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[0.25] RasterPropMonitor - putting the A in your IVA (v0.18.3) [8 Oct]


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  DasBananenbrot said:
22 hours left :D

I like to leave myself some time to catch embarrassing mistakes. :) I do want to get this one out of the door, though, so that Alexustas can release the new iteration of ALCOR and so I can get to work on kOS integration and other stuff on the PLANS.md.

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I'm pretty sure there are no huge bugs in it. :) Most of these have been successfully killed off by now. But a newly introduced variable not being computed correctly, a handler module only working correctly in some cases but not others, these are all things quite possible and even somewhat likely, and bloody hard to test for.

I need dedicated testers with modding experience who would spend time trying to break stuff. :)

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Im probably the only one that didn't get it working.

installed how it said how you need to install.

I get 1 working screen...kinda(1 camera,if i add it and only the 0 screen program works) other screens are white or a strange texture. any clue on what i'm doing wrong?

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Bump for great justice.

RasterPropMonitor v0.13

Bug fixes

  • Adjustments to conditions for DOCKINGSPEEDALARM, GEARALARM, ALTITUDEALARM, SLOPEALARM to be slightly less conservative.
  • DOCKINGANGLEALARM would not detect negative angles. Fixed.
  • GROUNDPROXIMITYALARM considerably more sensible now.
  • Thrust calculation now properly accounts for limiting maximum thrust with tweakables.
  • Indicator panel replacement had a broken FUEL indicator due to a typo.

Breaking changes

  • Module functions have been consolidated to simplify some things and enable certain new features. Everywhere you would previously write "JSIInternalPersistence", you need to replace it with "RasterPropMonitorComputer" instead. There's a ModuleManager patch included to that will do it automatically, but it's best that you update for this. Saves should not be affected, except by losing non-critical persistence information.
  • JSISetInternalCameraFOV can now also set the internal camera's maximum rotation and pitch to enable you to see those hatch handles that you can't normally get at, but the syntax has changed completely to enable doing this per-seat. Well, it's not like anyone used this module before anyway, so nobody should be affected.

New features

  • You can now use vessel descriptions (you did know KSP had them for a while, didn't you?) to record your action group assignments (On a new line, 'AG0=Air brakes', etc) and the capsules to have buttons with actual labels with what you wrote, providing an equivalent of the Firespitter's FSInfoPopup that works in line with RPM components. The rest of the text can be available on a monitor page.
  • SCREENSHOT! as the debug logs like to say. If you're currently in IVA and controlling a kerbal, (rather than just watching with a camera from an InternalCameraSwitch) pressing F1 to take a screenshot will also make every monitor in the capsule take a screenshot of it's own screen and save it directly to your screenshots directory -- which is very handy both for debugging monitor output and for mementos. Beware of screens with transparent backgrounds -- they will stay transparent.
  • JSISteerableCamera now has an optional targeting crosshair that points at the original pre-steering direction of the camera and changes size with zoom.
  • JSIVariableLabel now has an extra option for labels which you don't expect to change after being created. Labels that can't change after being created because they don't contain variables work like that by default.
  • JSITargetMenu will now give you the direction a docking port is pointing into relative to the capsule you're in (when you're selecting a reference part) or to the target vessel's reference part (when you're selecting a target port) which will help figuring out which port is which.
  • JSITargetMenu now also has an 'Undock' submenu which will decouple pre-attached or undock docked ports without going out of IVA. Be careful with that.
  • Kerbal Space Center has been forced to cough up access to SURGEON console. Crew list now permits you to access the data on STUPIDITY, COURAGE, BADASS -- which was kind of obvious, just nobody wanted it, but most importantly, current WHEE and PANIC levels. Which are the base values that go into facial expressions of your Kerbals and can be used to construct a biomonitor.
  • There is now also a separate pod-local crew list as opposed to the vessel-global list it was previously.
  • JSIInternalEVAHatch allows the kerbal you currently control in IVA to go EVA by doubleclicking on the hatch from the inside.
  • Stock IVAs that have visible hatches or hatch handles on the inside -- namely, Mk1 pod, Mk1 lander can, Mk2 lander can, cupola and the crew cabin have been equipped with this feature. Mk1-2 pod needed a new prop to be the hatch -- the stock IVA itself seems to be welded shut otherwise. Mk1 cockpit had a special handle installed. The location you want to click is the hatch handle in Mk1 pod, a handle in Mk1 cockpit, and the middle of the cross on the door everywhere else.
  • JSIExternalCameraSelector can now also translate camera transforms for better compatibility with Hullcam VDS. The package now comes with a patch that makes Hullcam VDS cameras into RPM external cameras where possible.
  • JSIVariableAnimator can now also rotate and translate transforms.
  • Which enabled the packaged Mk1 cockpit IVA to have knobs showing current trim settings without adding any extra models or textures.
  • Bar formatter now has an option to fill the string right to left rather than just left to right, as well as terminate it with a different character.
  • Courtesy of MOARdV, we now have a full implementation of the data you would typically get from the Protractor plugin, i.e. phase angles, ejection angles and other things helpful in computing interplanetary transfers.
  • Likewise, MOARdV actually completed what I couldn't and made JSIHeadsUpDisplay, an aviation-style primary flight display module, with 'ladder' instead of the usual navball.
  • But most importantly, he actually wrote JSIOrbitDisplay -- an on-screen representation of orbital map. There's still a few more things it needs before we'll call it complete, but that's already good enough for most purposes.
  • It is now possible to have context-aware page buttons, though the syntax is kind of convoluted. This involves lots of extra new options for PAGE blocks.
  • By request, for added realism, there are now options to make the cameras randomly cut out for a random number of frames.
  • Resource variables now have per-stage versions, as well as masses and densities. Per-stage versions MAY return nonsense, because they exactly mimic what KSP shows in the resource tab -- and that is sometimes nonsense. The list of other new variables added got too long for this change list, there's an unholy bloody lot.
  • B9 cockpits got the full prop replacement treatment.
  • Orbital Orb internal got an RPM-based patch in this version.
  • Bundled ModuleManager version updated to 1.5.6.
  • Patch files for internals rewritten to take advantage of ModuleManager wildcard functionality and cover mod capsules that use stock internals automatically.

