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απουσία μου από μια ψυχή λαχταρά για ένα τόσο κλέψω άλλους λαούς και να πάρω . φακίδα για κάθε μία

English please Ethanadams, or you'll get bad google translations with all your posts:

my lack a soul yearns for such a steal other peoples and take. freckle for each
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Funny how it always turns out that the ones I expect to be easy wind up being difficult.

Repost of the riddle:

I am instrumental in the process of listening to the musing of clowns about how I work.

I am...

Hint #1:

The aforementioned clown musings regarding my methods are an internet meme.

Edited by GoSlash27
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Hint #1: The aforementioned clown musings regarding my methods are an internet meme.

Well shoot, I'm not gonna know this.

By the way, that signature... It sounds too familiar.

Also, Sal_vager. Is it normal to burst out laughing on the fact that your post was changed? Certainly not because it happened to me.

Edited by Xannari Ferrows
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English please Ethanadams, or you'll get bad google translations with all your posts:

He's not joking either. That is genuinely what Google translate says.

What actually is the riddle? The obvious catapult one was answered, but I haven't spotted a new riddle since then.

But I'm going to guess anyway: a strawberry.

EDIT: Found it! Er.. Music?

Edited by TheMoonRover
Oh, that riddle.
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Ethanadams is getting warm.

I am instrumental in the process of listening to the musing of clowns about how I work.

I am...

Hint #1 The aforementioned clown musings regarding my methods are an internet meme.

Hint #2 The clowns in question, despite their title, are neither mentally unstable nor do they ride around on horseback meting out frontier justice.



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