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[PLUGIN+PARTS][0.23] SCANsat terrain mapping


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This looks amazing.

I've been looking for an ISA replacement ever since 0.20. Something...well..exactly with all the functions you implemented.

Will be testing it out tonight.

Modeling some sensors and antennas should not take much time too. I am planning to model some for personal use.

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Oh, and damny, if you're still in the buisiness of adding stuff to your todo list...

Of course I am still taking suggestions. That's the biggest problem in software development you know, implementing new features is more fun than fixing bugs... :D

Progress update (no, I don't have an ETA):


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Great work, Damny.

I can report that everything looks to be running great from a Linux x64 user. The only time I noticed even a hint of an FPS drop was while starting mapping (bringing up GUI) or opening the big map. Even then, while the big map is rendering, KSP seems to run perfectly fine. The first few times I opened the big map, I thought it wasn't working because it didn't even seem like the plugin was doing anything.

Great, great work. Couldn't say it enough.

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Of course I am still taking suggestions. That's the biggest problem in software development you know, implementing new features is more fun than fixing bugs... :D

Progress update (no, I don't have an ETA):

By Jool! That was fast.

Ground track looks neat.

Now I don't want to push this, since there are more important things...

  • Can we switch projections on the fly? There will be people preferring one over the other, and it might depend on the situation which one is best. (since you can't gouge latitude/longitude very well from curved projections).
  • Speaking of latitude and longitude on curved projections, maybe a static dot-line grid can help with that...

*Alert! Feature creep detected!*

About the ETA, Remember Majiir's advice: Release often, people love to see development in action.

You are going to need a version history :).

I wish I could help in some way.

Edited by OrtwinS
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Ground track is looking great! I can use this to finaly fine tune orbits for resource scanners...a much MUCH bigger chore than it sounds lol.

Took around 60 flights, 2 spreadsheets, and 20 or so hours to tune the Kerbin orbit....and honestly probably a little room for improvement there still.

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Of course I am still taking suggestions. That's the biggest problem in software development you know, implementing new features is more fun than fixing bugs... :D

Progress update (no, I don't have an ETA)

Awesome :)

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Ground track is looking great! I can use this to finaly fine tune orbits for resource scanners...a much MUCH bigger chore than it sounds lol.

Took around 60 flights, 2 spreadsheets, and 20 or so hours to tune the Kerbin orbit....and honestly probably a little room for improvement there still.

As an aside, are you making a SATCOM relay?

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... The first few times I opened the big map, I thought it wasn't working because it didn't even seem like the plugin was doing anything.

Great, great work. Couldn't say it enough.

Yeah one minor thing i want if feasible, is the addition of the red scanning line you have on the small map, only appearing when you render in the Big one. Really minor thing though since like amo28 said, its pretty quick to finish.

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@Majiir, once again your insight and "feel" for the pulse of the community is inspiring. You describe almost my exact experiences with both mods.

I have to say that having used the other mod (even the new "dev build) on .20 on up), you've managed to hook me on SCANsat after one night.

It feels like a part of the game and doesn't make me feel like I have to do an obsessive amount of work to figure out exactly the perfect orbit to map a body.

Allowing multi-sat's is such a huge boon to this as well. With a game that takes a fair amount of time to do simple things like reach orbit, and given limited amounts of free time, well, I'm just very happy.

I hope you don't mind, but I did a sort of quick "feature" for my friends who use KLF (shares screenshots and chat). I think everyone on the server last night jumped over to this thread to download and install your mod immediately.

People are using this for so many things. One guy was using the biome maps to plan science missions around kerbin, another to visit anomoly's, yet another who was working on a polar mission via rover and was using the terrain maps to avoid steep inclines.

My hats off to you sir for a fine mod. You are def ready for the prime time IMHO.

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As an aside, are you making a SATCOM relay?

No no, I was testing for the ideal orbital parameters for using Kethane scanners and the like, in order to get the most effective scan pattern possible. I have only done Kerbin so far, because it went from this basic idea I had to huge process that took to damn long lol.

With ground tracking I can rerun some of the test flights....but instead of a bazillion data points to gather per flight I only need one, the ground track....and it will be more percise than all the rest. More over, I can run mutiple test flights at once and directly compare flight paths.

Hehe...and thats just ONE use for ground tracking!

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More annoying stuff for the todo list ;):

  • Polar map projections, for those of us doing polar missions
  • Did you know that white text with a black border can be read on any background? (I know, that is more difficult than it sounds, but making the texts readable would be usefull :)
  • Adjust action group function name, all sensors now say: 'start/stop RADAR scan'
  • on/off toggle for indicators in big-map view
  • show indicators in zoom window (for example, when I want to compare my position to a scanned anomaly in detail)

pizzaoverhead's suggestion to replace actual mapview textures with scanned images is also very interesting, but it sounds awefully big. (on the plus side, you'd be crowned king).

