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Career mode starter ships.

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Having trouble getting your space program off the ground? Then here's a helping hand from your friends at Yeahletstrythatdyne.

The S-10 Hypothesis uses only parts available at the beginning of the game.


The ship is capable of suborbital flights which can carry you either straight up about 480km,


or laterally about 1/4th of Kerbin's circumference.


The thrust/weight ratio is balanced so that you can run at full throttle as long as fuel lasts, and the ship will move at just about optimal ascent speed. Since power is limited, only transmit data while the engine is running. The parachutes will bring the ship down at a safe speed.



Caution: the ship may take some damage upon landing. But the capsule is completely guaranteed* to survive with pilot and data intact.

*Warrantee void for Kerbin residents.


S-10 craft file: http://www./?86bc55feawftwdp

One S-10 flight should earn you enough points to unlock the second tech tier, and in so doing move up to the luxurious S-12 Experiment.


Exploiting the marvels of vertical staging technology, the Experiment can attain Kerbin orbit


while carrying a pilot and 2 Mystery Goo pods. Note, however, that in the current science system, there is no benefit to lingering in orbit, as the same experiments and data can be performed and collected at other altitudes. But we at Yeahletstrythatdyne have given the S-12 this orbital capability because we know new pilots will be anxious to play with it. :D


Again thanks to vertical staging, return to Kerbin is much simpler for S-12 missions than with the S-10.


S-12 craft file: OBSOLETE

One or two S-12 flights will advance you to tech tier 2, making the S-13 Confirmation possible, and with it, the moons are within your grasp.


Shedding several stages along the way,



the S-13 will soon deliver your intrepid explorer and 2 goo pods to the surface of the Kerbin moon of your choice.


We at Yeahletstrythatdyne try to give you newbie training products that are fool-proofed and easy to use, however, these starter rockets are a bit of a departure for us, as they are pushing the edge of the technological envelope. Launch stages are a bit difficult to steer, and the S-13's bare-bones design means that the pilot must hop or RCS to and from the door of the munar lander. Also, since the S-13's lander engine does not produce electricity, all of the mission from final landing approach to splashdown must be performed with the capsule's storage limit of 50 power points. This should be sufficient, but explains why the lander stage houses no antennas; transmission would exhaust the power supply. However, don't let all of that scare you! The S-13 is fully capable of returning its payload of pilot and scientific equipment to Kerbin.


S-13 craft file: OBSOLETE

Need some training before you can use these rockets? Then checkout these other Yeahletstrythatdyne (sandbox mode) ships and tutorials:

Getting to orbit: OBSOLETE

Getting to the moons: OBSOLETE

Edited by Vanamonde
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  • 4 weeks later...

Maybe I'm getting something wrong: the S-12 set-up does not even lifts off in my case. I've also checked with the Kerbal Engineer Redux mod and the TWR for the main stage is < 1.

I'm desperately trying to go into orbit in career mode, but I'm stuck: I cannot find a powerful enough configuration which is also weight balanced (and does not sway from a straight path due to...hmmm...torque forces generated by uneven fuel consumption?)

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cryingfist, I just did a test, downloading my own S-12 file from Mediafire and trying it in a new game. It did fly in my test. In fact, it should be able to struggle off the pad even if 1 of the 3 engines in the launch stage isn't firing. If it gives you trouble again, hit F3 and look at the gray report screen that comes up. Are any part failures listed? That ship should not be large enough to break under its own weight, but strange things do happen occasionally in this game. Also, it might help if you took a screenshot of it attempting to liftoff, with the HUD instruments showing. Did you perhaps leave the ship sitting on the pad for a while before launch? I suppose it might have run out electricity. Or if you warped for a particular launch time while it was on the pad, that can sometimes cause part breakages which shouldn't otherwise happen. Oh, and just to cover all bases, are you sure you had the throttle turned all the way up?

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Maybe I'm getting something wrong:

Most likely you've changed staging by mistake. First stage has three engines.

I think these are good as actual career mode (which we don't have yet) ships, because they aren't unnecessarily expensive.

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Very nice. I went with a larger lander that had four side decoupled T200's and all LV909's. Just keep the fuel balanced around them for landing on the Mun or Minmus and then pull the remaining fuel into the central column for liftoff and leave the side engines behind. The central column is a T200 and T400. It has a larger lifter for getting off Kerbin, but this top piece can leave Kerbin's SOI and come back. It's a great Kerbin centric vehicle.

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Ok, I think I got the problem: instead of downloading the .craft file, I tried to reconstruct the ship from the picture and I've got the staging wrong. Instead of having a first stage with 3 engines and a second one with one engine only I inverted them...

Thanks for the help!

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Yes, thanks! :-) Still haven't managed to get into orbit (I'm reading your other post now), but the ship works! My problem now is one of fuel capacity: I exhaust my fuel capacity before reaching a stable orbit around Kerbin: should I turn East @ 45° of vertical inclination sooner? I do this around 10k meters, but maybe it's to late (or too soon...)

