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[1.1.2][1-1-2] May 13-2016 EnvironmentalVisualEnhancements


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Any way to get rid of the hole when flying through the cloud layer? I'd prefer to just fly through the clouds. Or is it there because the volumetric clouds look funny up close?

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  Arteals said:
Hello, I've heard about EVE8 and even EVE9, but can't find them. I'm playing with RSS and have read that EVE8 works better with it. Could you please give a link?


Seems the latest one on the repo itself also fixes RSS, though I haven't tried it. You can get 8 from the link there.

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I've been trying to get EVE to work, and haven't had any success. I'm running a vanilla KSP install (latest version), and when I add the EVE Gamedata folders, the game will then crash every time I try to run it. Is there something I need to do besides just adding the "BoulderCo" and "EnvironmentalVisualEnhancements" folders to GameData?

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I've been trying to get EVE to work, and haven't had any success. I'm running a vanilla KSP install (latest version), and when I add the EVE Gamedata folders, the game will then crash every time I try to run it. Is there something I need to do besides just adding the "BoulderCo" and "EnvironmentalVisualEnhancements" folders to GameData?

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  Casimir said:
I've been trying to get EVE to work, and haven't had any success. I'm running a vanilla KSP install (latest version), and when I add the EVE Gamedata folders, the game will then crash every time I try to run it. Is there something I need to do besides just adding the "BoulderCo" and "EnvironmentalVisualEnhancements" folders to GameData?

Are you using the High Res or Low Res versions? Also, what does your gamedata folder look like?

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(Sorry for the double post there...)

I'm using the Hi Res package. My GameData folder looks like this (I have only 5 other addons installed - FASA, NearFuture Propulsion, MechJeb Embedded, Icarus, and GodSpeed Aerospace Parts... the game runs fine with those, but crashes whenever I add the EVE folders):


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  Casimir said:
(Sorry for the double post there...)

I'm using the Hi Res package. My GameData folder looks like this (I have only 5 other addons installed - FASA, NearFuture Propulsion, MechJeb Embedded, Icarus, and GodSpeed Aerospace Parts... the game runs fine with those, but crashes whenever I add the EVE folders):


I'd say you run out of memory. So either you get Active Texture Management, so your game stays within the 32 bit memory limits, or you try using the 64 bit workaround. The first option being the less experimental one.

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Quick fix for Z-fighting bug:

In vertex shader:

1. Get normal.

2. If normal points toward the camera (front facing), bias the vertex toward the camera. If it points away from the camera (back facing), bias the vertex away from the camera. This should give some space between the planet surface and the cloud layer, meaning it won't be as sensitive to precision, and since you'll be moving vertices directly toward and away from the camera, the actual image should be almost completely unaffected. Bias in proportion to distance from camera - the Z-buffer is floating point!

3. Make sure shading is done using the original, unperturbed vertex.


For city lights vs. clouds, bias the lights some and the clouds more. The idea is to artificially add space between the layers.

Improvement for city lights:

Instead of an ordinary blended crossover in the shader, use a threshold. This hopefully will make the lights look crisp and not blurry.

Something along the lines of:

Pixel Shader:

if (detailLightMapLookup > (1-coarseLightMapLookup))

lightContribution = (detailLightMapLookup-(1-coarseLightMapLookup))/coarseLightMapLookup //remap the light brightness to [0-1]


lightContribution = 0;

Make sure it doesn't spit out NaNs when coarseLightMapLoookup=0 (you can tell NaNs when the pixel renders black). It *should* take the fallthrough case where lightContribution = 0. Possibly multiply in some ordinary crossover or look at ddx and ddx to smooth things.

Do you have compile instructions? I'd like to tinker with it and see if I can get this stuff working.

Edited by Keldor
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  WWEdeadman said:
I'd say you run out of memory. So either you get Active Texture Management, so your game stays within the 32 bit memory limits, or you try using the 64 bit workaround. The first option being the less experimental one.

Wow... even with only those mods? I'll give Active Texture Management a try and see what happens - I hope that fixes it. If it doesn't, I might try the 64 bit workaround.

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I just installed Real Solar System (I am using the 6.4:1 Kerbin config). All of the planets atmospheres are messed up - the EVE enhancements are appearing also in a shell that seems to be a few thousand KM above the actual surface (and the end of the atmosphere).


[i am using the OVERHAUL-8 release]

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Rbray: Hope work on next relase is going well :)

I know overhaul 8 is a temp release, but it's pretty unstable while in PQS, scaled space is much more controllable. Is there any way I might, just until next release, be able to change pqs/scaled space switch alt to something lower? I still have no detail tex in PQS clouds, and the layers will jump infront of each other frequently. Just as a temporary fix?


