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[1.1.2][1-1-2] May 13-2016 EnvironmentalVisualEnhancements


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  Astronomer said:

Oh sweet jeebus, I want this... what's the performance hit with it? Night-time at Laythe is amazing... Very well done and I'll probably be installing it in the near future (once I get too fed up with the FPS drop caused by KSPRC :( )

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  Yargnit said:
That looks amazing! Same thing I ask for all the cloud packs, any chance for altitude values to match the various RSS configs? (10x & 6.4x atm) It sucks having to choose between having a big planet or a pretty one. :(

RSS will work well with EVE eventually. Right now the dev version seems to compliment it well.

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  rbray89 said:
Exactly. I figured it would be easier to make texture maps using those. I'm also planning on using alpha for cities, and R,G&B for the other texture mappings (grass, sand, snow).


Another thing I was considering was to use Alpha in the city texture for use with lights instead of a dedicated texture. The issue there would be less color variation. Thoughts?

Alpha for cities and RGB for, dare I say it, landclass? :D

(Or just straight up RGB with no alpha, and city = a landclass.)

I would definitely suggest keeping two city textures; you want multicolored lights for citylights, and that may not align with the city's color during the day.

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I've followed the install directions for Astronomer's pack exactly, but it seems like something didn't install correctly. Those black clouds move but never dissapear. Halp? :P

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Thank you everyone for your feedback! :D I really appreciate it!

  ahappydude said:
Started up ksp beacuse of astronomers new pack, wow... I actually went to the moon instead i hope its okey to post some pics here:




  Sauron said:

I've followed the install directions for Astronomer's pack exactly, but it seems like something didn't install correctly. Those black clouds move but never dissapear. Halp? :P

They should be occasional, not constant. Maybe the texture didn't load properly? This could be caused by a lack of memory but I doubt it. Does anyone else have this issue?

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To clarify: I ran at full timewarp for several game-weeks with the black clouds persisting throughout.

On a constructive and slightly related note, it'd be nice to have slightly 'puffier' stormclouds that look a lot more solid. Is this doable?

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  Astronomer said:
Thank you everyone for your feedback! :D I really appreciate it!


They should be occasional, not constant. Maybe the texture didn't load properly? This could be caused by a lack of memory but I doubt it. Does anyone else have this issue?

Haha nicelydone, he is safe at the moon now but he has been awake solong he need rescue asap, going to play around with ytour pack more later this weekend :) Hope you contiue to work with ops plugins! Cheers from sweden

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Has anyone released / will anyone release a pack wherein Eve's atmosphere isn't opaque? This is Kerbal Space Program after all, where I find being able to see where I can land more valuable than replicating the very not-Kerbal planet Venus. I'm all for thick, smoggy clouds, but it'd be better if they didn't cover the whole surface or were more transparent.

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Cool progress nathan! I dont know if you remeber this, but a while back a user started making a procerdualcity/structures plugin, i cant find the link now but it would be a good match with those you made

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  ahappydude said:
Cool progress nathan! I dont know if you remeber this, but a while back a user started making a procerdualcity/structures plugin, i cant find the link now but it would be a good match with those you made

isn't that the same mod Rbray made?

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  NathanKell said:
rbray: finally got my citylights main texture working: I forgot that you make an exception for Clouds/* in ATM but *not* CityLights. So the 8192x4096 Earth cities map was being crunched to 512.

Anyway, here's my album. I think they're good enough to release now.


Wow. Very nice!

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  NathanKell said:

rbray: you're welcome to use them if you like.


EDIT: oh, rbray, there is one awesome thing you could do: check vertex height and if < sea level, set City/CityLights alpha to 0.

Yes please please please :D

I want to make a new global lights texture so bad but it relies on this functionality.

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  Astronomer said:
They should be occasional, not constant. Maybe the texture didn't load properly? This could be caused by a lack of memory but I doubt it. Does anyone else have this issue?

Same here,clouds over KSC never disappear.

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Okay so I just searched all over the place and didn't see any mention of this: I'm having a serious problem with the Save/Load feature. Namely, the plugin doesn't seem to be able to save, and if I happen to click "reset to default" I can never go back to the way it was before. Has a solution been found for this kind of issue?

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  5thHorseman said:
Yes please please please :D

I want to make a new global lights texture so bad but it relies on this functionality.

You just HAVE to complicate things :) Lets see how fast I can do this.

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Looking forward to the new version! Keep up the great work guys, EVE adds so much to the look of KSP. The changes seen so far are awesome!

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I can't believe how far this game has come in terms of graphics enhancements, I remember just a year ago, no eye candy mods, not even texture replacers, and there I was sat wishing for something anything, now literally to much choice! It's a shame the game can only handle so much at the mo, maybe one day we'll get x64 and some better gpu utilisation. I have my GTX560 just sat there, bored, waiting for something to do, while 1 of my 4 cpu cores is having cardiac arrest trying to keep up

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