Edited by cryingfist
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I exhaust my fuel capacity before reaching a stable orbit
The example ship in my orbit walkthrough should have more than enough fuel to orbit, and so uses a simple but somewhat inefficient ascent method for training purposes. If you're trying to fly the S-12 to orbit, you'll need to fly a more efficient path. I'd suggest trying the Orbit Trainer C in sandbox a few times to get the idea, and then switch back to campaign and the S-12.

When you do fly the S-12, watch your speed and throttle back to keep it below "terminal velocity" so that you don't waste fuel fighting air resistance. There's a guide to terminal velocity in this thread (because I'm too lazy to collect the numbers myself). Also, turn to the east in steps. Roughly, 30 degrees east at 10,000m, 60 degrees at 20,000, and fully horizontal at 30,000. That should keep the fuel usage down and allow you to first achieve orbit and then de-orbit.

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Great ship! Just took it for a successful round trip to Minmus. The original goal was the Mün but I overshot my transfer badly, ended up with a Minmus intercept so went there instead. I was really surprised the lander had enough fuel to land, take off and transfer back to Kerbin.

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So i thought it could be nice with a place for people to share their early career mode ships so people could get a good start with ksp career mode.

Here is my entries (so far):

FF- First Flight - This rocket uses only the first 7 parts you get and is capable of getting into orbit, however you'll need to overheat the solid engines unless they will just be hanging on your spacecraft creating unnessecary weight. Maximum science possible to get out of mission : 39 (that's atleast what i got :



(download link : http://www./view/99fk4o2j9p7kkxf/First%20flight!.craft)

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I still have some trouble with orbiting, I'm start thinking I'm somewhat dumb! ;.; My flight schedule works this way (as suggested in a previous link and using the S-12 experiment):

1) Lift off full throttle

2) Keeping full throttle and vertical heading, reach 13000 m and turn to 45 vertical degrees east. To be able to do this manouver without a SAS I shut down the engines.

3) Throttle up again keeping 45 deg east heading

I get a very ellipsoidal trajectory which keeps diving into Kerbin. What am I doing wrong?

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I still have some trouble with orbiting, I'm start thinking I'm somewhat dumb! ;.; My flight schedule works this way (as suggested in a previous link and using the S-12 experiment):

1) Lift off full throttle

2) Keeping full throttle and vertical heading, reach 13000 m and turn to 45 vertical degrees east. To be able to do this manouver without a SAS I shut down the engines.

3) Throttle up again keeping 45 deg east heading

I get a very ellipsoidal trajectory which keeps diving into Kerbin. What am I doing wrong?

Go to the tutorial forum there are some handy tutorials there.

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  • 4 months later...

Glad you liked it, demian_travis. :D Incidentally, the S-13 doesn't have struts because I was limiting the parts I used to tiers 0-3 so that as many players as possible could use it, even if they take other paths through the tech tree after that.

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Could someone please post more Crafts for Carrier Mode.

Here you go!

I have just started up my own company to do just this; create and share useable Career Mode Craft. These are the one that AIRR (R+S) has up at the moment:

Career mode designs:

Tech level 0:


For Tech level 0, you won't have very much choice of parts; I have tried to create a spacecraft that at least manages to get out of the atmosphere to give you the all-important SCIENCE! to unlock at least the next level of tech. 3 crew ensure all Biomes encountered will deplete the available science, during testing I was getting about 45 science (plenty to unlock Tier 1 Tech and 2 of the Tier 2 Tech nodes). Be sure to check your crew before launch! work best with all 3 Command Pods filled...

The Maximum Returns 1:


.craft file

Tech level 1:


Although the above craft will give you a decent amount of science points, some newer players may not know how to use it to get the maximum SCIENCE! out of it, so I am supplying this craft as an intermediary stop-gap craft capable of unlocking much more science - It will even make it to orbit, thanks to the very useful stack decoupler, and the 4 Mystery Goo tanks can supply most of the science, but it is recommended you do not land in water as some glitches were detected on testing. Further, returning to land allows you to take your Kerbalnauts on a wander for even more science if you feel the need! (Has the added bonus of being a parachute formation flying squad on final stage! 2 side pods will fall a little faster due to the Goo Tanks). Again, works best with 3 Kerbals, be sure to check the crew roster before launch...

The Maximum Returns 2:


.craft file

Tech Level 2a:


I'm being annoying, I know... I am gauging the tech from the bottom up, as the most useful tech for career mode (for the moment) is SCIENCE - the more science you can gather, the quicker you will complete the full tech tree!

So for this level, based on the 'Survivability' Tech Unlock (Radial parachutes, Standard Landing legs and the LV909 Engine) I have created a spacecraft that is capable not only of flyby's of both the Mun and Minmus, but has enough fuel (Delta-V) to land on one or the other if you so wish! (Warranty void in the event of stranding Kerbals on one of the Moons...) Be warned, it can be a little wobbly to fly due to not having Struts, but these will get unlocked very soon if you have managed to use either of the first 2 ships to get this far.

Maximum Returns 3a


.craft file

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