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EDIT: Brainstorm! A sudden challenging riddle came to mind, so here it is:

Though so far away, you still feel it,

Tugging at you all, even your spirit.

It is attractive, repulsive, but far from utile,

So heed me, universe: Resistance is futile.

Edited by Xannari Ferrows
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resistence is futile?

(its mewtwo isnt it but if it is i remeber thoush lines frim the first movie when i was a kid)

Come now, I wouldn't make it that obvious.


Not today!

heed me universe? i feel like i should know this


Magnetism? Light? A black hole?

Zip, zero, zilch.

teddy bears, koalas, other things people would consider cute I'l stop

heat (that is entropy)

YE- no...

Yeah, I think it's death.

Well, you thought wrong.

I'm getting either gravity or death.

A bit too general for my taste.

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