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Funnest planet to rove?


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So I want to build a manned rover, just wondering what planet or moon would be the most fun to rove? I'm not a big fan of places like the mun for this cause you just go flying. I'd like a more solid feel than that, somewhere I can't fly with RCS.

What's your favourite place to use rovers?

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Oh come on the Mun is a great place to rove. Slap on some ASAS and you can go anywhere. Especiallly the new Mun where you can fly into craters. But for your type of roving you would be best off on Kerbin.

Agree with you mun is very fun, If you don't like the long jumps Kerbin is nice and close, easy to reach anyplace with plane or suborbital, you can just recover the kerbal after you wreck the rover and lots of different terrains.

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I've had great fun driving rovers around Kerbin. Still plenty of hazards, and plenty of hazard recovery to do. After all, making a VTOL capable vehicle that drives is a great strategy to get over mountains and oceans.

Just, um, remember to pack parachutes.

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Kerbin and the Mun have plenty of things to drive over.

Minmus is a good place to set speed records.

Gilly is lulz, these trips don't tend to end well.

Otherwise, the moons of Jool provide plenty of nice views if you get the right side. I'd recommend Vall, because roadtrips on Laythe don't last long, and the others are a bit too far out.

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Most rovers I've played around with on Kerbin end up on Eve after a while. The gravity makes it easier to drive around without flipping, and Eve's atmosphere makes it possible to land a rover without really having to worry about silly things like slowing down using engines; just drop the rover into an atmosphere-encountering trajectory and deploy the parachutes when necessary. Duna is much the same story, but it's not possible to fly in at 4km/s and survive.

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Suprisingly I've never been to Val or Tylo. Only two places I haven't visited (okay, I just lied, I haven't been to Eyloo either since it was added).

Duna is lots of fun. The Mun can be too.

For places like Minmus, Bop and Gilly I don't bother roving. I make little RCS jump vehicles that I can dock to the top of my lander for refueling. Pretty much just a panel, reaction wheel, battery pack, a few small solar panels, RCS jets, RCS tanks a light and a seat. Lots and lots of fun and you can cover a heck of a lot of the planet.

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Not sure why so many are recommending Tylo. On the surface it's pretty boring. Like a poor mans mun.

I know it's high gravity means rovers will work very well there...... but it's not going to be anywhere near as interesting to explore as one of the more detailed places like the Mun, Duna or Eve.

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