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[1.1.2][1-1-2] May 13-2016 EnvironmentalVisualEnhancements


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Hmm... Is It worth trying a clean Steam install?

For sure. Immo.

But what do you mean by a "clean" install on steam? You just need check the integrity of your files and then install this. I don't see the need of a new installation.

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EDIT : Totally posted in the wrong thread. My apologies. My post had nothing to do with clouds, city lights or anything connected with them.

I meant to post in the RasterPropMonitors thread and only noticed when I couldn`t find my post.

Ignore me, nothing to see here.

*backs out of thread slowly*

Edited by John FX
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I wasn`t sure whather to mention it but I was in the middle of trying to reproduce a suspected bug to do with cameras.

I was looking at a camera on a monitor (may or may not be connected), staged to separate the lander and all my cockpit vanished like I had pushed F2 except I was IVA. All there was was stars. I pressed `C` and got external view but there was no navball or portraits even when I switched ship. I quicksaved and reloaded and all was fine.

Also I can`t seem to get Scansat maps up on a monitor. I`ll try a few things before I come back and say for sure it`s a bug but I had scansat maps before I went to the Dev version (to get Mechjeb)

If all else fails I`ll go back to MJ 2.1.x and the non-dev version of RPM and patiently wait like a good user should.

Yeah, I can't imagine anything that EVE would do that would cause anything like this.

One of the issues when releasing a new version of a mod at the same time Squad releases is bad for bug reports, as EVERYONE has some bugs, but because all the mods were also updated, and some mods aren't updated properly, etc. Issues like this could come from anywhere.

In terms of what is being done in-game, it is actually quite simple. I just add a GameObject (sphere overlay) to the Body (ie. Kerbin) and update rotation. I also update scale in the circumstances of map view and leaving the PQS activity distance.

The fact that MOST people don't have any issues with this mod indicates to me that there is another mod (or mods) doing strange things that they shouldn't be doing.

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You also then have to update the division. That is what divides the hex lengths by that power to create more particles. Set it to 4 or 5 if your system can handle it.

Using 6 as division increase dramatically the "load from hangar to runway" time. Something like 15 seconds transforming into 5 minutes.

I'm not complaining, it is fully understandable.

Still it makes it kind of boring to just double the distance without loosing the beautiful density.

(And yes, the system can handle it,only load time is hard)

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I've got another question:

Would it be possible to add the option how far the volumetric clouds are rendered in the distance?

That's already in there, but it is very expensive on the computer. You need to go into the EVE folder and edit settings.cfg. Increase volumeHexRadius for a larger distance volumetric clouds. But, this will water down the effect, so you need to simultaniously increase volumeSegmentDiv. Be careful with that last one, it gets very expensive very quickly. I have it on 4 myself with a HexRadius of 19000

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For sure. Immo.

But what do you mean by a "clean" install on steam? You just need check the integrity of your files and then install this. I don't see the need of a new installation.

Welp, files validated successfully (my poor retextured stock engines.. :( ), this deleted and reinstalled, all systems go for launch. Fingers crossed!

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I understand that. What I don't understand is why the mod doesn't change with the 2 3rd party packs. Neither works.

edison the mod no longer uses the same format. u can use the textures from thos packs but not the .cfg.

1. there is no radius there is altitude

2. .cfg changes are very limited right now what u can do. he already stated he plans to change that.

3. from your comment u think its mandatory for them to keep them update. ill put it simple they have no obligation to keep the update they do it cause they want too.

4. also PLEASE READ MORE THAN 1 PAGE. if u would read the thread proot and astro are working on updateing their packs. its no simple task as the mod as went thru nearly 13 verson changes and major overhall since then.

drdresto auras no longer work with current version. u have to decide if u want volometric clouds but no auras or auras and no volmetric clouds by using a old verson

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edison the mod no longer uses the same format. u can use the textures from thos packs but not the .cfg.

1. there is no radius there is altitude

2. .cfg changes are very limited right now what u can do. he already stated he plans to change that.

3. from your comment u think its mandatory for them to keep them update. ill put it simple they have no obligation to keep the update they do it cause they want too.

4. also PLEASE READ MORE THAN 1 PAGE. if u would read the thread proot and astro are working on updateing their packs. its no simple task as the mod as went thru nearly 13 verson changes and major overhall since then.

Oh alright. THAT makes sense. I'm sorry if I came across as rude. I was trying to see what wouldn't make them work. I didn't know the cfg files themselves were different. Ofcourse I can wait for them to update their packs. The stock mod looks pretty too.

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Please pardon my ignorance, but how do you get that GUI relating to this mod to appear in-game? Unfortuinately, my PC isn;t up to handling the volumetric clouds (it's a refurbed Dell Optiplex 745 with teh original graphics card which cant be replaced because the box takes non-0standard cards only :-( ). To give you an iodea of what I see, if I go to a sattelite in orbit of Kerbin and look directly down, what I see is three jagged hexagonal patches of flat pink that track teh motion of the sattelite (I'd add that re-entry effects also appear as flat neon pink too. Sigh..). The non-volumetric clouds work beautifully, so I'd like to be able to turn the volumetric ones off, if possible. Durned shame, as I really, really wanted those Dunan dust-clouds... ah well, maybe next year :-}

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