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Will you press the button?


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Nope. That's a lot of weeks with no Kerbal Space Program or internet, plus the universe WILL force the failure on me.

If you press this button, you will be able to freely switch realities between Real Life and Kerbal Space Program's(you'll be able to live as any Kerbal you choose, while still being able to return to your real life). If you're in KSP's reality, Real Life's reality will be paused, and vice-versa.

The downside: There is a 45% of chance that the rocket you board on is piloted by Danny2462, and if it is indeed piloted by him, you cannot escape back to your own reality. And you'll feel any pain the Kerbal feels.

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I press three times, one after the barrel roll is completed, just to be a smart-aleck.

If you press the button, you recieve one million dollars now. If you don't, you get ten million six months before your death. Not just of old age, either. You will die six months after recieving $10,000,000.

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*Pushes* I'd prefer to be Danny2462's robot wolf victim than to continue hating Humanity

Push for either:

- Death by strangulation (Probability: 0.3)

- Death by being on a rocket in KSP (Probability: 0.7)


anyways, no press

push to either:

- Become Little Mac (20% chance)

- Become Mr. Sandman(punch out)(10% chance)

- Become Glass Joe (70% chance)

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Off-Topic: I'd like to let you know that that is NOT how this game works

push to either:

- Become Little Mac (20% chance)

- Become Mr. Sandman(punch out)(10% chance)

- Become Glass Joe (70% chance)

On-Topic: No press

Press for either:

- Death by hypersonic star

- Death by Black Hole

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NO! The cake is the mind control device! We mus- [TRANSMISSION ENDED]

Press the button to have your mind reset. Failure to execute this task will result in matter rearrangement. You have three seconds. Two seconds. One second...

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