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What is the kraken? Is it some easter egg?

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I've heard something of a kraken, And also I've watched a cinematic with some kinda ship swirling around.

I did go to google and researched it, But i didn't really get it real well. So don't flame me if i'm asking a dumb question. Thanks in advance! :D

Edited by Lolkillalevi
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It's actually a particular glitch that was fixed long long ago. Back then, if you got going particularly fast, or got particularly far from Kerbin, especially with large ships, your craft could spontaneously fly apart and explode.

It took on the name "The Space Kraken" and the name gets applied to all sorts of bugs that destroy ships, but aren't actually the true Kraken.

And yeah, there's a dead Kraken easter egg that was placed on Bop by the devs to commemorate the fixing of that bug.

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For all intents and purposes it's fixed. It used to be that the origin was located at the launch pad, and when you got far away from ksc the game had to deal with really huge numbers in order to do calculations, numbers large enough to where it has to round to an approximate location. when you got far enough away, different parts of your ship could get rounded to different numbers, making the ship at first wobble, and eventually fly apart.

When Krakensbane was added the origin always stays with your ship, so now whenever it's calculating everything, you're still technically really close to the origin so it doesn't have to deal with numbers the code can't hold.

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The Hell Kraken still exists in certain conditions. It can be circumvented in most cases by loading the last Quicksave or by quitting the game and loading a different vessel (with the risk that the Krak'd vessel you just were on dies as a result; a sacrifice instead of breaking the save of the whole game you're currently on.)

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Oh okay! Thank you For clearing that up. Do people flame on this forum or...Not? I'm still new so i really don't know what these people here do.

Welcome. It's pritty friendly here. I think it's cause KSP is so dificult, only smart people come here :P

The Hell Kraken still exists in certain conditions. It can be circumvented in most cases by loading the last Quicksave or by quitting the game and loading a different vessel (with the risk that the Krak'd vessel you just were on dies as a result; a sacrifice instead of breaking the save of the whole game you're currently on.)

Sounds fitting to the name, that it demands a sacrifice XD

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Oh okay! Thank you For clearing that up. Do people flame on this forum or...Not? I'm still new so i really don't know what these people here do.

There are certain topics that will stoke the fires of Hades (telling people playing with Mechjeb is cheating is one, mentioning that telling people playing with Mechjeb is anoth......aw, crap!!!).

For the most part though, you don't really see proper flame wars around here. We do have our share of abject jerks, but its usually only when they've been having a bad day in general.

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  • 5 months later...
The bug wasn't fixed, as far as I know. It was just "scaled" down in severity.
Not sure if trolling or proper grammar (insert short word for national socialist here).

Anyways, can you take that again? I don't quite understand you.

I think he's joking, about how the kraken is an actual feature, rather than a bug

Pritty silly reason for a necro though

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The Kraken isn't an easter egg,
I think you need to explore the system a little more thoroughly :)

And regarding the original flavors of Kraken, the initial issue was indeed a frame-of-reference centered on Kerbin. They switched it to a moving frame of reference that would reposition every couple of kilometers, but at high velocity floating point errors still lead to "warp shakes" that would make ships look like they were vibrating to death. Now when you engage warp your ship is literally the center of the universe :D

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  • 1 year later...

Kraken used to be the name for a specific glitch, but now since that one was mostly fixed, it came to mean all ship/craft/game destroying bugs. If your ship randomly exploded or disappeared, that's the Kraken. (it could also mean the easter-egg on Bop, but that's less commonly used)

Engineers have gremlins, we have kraken.

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