And there is a more sensitive issue: Do you have a Paypal account? Some despite that kind of e-begging, others don't want to be payed, or maybe you don't want to feel the suggestion of commitment (like a donation would entitle anyone). And then there are people who just want to find a more 'real' way to say thank you. How crude it may be.

I just watched a ballet of satellites mapping Kerbin. there were 5, all equipped with all sensors. All different orbits and different inclinations, even 1 in retro-orbit.

It. Was. Beautiful.

Edited by OrtwinS
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Whoops, since I screwed up my Reputation message:

Thank you soo much damny, awesome plugin!! Thanks for all the work you have put into this, it is greatly appreciated (by many people besides me I'm sure as well).

I think you should release so you get the full blown praise you deserve ;)

This is enough to release, all problems are minor imho!

Again, thanks for making this and congratulations for making it this cool!

Have a nice day!

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This looks fantastic! Will be giving this a whirl later. I was disappointed when ISA seemed to chew my computer up and spit it out.

I've been meaning to get around to learning how to animate parts and was just in the process of mocking up some satellite parts for my own use. If I get them working you're more than welcome to use them as an interim solution until you get your own sorted or a more experienced modeller offers their services. (By the look of this thread that won't be long..!)

A first pass at the mesh - an SAR on an extending arm


Good luck with this - it looks really promising!

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No no, I was testing for the ideal orbital parameters for using Kethane scanners and the like<...>(w)ith ground tracking I can rerun some of the test flights... More over, I can run mutiple (sic) test flights at once and directly compare flight paths.

Hehe...and thats just ONE use for ground tracking!

I didn't realize there was a better orbital path for mapping other than a 90 deg relative incline. PM/IRC me, as I would like to hear more on that.

I would like to suggest separate polar and equatorial maps. Keeping the equatorial map as it is now seems to work, and I think the addition of a polar map would allow for more accurate mapping and reading of those regions.

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A first pass at the mesh - an SAR on an extending arm


Good luck with this - it looks really promising!

Psssst! The placeholder sensor model is a rectangular flat plate, the improved model doesn't have to be!

RESEARCH shows that extra cubes, antenna's and cilinders have a positive effect on how 'sciency' something looks. Use Google!

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I didn't realize there was a better orbital path for mapping other than a 90 deg relative incline. PM/IRC me, as I would like to hear more on that.

I would like to suggest separate polar and equatorial maps. Keeping the equatorial map as it is now seems to work, and I think the addition of a polar map would allow for more accurate mapping and reading of those regions.

Honestly, a true polar orbit is not the best for mapping...close, but not true polar. Inclination actually depends on the size body. For Kerbin right now I have 87.52deg inclination and a orbit @186km for real time mapping and 340ish (still nailing this one down) for time warp scanning.

Where as the Muns ideal inclination is around 84deg inclination. These are based on the current build kethane scanners.

Keep in mind these numbers are still a bit off...I did the best I could...Im a metal worker, not an aerospace engineer lol.

When it comes to figuring the best inclination for any given body it all comes down to how many unique places the ground path of said satellite passes over the equator, as the planet rotates.

This is all stuff I started learning (and still learning) after I first found kethane, and asked my uncle about it...he has been working for Shell for over 20 years doing just this thing.

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Psssst! The placeholder sensor model is a rectangular flat plate, the improved model doesn't have to be!

RESEARCH shows that extra cubes, antenna's and cilinders have a positive effect on how 'sciency' something looks. Use Google!

Haha, don't worry - that mesh is just the very bare bones of the things that need to move - just an illustration of the mechanics, if you will. The finished object will look a bit more sciency, however a lot of the SAR antenna I saw on Google Images were rather flat. I believe this is to house the multiple elements in a phased array.

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Someone did all the hard work already on what orbits are best for mapping the planets. I haven't tested them with SCANsat but I assume it should still work.


I actually started with this...and for anyone wanting to do these same tests its a great place to start.

BUT those are for an old version of mapsat....and since the ISA scans works in a very different way than Kethane scanners the numbers in that thread are just a bit of 'ideal'. Granted not enough off to make a lick of difference in the long run....but I like to test, to figure things on my own, its kinda what I do =)

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Found a small bug. I loose my small map if I switch vehicles in the orbit view and then I am unable to get it back till I restart KSP

I have encountered the same thing on two different machines. I tried saving/loading and editing the persistence file to turn off all scanners, but only a full KSP restart worked.

And the craft icon placement bug I referred to earlier seems to be due to Diazo's touchscreen controller mod. I didn't have the issue on my desktop, and removing it from my Surface fixed the issue.

Edited by DMagic
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I actually started with this...and for anyone wanting to do these same tests its a great place to start.

BUT those are for an old version of mapsat....and since the ISA scans works in a very different way than Kethane scanners the numbers in that thread are just a bit of 'ideal'. Granted not enough off to make a lick of difference in the long run....but I like to test, to figure things on my own, its kinda what I do =)

From your own tests how did they jive with information in the link?

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