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[1.8.x-1.12.x] Module Manager 4.2.3 (July 03th 2023) - Fireworks season


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  On 12/23/2015 at 1:20 PM, Whitecold said:

Is there any way to access the EVA report / Surface Sample with module manager? I would like to modify specifically the xtransmit value, so you have to return reports to Kerbin for full science


You can use a mod by toadicus called EVAManager.  In fact, KerbMav did just as you're asking, with the patch in this post and the results in this one.

  On 12/23/2015 at 2:36 PM, Sigma88 said:

You can find all the definitions in GameData/Squad/.../Sciencedefs.cfg


I can't quite remember the path, should be easy to find anyway.

Once you find that cfg you can look at its structure and write a mm patch to edit the values you want


The experiment definitions live in that CFG, but the actual xmitDataScalar values live in the individual experiment parts, which obviously doesn't apply for Kerbals -- EVAManager is necessary to get at those.

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I'm trying to make a moon for Dres for the Kopernicus Creativity Marathon, and I appear to have an issue with the brackets for the Biomes nodes. Is there something wrong here that Module Manager cannot read?

	name = [Not Important]
	cacheFile = [Not Important]
	flightGlobalsIndex = 133
      	description = [Not Important]
        radius = 32000
        geeASL = 0.008
	rotates = true
	inverseRotation = false
	tidallyLocked = true

	biomeMap = [Not Important]

		name = [Not Important]
		value = 1.5
		color = 1,0,0,1
		name = [Not Important]
		value = 1.5
		color = 0,1,0,1
		name = [Not Important]
		value = 1.0
		color = 0,0,1,1
		name = [Not Important]
		value = 1.0
		color = 1,0,1,1
		name = [Not Important]
		value = 0.5
		color = 0,1,1,1

	    landedDataValue = 10
	    inSpaceLowDataValue = 9
	    inSpaceHighDataValue = 7.5
	    recoveryValue = 8

            referenceBody = Dres
            color = 0.0,0.53,0.65,1
            inclination = -7.88
            eccentricity = 0.105
            semiMajorAxis = 2530961
            longitudeOfAscendingNode = 10
            argumentOfPeriapsis = 5
            meanAnomalyAtEpoch = 0
            epoch = 134

	type = Vacuum
	fadeStart = 2
	fadeEnd = 15

	    texture = [Not Important]
	    normals = [Not Important]
	    shininess = 0
	    specular = 0,0,0,1

        maxQuadLengthsPerFrame = 0.03
        minLevel = 2
        maxLevel = 5
        minDetailDistance = 8
                map = [Not Important]
                order = 9999999
                enabled = true

		map = [Not Important]
                deformity = 3695
		offset = -865.43
                order = 9999999
                enabled = true

		seed = 738112.0
                deformity = 339.56
                octaves = 5.0
                persistence = 0.5
                frequency = 6.0
                enabled = true
                order = 21

		seed = 4234
		deformity = 400
		octaves = 6.0
		persistence = 0.5
		frequency = 18.0
		enabled = true
		order = 30


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  On 12/25/2015 at 2:35 PM, huntjd1 said:

I am wanting to install some mods that require this mod.  The trouble is that the download links for this mod appear to be broken.  Can anybody give me a active link to download the latest version.  Thanks.



The links are not broken, the new forum just somehow makes them unclickable. In FF, right-click and 'Open in new tab' works fine.

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  On 12/25/2015 at 3:24 PM, swjr-swis said:

The links are not broken, the new forum just somehow makes them unclickable. In FF, right-click and 'Open in new tab' works fine.


Weird...They all click fine for me... I'm on FF, with several "paranoia" plugins, too... Sarbian obviously fixed the OP on/before Dec 2...

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  On 12/29/2015 at 4:52 PM, ev0 said:

How would I make an MM file come after a mod which already uses the FINAL tag? Just a combination of AFTER[mod]:FINAL?


you need to put it in a folder that comes after alphabetically, or in the same folder but in a cfg with a name that comes after alphabetically

(and use :FINAL of course)

Edited by Sigma88
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  On 12/29/2015 at 5:37 PM, Sigma88 said:

you need to put it in a folder that comes after alphabetically, or in the same folder but in a cfg with a name that comes after alphabetically

(and use :FINAL of course)



  On 12/29/2015 at 6:04 PM, sarbian said:

and smack on the head the dev who used FINAL since it should be only for user customisation.


Thanks, that's what I thought I had to do (both responses:wink:). I wish there was a different way than having to name my mod "zzzModName" though.

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that might be my fault from the MK2 integration patches... I kept running into problems with random part pack X having its own set of MM patches for MFT, IFS or FS, which caused conflicts with my generic IFS patch set - unless there is a way to dynamically alter placement (i.e. 'run after/before any other patch that alters module X, except for First/Final) I have no other way to garauntee that other than use of FIRST & LAST

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  On 12/30/2015 at 5:32 AM, ABZB said:

that might be my fault from the MK2 integration patches... I kept running into problems with random part pack X having its own set of MM patches for MFT, IFS or FS, which caused conflicts with my generic IFS patch set - unless there is a way to dynamically alter placement (i.e. 'run after/before any other patch that alters module X, except for First/Final) I have no other way to garauntee that other than use of FIRST & LAST


Nope! Not directly at least. I actually had to use FINAL myself (smack). It's just easier than using a bunch of AFTERs on different mods that might change the same key, and yours needs to be last.