(btw some of these issues may ahve well been fixed since overhaul 8, so sorry in advance; O9 won't working in RSS)

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  Keldor said:
Quick fix for Z-fighting bug:

In vertex shader:

1. Get normal.

2. If normal points toward the camera (front facing), bias the vertex toward the camera. If it points away from the camera (back facing), bias the vertex away from the camera. This should give some space between the planet surface and the cloud layer, meaning it won't be as sensitive to precision, and since you'll be moving vertices directly toward and away from the camera, the actual image should be almost completely unaffected. Bias in proportion to distance from camera - the Z-buffer is floating point!

3. Make sure shading is done using the original, unperturbed vertex.


For city lights vs. clouds, bias the lights some and the clouds more. The idea is to artificially add space between the layers.

Improvement for city lights:

Instead of an ordinary blended crossover in the shader, use a threshold. This hopefully will make the lights look crisp and not blurry.

Something along the lines of:

Pixel Shader:

if (detailLightMapLookup > (1-coarseLightMapLookup))

lightContribution = (detailLightMapLookup-(1-coarseLightMapLookup))/coarseLightMapLookup //remap the light brightness to [0-1]


lightContribution = 0;

Make sure it doesn't spit out NaNs when coarseLightMapLoookup=0 (you can tell NaNs when the pixel renders black). It *should* take the fallthrough case where lightContribution = 0. Possibly multiply in some ordinary crossover or look at ddx and ddx to smooth things.

Do you have compile instructions? I'd like to tinker with it and see if I can get this stuff working.

You are welcome to try it out, the shaders are simply built in Unity3D (free version), compiled there, added into the compiled-xxx.shader file, and then the module is built in VS using their build directives.

City lights won't have the z-fighting issue, as they will be built into the terrain in the future version.

  ABZB said:
I just installed Real Solar System (I am using the 6.4:1 Kerbin config). All of the planets atmospheres are messed up - the EVE enhancements are appearing also in a shell that seems to be a few thousand KM above the actual surface (and the end of the atmosphere).


[i am using the OVERHAUL-8 release]

Scaling isn't properly supported in OVERHAUL-8. OVERHAUL-9 will address this though.

  pingopete said:
Rbray: Hope work on next relase is going well :)

I know overhaul 8 is a temp release, but it's pretty unstable while in PQS, scaled space is much more controllable. Is there any way I might, just until next release, be able to change pqs/scaled space switch alt to something lower? I still have no detail tex in PQS clouds, and the layers will jump infront of each other frequently. Just as a temporary fix?


(btw some of these issues may ahve well been fixed since overhaul 8, so sorry in advance; O9 won't working in RSS)


OVERHAUL-9 should address the issues with RSS. (Un?)Fortunately I'm tying into the PQS mechanism in KSP to make future integration easier if Squad were ever interested in adding my work as a stock option. So the altitude switch would have to be set by RSS.

  Thesonicgalaxy said:
Yeah, we haven't heard anything from you in a while.. Hope everything is going well!

Sorry guys, things are (mostly) fine, just a bit hectic in my life. Unexpected inconveniences popped up along side planned business and I haven't had any time to work on the mod, but I promise to at least get you Overhaul-9 tonight. (some minor fixes, still need to address automatic gui-construction issues) Thanks for hanging in there!

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Only problem with it so far is that sometimes the clouds sometimes don't appear:

They appear in the KSC scene and Tracking Station.

They don't appear in the main menu or in-game (flight and map).

Update: I switched vessels and now they appear. Odd.

Edited by ObsessedWithKSP
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Ok so this fixed allot of problems but some questions on the config, I see the titles have changed slightly, but why is there now macroCloudMaterial, ScaledCloudMaterial and scaled layer 2d? I'm guessing the latter is just residual from O8? it only contains detail speed.

One other thing, still can't save from ingame menu, and many of the values missing from config. I can add it directly into config, but just so you know. Hitting save just resets the cloud layers in the GUI from their original values and names to layer2D, layerVolume etc :/

Edit: yeah the scaled layer 2d was remnant from last version.

SS clouds dissapear after first map view. PQS stays on untill around 200-350km.

Other than that most things looking good I think :)

EditEdit: SS clouds reappear after reapplying once in SS

Edited by pingopete
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  pingopete said:
Ok so this fixed allot of problems but some questions on the config, I see the titles have changed slightly, but why is there now macroCloudMaterial, ScaledCloudMaterial and scaled layer 2d? I'm guessing the latter is just residual from O8? it only contains detail speed.

One other thing, still can't save from ingame menu, and many of the values missing from config. I can add it directly into config, but just so you know. Hitting save just resets the cloud layers in the GUI from their original values and names to layer2D, layerVolume etc :/

Edit: yeah the scaled layer 2d was remnant from last version.

SS clouds dissapear after first map view. PQS stays on untill around 200-350km.

Other than that most things looking good I think :)

EditEdit: SS clouds reappear after reapplying once in SS

Saving doesn't work? Hmmm... I'll have to dig into that more then.

As for layer 2D and the two Cloud materials, they don't fit vertically together, so I have to figure out a way to dynamically fit elements into the GUI such that they could go side-by-side and properly grouped.

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