trying to get an RP-0 install to work and I'm having the strangest bug. When i was launching a starter sounding rocket it began slowly sliding upwards through itself on the launch clamp. Like the engine and fuel tank went up but the avionics package and parachute stayed put. Then I tried to detach the launch clamp and my rocket began moving upwards at about half a meter per second despite having a TWR of 1.63. I have been playing ksp since 2012 and have never seen anything like this at all. I am positing this here because i have no idea what the cause is if anyone can help me that would be awesome.

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  On 6/12/2016 at 6:48 PM, LORDPrometheus said:

I was trying to get an RP-0 install to work and I'm having the strangest bug. When i was launching a starter sounding rocket it began slowly sliding upwards through itself on the launch clamp. Like the engine and fuel tank went up but the avionics package and parachute stayed put. Then I tried to detach the launch clamp and my rocket began moving upwards at about half a meter per second despite having a TWR of 1.63. I have been playing ksp since 2012 and have never seen anything like this at all. I am positing this here because i have no idea what the cause is if anyone can help me that would be awesome.


Sounds like TweakScale <> FAR conflict again. You got tweakscaled fins on that rocket? If so, either remove them or adjust their mass / strength modifier in the VAB according to the re-scale factor. See if that helps...

If in doubt, try without TweakScale :wink:


Edited by TrooperCooper
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There ssems to be a problem in my install. That or i am stoopid. Probably stoopid.

However, it seems to me that the communotron32 is a tad too powerfull. It says it is supposed to get up to 16mM of range. However right now my vessel is all the way out at the moon, only having the communotron32 activated. It still is connected to the ground station/s. Why is that? Maybe just wrong range in the description? i have not tried sending probes out furtzer than the moon so i do not know where the link breaks and if it breaks at all.

And yes i am talking about RemoteTech restrictions here. But i figure it still should be asked here.


EDIT: Found it. For Anyone looking for that answer: https://www.reddit.com/r/RealSolarSystem/comments/3hu5bo/is_there_a_guide_to_understanding_remote_tech_in/

Edited by angrybold
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Is 11.3 supposed to be a release as it stands ? Because right now, KSP 1.1.3 doesn't appear to detect it (stock install, with only RSS; I have the textures and stuff) and Kerbin is still there.

Will try with 11.2 and wait for the "official" 11.3.

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  On 6/22/2016 at 2:13 PM, Gaarst said:

Is 11.3 supposed to be a release as it stands ? Because right now, KSP 1.1.3 doesn't appear to detect it (stock install, with only RSS; I have the textures and stuff) and Kerbin is still there.

Will try with 11.2 and wait for the "official" 11.3.


The issue is with Kopernicus. Once that gets updated, then you'll be able to play the RSS update. 

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  On 6/22/2016 at 2:15 PM, pap1723 said:

The issue is with Kopernicus. Once that gets updated, then you'll be able to play the RSS update. 


Yeah, just tried with 11.2 and it doesn't work either. An issue with Kopernicus was probably what I would have looked into next. Thanks for the answer !

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  On 6/22/2016 at 10:27 PM, grant977 said:

I am having trouble I have tried many times to install this through ckan and it never works. I always have the regular kerbal system.


Kopernicus doesn't work on 1.1.3. If you're using that version, that is why you are still on Kerbin.

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I know the release version is on Github, but it has the old version of Kopernicus so it is not working with 1.1.3. If you delete the Kopernicus folder from your download and use the new Kopernicus 1.1 from their site it works.

Just wanted to let you know!

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  • Basic resource support thanks to Kerbas-ad-astra.
  • Fix an issue with Boca thanks to BevoLJ.
  • Improved oblateness thanks to Sigma88.
  • Fix some rotations thanks to Sigma88.
  • Fix more launch sites thanks to miki-g.
  • Atmosphere improvements thanks to OhioBob.
  • Fix an issue with Mars PQS thanks to Sigma88.
  • Set navball to change surf<->orbit at the Karman line (requires KSP 1.1.3).
  • Change inverse rotation threshold for Earth to 145km.


I have edited the release to state it is for 1.1.2 only. I will release again when I am sure of a stable Kopernicus for 1.1.3.


The inverse rotation threshold is that point where the universe stops rotating. Below it, instead of the planet rotating, the universe rotates around the planet.

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Help! I'm on (x64) and after applying all updates through ckan, including RSS and Kopernicus, I now have the stock kerbol solar system! Although mixed with earth textures :S
What should I do?

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  On 6/23/2016 at 5:42 AM, NathanKell said:


  • Basic resource support thanks to Kerbas-ad-astra.
  • Fix an issue with Boca thanks to BevoLJ.
  • Improved oblateness thanks to Sigma88.
  • Fix some rotations thanks to Sigma88.
  • Fix more launch sites thanks to miki-g.
  • Atmosphere improvements thanks to OhioBob.
  • Fix an issue with Mars PQS thanks to Sigma88.
  • Set navball to change surf<->orbit at the Karman line (requires KSP 1.1.3).
  • Change inverse rotation threshold for Earth to 145km.


I have edited the release to state it is for 1.1.2 only. I will release again when I am sure of a stable Kopernicus for 1.1.3.


The inverse rotation threshold is that point where the universe stops rotating. Below it, instead of the planet rotating, the universe rotates around the planet.


Are all inverse rotation thresholds for objects with atmosphere are above of theirs atmosphere limits?

Objects with atmosphere are Venus, Earth, Mars, Jupiter, Saturn, Titan, Uranus, Neptune, Triton and Pluto.


I updated to 1.1.3 so I cant touch RSS update for now :P


Edited by raxo2222
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