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  On 12/30/2015 at 6:02 AM, ev0 said:

Nope! Not directly at least. I actually had to use FINAL myself (smack). It's just easier than using a bunch of AFTERs on different mods that might change the same key, and yours needs to be last.


you can just use :FOR[zzz] instead of :FINAL

it's ugly but you will allow anyone to force their things after yours if they wish (using :FOR[zzzz] for example)

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  On 12/30/2015 at 11:11 AM, Sigma88 said:

you can just use :FOR[zzz] instead of :FINAL

it's ugly but you will allow anyone to force their things after yours if they wish (using :FOR[zzzz] for example)


Just to clarify, what is "zzz" in this case? My mod's folder name (read: zzz in GameData), or just a random set of characters that has nothing to do with GameData folder names?

Or is your example of ":FOR[zzz]" supposed to read ":FOR[zzzModName]" where I just slap on some z's in front of my mod's folder name in the GameData folder?

Edited by ev0
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  On 12/30/2015 at 1:46 PM, ev0 said:

Just to clarify, what is "zzz" in this case? My mod's folder name (read: zzz in GameData), or just a random set of characters that has nothing to do with GameData folder names?

Or is your example of ":FOR[zzz]" supposed to read ":FOR[zzzModName]" where I just slap on some z's in front of my mod's folder name in the GameData folder?


It just uses alphabetical order to force your change to the end of the mod list MM runs through when applying changes

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Quick question- I've been thinking that instead of using hardware in Mechjeb to enable the functionality it would be interesting to have pilots unlock the abilities at level 4 and 5, and maybe high level probe cores could do some things as well. Is this possible using ModuleManager?

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So, I may be insane. Having said that, is there any way currently to do arithmetic on wildcarded nodes?

I'm slowly learning the abilities and limitations of the functions available, so bear with me a minute.

I'm not certain how to verbalize what i'm asking, so i'll leave a code block. (How would you verbalize this, anyway?)

node_stack_top    = 0.0, 0.1, 0.0, 0.0, 1.0, 0.0, 1
node_stack_bottom = 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, -1.0, 0.0, 1
node_stack_bottom01 = 0.5, 0.0, 0.0, 0.0, -1.0, 0.0, 1
node_stack_bottom_i = X,Y,Z,blah,etc,,,

Is there any way to operate on X,Y,Z for every node that matches node_stack_*, node_attach, etc, but not ,blah,etc,...?

(Alternatively, forget the wild card; is there anyway to do that sort of in place list edit without grabbing each indexed value into a variable(s) and rewriting/reconstructing the entire string at the end? That's the only way I know/have found to do it currently.)

Something like

	NewX = #$node_stack_*[0]$
	@NewX += 5
	@node_stack_* = #$NewX$,...(This is the part I strugle to conceptulize)...,...
	NewY = ...Etc

I suspect the functionality does not exist currently, but this issue on github sounds like it may do something similar to what is described here. (Probably not in reality, but a guy can hope, right? :D )

The problem is not impossible to brute force, but I would categorize it as daunting. Yes, its attach nodes specifically i'm trying to operate on. Why I say it's possible, is that they have a set number of indices, or at least I think so... This has been an adventure of learning!

Thanks all! 

Edited by komodo
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  On 12/31/2015 at 3:13 AM, blowfish said:

@komodo unrelated to your question, but as far as KSP is concerned, node_stack_bottom and node_stack_bottom_i are the same.  It splits by all underscores and only saves the third element as the node name.


Thanks!, that's handy to know. It was just an example I made up, but that makes the configs i've seen thus far more clear. It does make a split between node_stack_bottom/top and node_attach, though? And somewhere there is a NODE{} system that isn't really used?... :confused:  I let the emoticon speak for me, haha. I appreciate the help though for sure!

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  On 12/31/2015 at 4:45 AM, komodo said:

Thanks!, that's handy to know. It was just an example I made up, but that makes the configs i've seen thus far more clear. It does make a split between node_stack_bottom/top and node_attach, though? And somewhere there is a NODE{} system that isn't really used?... :confused:  I let the emoticon speak for me, haha. I appreciate the help though for sure!


It uses the first to identify that it is a node, and the second to identify the type of node (stack, attach, dock).  The third is used as the name, and the rest are ignored.  NODE {} I know less about, except that I've heard it has bugs.

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  On 12/30/2015 at 11:12 PM, Waxing_Kibbous said:

Quick question- I've been thinking that instead of using hardware in Mechjeb to enable the functionality it would be interesting to have pilots unlock the abilities at level 4 and 5, and maybe high level probe cores could do some things as well. Is this possible using ModuleManager?


Not with MM. It require changes in MJ. I have been thinking about having an option to do that but it won't come for a while. My current goal is to rewrite some part of MJ that I will need to change before 1.1. I ll try to add a modular way to unblock functions while doing that.

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