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One feature that I wish RT2 had was the ability to schedule raising and lowering of antennae. With two I can do it: antenna A is active, B is inactive, set A to lower in 60 seconds, and B to raise in 6060 seconds. For 6000 seconds the craft is not connected but it automatically raises with a delay allowing the connection to resume. This saves lots of power on long flights to hibernate the connection.

The problem is that bringing several large antennas is impractical just to schedule the lowering and raising at the same time. You can't do that for a single since only the currently-available action is schedule able. If action groups could be added to RT2's repertoire that would workaround the issue.

I love this idea. I've had more than one probe die on me due to insufficient power to run the long range dish continuously. The ability to time antenna/dish deployment and shutdown be a huge help.

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Hey guys, can a probe with a significant delay (I'm at Duna) receive translation controls, for fine-tuning my orbit?

I tried sending RCS on, *press I for 1/2 second*, RCS off. Whether I time warp to that RCS on command or let it run at 1x, RCS comes on, nothing happens, then it goes off... WASD works but IJKL doesn't basically.

Secondly, while experimenting with this I had an idea, though I'm not sure if it's done this way IRL, how plausible it is to implement, or if it is against the intended spirit of this mod: Can a manned ship that is nearby said vessel in Duna orbit control it from there, thus eliminating the delay from Ground Control's... control? Surely if for example a satellite was launched from the shuttle, it would be at first controlled by the 'nauts in the shuttle rather than ground control, or is that not the case?

Gotta say I love the challenge this mod adds, and the flight computer is a very nice MJ alternative for basic automation. Love it all so far, the game has gotten interesting again!

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Secondly, while experimenting with this I had an idea, though I'm not sure if it's done this way IRL, how plausible it is to implement, or if it is against the intended spirit of this mod: Can a manned ship that is nearby said vessel in Duna orbit control it from there, thus eliminating the delay from Ground Control's... control? Surely if for example a satellite was launched from the shuttle, it would be at first controlled by the 'nauts in the shuttle rather than ground control, or is that not the case?

You would need a mothership with at least six Kerbals on board and the big round probe core disc - this can act as a second command center (but not as destination for science reports, for this you will still have to link back to KSC).

Anybody knows how to establish comms between mothership and single kerbonauts on EVA or walking on a planet? The moment they leave the command module, they can't talk.

Kerbals have no comm unit (yet?). They will have to bring their surface samples back to the lander.

Also, quick notice, bit busy IRL atm for the next week while I move about doing several job interviews.

Best of luck!

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I'm getting weirdness in just Kerbin orbit,despite 0.0 signal delay mechjeb is not performing the correct manoeuvres

Well to be more precise despite their being less then 1 second delay the craft is refusing to do the manoeuvres correctly

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Kerbals have no comm unit (yet?). They will have to bring their surface samples back to the lander.

Thanks, understood.

@ Cilph: may I propose to consider adding some comms capability to Kerbals? Just some 5 Km in range, omni. No part and no tech required, just an added capability: should be basic stuff with any space suit. That way Jeb will be able to send his report while outside.

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i cant go out of Kerbin’s SOI

i want to go to duna and my satellite tells me i am connected but nothing works

i dont have any ting @ duna

and any idee why my satellite's going crazzy ? start spinning

can any one help me ?

Yeah my satellites are experiencing that to annoying since they need to burn to get into their orbits to complete the network

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I'm getting strange behavior on probe with mechjeb part on craft. Thrust not dropping after pressing X but start to gradully drop constantly trembling and drops to zero only after several times I press X. This happens even on launchpad and not happening with piloted crafts. Enyone know how to solve this?

UPD: Apparently it have something to do with signal delay, because after i disabled it in config problem dissapeared. But I lost signal delays ofcourse.

Edited by SVarg
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Talking about Kerbalnauts having comm devices, will it be possible that we design a part which has electricity generator and antenna built in, use KAS grabbing mechanism to allow kerbbalnauts to carry it on their back? thus allowing them to send data without the need to get back to lander, they only need to be in the communication range of the lander so the lander can relay the data back to KSC.

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I have a major bug here, and currently no idea how to fix it.

I have a network of 2x4 satellites in stationary orbit around Kerbin and high Minmus orbit.

According to the mapview, all communication lines are still working. As soon as I switch to one of the satellites, the status to the topleft says "N/A" and the communication line ceases to exist. But I can still control the craft.

In addition, no RT2-part seems to have RT2-functionality. The upscaled normal Antenna (something 32) is just locked. The stock folding dish (the stack one, not the radial one) has buttons to transmit data (i'm playing sandbox, btw), but again, no RT2-functionality.

I did not reload the database or anything, just started the game and got into it.

New vehicles on the launchpad also have N/A, no matter what antennas I put onto them.

Any ideas?

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Rather than worry about getting a more fragile omni or dish deployed before getting out of range of KSC, and to provide a link to returning craft that have already retracted their other antennas for reentry, I dropped a couple of little radio shacks on the landmasses east and west of KSC. Even if the nearest satellites are too far away, these uplinks guarantee a connection to craft in the upper atmosphere with only a little short-range DP10 active while KSC is below the horizon.



