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Is it a cave?


pacecraft Engineer



Join Date Jan 2015

Location In a cave.

Twitter What? Birds make that sound. I tend to bellow.

Posts 175

Blog Entries 17

EDIT: That was formatted correctly when I pasted it in. I'll try to fix it

EDIT EDIT: I give up. This hideous formatting will have to do.

Edited by TheMoonRover
failed to fix formatting
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Probably won't be considered common knowledge..but..hopefully it will be easy.

A village in the shadow of a mighty giant of fire,

once proud and host to kings; Brought low

by the dark spectre of death and allies ire.

Hint: The answer is on this page.

It's supposed to be easy. I'm no good at riddles.

This is super random, and I know it should have been on the page, but Pompeii...

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Sweet! New riddle, I think this one should go quickly:

Some people call me a fraction,

But just a sixteenth of the action.

Pounds are used to enumerate

But pennies are used for my weight.

Strike me fair and I'll hold it together.

Miss me, strike me and you'll surrender.

I support entire industries, 'tis true,

Yet I am free to obtain not just for you.

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No and no. New page repost:

Some people call me a fraction,

But just a sixteenth of the action.

Pounds are used to enumerate

But pennies are used for my weight.

Strike me fair and I'll hold it together.

Miss me, strike me and you'll surrender.

I support entire industries, 'tis true,

Yet I am free to obtain not just for you.

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