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KSP weekly?


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Actually, I'd love to see more full-fledged dev blogs. Like Harvester did when he introduced Kerbins 'biomes' (do we have a better name for those yet?).

Same here. I love it when there is a really long blog article going over all the fine details, like when bac9 introduced the making of the new KSC. That was awesome!

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You don't like biomes? Seems a perfectly fitting word. Maybe not for the different altitude regions but for the regions of ground... biome seems to fits just fine to me.

"Biomes" works great on Kerbin, where there are different biological settings cause there to be notable differences in regions.

On Mun, though? Biome isn't really a proper word. Regions sounds better to me. Or ... something.

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"Biomes" works great on Kerbin, where there are different biological settings cause there to be notable differences in regions.

On Mun, though? Biome isn't really a proper word. Regions sounds better to me. Or ... something.


I would expect something like 'dark soil' and 'crator' to be a biome. Not each large crator in its own right being a biome.

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You don't like biomes? Seems a perfectly fitting word. Maybe not for the different altitude regions but for the regions of ground... biome seems to fits just fine to me.

'Biomes' only works for Kerbin, dead objects (like all other planets & Muns) have no 'biosphere', nor have they distinct Bio-regions. It's not that big of a deal, but it nags to people who actually use the word biome in original meaning often. Imagine those news stories about people who send weather balloons up 30 km and then claim it 'went to space'.

TWO weeks, thank you very much. We sound a lot less insane when you realize it's been 2 weeks.


Well frak it is! I'm sorry, my system clock must have been delayed due proximity to 0.22's time delaying (or absorbing?) properties :D.

Same here. I love it when there is a really long blog article going over all the fine details, like when bac9 introduced the making of the new KSC. That was awesome!

That was a read of epic proportions. Even a post 1/4th that size would be great to have.

Edited by OrtwinS
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I think Max mentioned something about a special event in Squadcast. Maybe they are working on the event or waiting for it to be ready to put it in the weekly.

I think he was referring to this year's Kerbalcon.

And I don't think it will be budgets, see HarvesteR in

near the very end at 59 minutes and beyond. So R&D polish and probably new science mechanics with some vague unrelated to science things that were being pushed for later. Edited by Pulstar
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When, where, who, why and how?

It is a mystery, but maxmaps has been mentioning that he has big things planned from time to time. There was a Kerbalcon poll a few months back on the form it should have. So there will probably be an announcement with the details once everything on Squad's side is ready.

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0.22 Can't satisfy us for even a week, we apparently require the excitement of knowing there is stuff [in the works] that we can't touch [yet].

*stares with penetrating eyes at your back*

(starting to feel uncomfortable yet? )

And I'm going to abuse the attention to tell you all there is movement in the mapping scene. 0.22-ready mapping plugins are being developed (and released) as we type.

*stares right back, slowly blinking one eye at a time to maintain contact lens lubrcation*

I can keep this up all day long.

But...uh...yeah, I wants my weekly update! Inquiring minds want to know what might be up for .23. I wonder if it was delayed as the devs are doing some last minute planning to figure out exactly that.

I'll grant, .22 is awesome, but SQUAD has just been so good at giving us wonderful things that it is hard to not know what wonderful things they'll be doing next.

I really, really, really need to get off my butt and play tonight. A solid week of being sick or my kids being sick has really taken it out of me on having the time and energy to play.

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