A couple of birds in the low constellation of comsats (in two hour orbits) are always in range of the omnis on these ground stations.

Absolutely necessary? No, not really. But I do like them. :)

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Rather than worry about getting a more fragile omni or dish deployed before getting out of range of KSC, and to provide a link to returning craft that have already retracted their other antennas for reentry, I dropped a couple of little radio shacks on the landmasses east and west of KSC. Even if the nearest satellites are too far away, these uplinks guarantee a connection to craft in the upper atmosphere with only a little short-range DP10 active while KSC is below the horizon.

A couple of birds in the low constellation of comsats (in two hour orbits) are always in range of the omnis on these ground stations.

Absolutely necessary? No, not really. But I do like them. :)

Very nice thinking along the lines of what I've been working on. Apply how Earth actually went about this. We have a spiderweb of surface radio systems in place and have had them for decades. If you wanted to take the tedium to the max, a network of surface relays 10 - 30 km apart (depending on alt) spanning Kerbin's continents would provide total global saturation.

What you really need is a 'command truck' on the far side of Kerbin. House six kerbals, but a remote control core on it, and now you don't even have to have a dominant link to KSC itself. Really, your best bet is to get as many 'command stations' up and running as feasible.

I've got four myself.

- KSC itself.

- Mobile Field base opposite KSC on Kerbin's far side.

- Spacedock One (at 1,300 km)

- Kerbin Orbital Command Center on a polar orbit out between Mun and Minmus.

There's always a remote link option available somewhere.

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You do know you can already delay action groups, right?

I wasn't thinking through all the way but you're right. I can input any action groups on any delays already. Combined with AOTF mod I've got it all.

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Two questions:

1.Is there an AIES compatibility patch? I thought I saw one floating around a while back. I'd love to use the pods and antennas.

2.Will I run into problems if use this with the realistic solar system mods? By problems I mean range issues, everything is 10x in size.


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I've got four myself.

- KSC itself.

- Mobile Field base opposite KSC on Kerbin's far side.

- Spacedock One (at 1,300 km)

- Kerbin Orbital Command Center on a polar orbit out between Mun and Minmus.

There's always a remote link option available somewhere.

I'm planning a network based on the following

*4 keostationary satellites, 4dishes aimed at Kerbin (1 at mission control,2 at the 2 others in the group and 1 to a landed polar relay station),they also have 4 2500km omni directional antenna and 4 dishes outward

--These provide coverage for the entirey of Kerbin and serve as the primary connection source for all the communications

*5+ 500by500 km satelites:having 4 2500 km omnidirectional antenna's & 4 dishes outwards

--These are meant to allow unmanned craft to sit in lko,without the need of desploying a dish, aimed primarily at interplanetary probes waiting for transfer windows

*polar relay station: an unmanned lander sitting at 1 of Kerbins poles, having 4 dishes each pointed at the keostationary satelites & omnidirectional antenna

--Safeguard to make sure that the keostationary will always have a link to mission control

*A series of yet to be designed satelites sitting about 2500 km above keostationary,their goal would be to provide uplinks to each of the planets in the Kerbollian system

--Providing comm relay to the planets there will be 1 for each planet

*ORDA (don't know anymore what it stand for) large modular satelite sitting at the inner edge of Kerbin's soi

--This one is more specialised and aimed at Eelloo,as this is the goal of my lp youtube series

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Great question!

I have a better one; why do you think you can't control any satellite without that screen? :)

i cant control any sat if i cant see the proper window.

I didn't have a clue what it was (cheers sonicsst), but my networks work fine. And since we now know that screen isn't in the current version of the mod, it can hardly be necessary for its functions.

Rather than worry about getting a more fragile omni or dish deployed before getting out of range of KSC, and to provide a link to returning craft that have already retracted their other antennas for reentry, I dropped a couple of little radio shacks on the landmasses east and west of KSC. Even if the nearest satellites are too far away, these uplinks guarantee a connection to craft in the upper atmosphere with only a little short-range DP10 active while KSC is below the horizon.

Nice :) I wound up doing a network of satellites (2x6, +-30 deg inc, poles are a bit spotty) on 420km orbit so that a dipole on the ground will reach them, but yours doesn't require stationkeeping. :)

eh, i just have 4 sats in LKO with the 2.5km antenna and the 90km dishes

So how do you communicate in atmosphere when KSC is behind the horizon? With the dishes that don't break? They weight a ton :o (or a half a ton for kr-7)

You said LKO not KSO, pay attention me. :)

I'm assuming LKO in this case means low enough for dipole to pick it up on the ground?

Is there an AIES compatibility patch? I thought I saw one floating around a while back. I'd love to use the pods and antennas.


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Could anyone tell if RemoteTech or its combination with kOS toggles this issue with a great probability whenever they load a vessel with RT/kOS from a vessel also with RT/kOS from the Map view or if I should check my other mods :


(I don't report on GitHub as I don't even know if it's RT-related.)

Pic taken from this : what I'd call The blue planet issue.

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