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  ghost010 said:
Im probably the only one that didn't get it working.

installed how it said how you need to install.

I get 1 working screen...kinda(1 camera,if i add it and only the 0 screen program works) other screens are white or a strange texture. any clue on what i'm doing wrong?

Sounds like yet another case of old version in the wrong location. Check for duplicate copies of RasterPropMonitor.dll and remove every one that is not in JSI/RasterPropMonitor/Plugins.

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  Mihara said:
Bump for great justice.

RasterPropMonitor v0.13

Bug fixes

  • Adjustments to conditions for DOCKINGSPEEDALARM, GEARALARM, ALTITUDEALARM, SLOPEALARM to be slightly less conservative.
  • DOCKINGANGLEALARM would not detect negative angles. Fixed.
  • GROUNDPROXIMITYALARM considerably more sensible now.
  • Thrust calculation now properly accounts for limiting maximum thrust with tweakables.
  • Indicator panel replacement had a broken FUEL indicator due to a typo.

Breaking changes

  • Module functions have been consolidated to simplify some things and enable certain new features. Everywhere you would previously write "JSIInternalPersistence", you need to replace it with "RasterPropMonitorComputer" instead. There's a ModuleManager patch included to that will do it automatically, but it's best that you update for this. Saves should not be affected, except by losing non-critical persistence information.
  • JSISetInternalCameraFOV can now also set the internal camera's maximum rotation and pitch to enable you to see those hatch handles that you can't normally get at, but the syntax has changed completely to enable doing this per-seat. Well, it's not like anyone used this module before anyway, so nobody should be affected.

New features

  • You can now use vessel descriptions (you did know KSP had them for a while, didn't you?) to record your action group assignments (On a new line, 'AG0=Air brakes', etc) and the capsules to have buttons with actual labels with what you wrote, providing an equivalent of the Firespitter's FSInfoPopup that works in line with RPM components. The rest of the text can be available on a monitor page.
  • SCREENSHOT! as the debug logs like to say. If you're currently in IVA and controlling a kerbal, (rather than just watching with a camera from an InternalCameraSwitch) pressing F1 to take a screenshot will also make every monitor in the capsule take a screenshot of it's own screen and save it directly to your screenshots directory -- which is very handy both for debugging monitor output and for mementos. Beware of screens with transparent backgrounds -- they will stay transparent.
  • JSISteerableCamera now has an optional targeting crosshair that points at the original pre-steering direction of the camera and changes size with zoom.
  • JSIVariableLabel now has an extra option for labels which you don't expect to change after being created. Labels that can't change after being created because they don't contain variables work like that by default.
  • JSITargetMenu will now give you the direction a docking port is pointing into relative to the capsule you're in (when you're selecting a reference part) or to the target vessel's reference part (when you're selecting a target port) which will help figuring out which port is which.
  • JSITargetMenu now also has an 'Undock' submenu which will decouple pre-attached or undock docked ports without going out of IVA. Be careful with that.
  • Kerbal Space Center has been forced to cough up access to SURGEON console. Crew list now permits you to access the data on STUPIDITY, COURAGE, BADASS -- which was kind of obvious, just nobody wanted it, but most importantly, current WHEE and PANIC levels. Which are the base values that go into facial expressions of your Kerbals and can be used to construct a biomonitor.
  • There is now also a separate pod-local crew list as opposed to the vessel-global list it was previously.
  • JSIInternalEVAHatch allows the kerbal you currently control in IVA to go EVA by doubleclicking on the hatch from the inside.
  • Stock IVAs that have visible hatches or hatch handles on the inside -- namely, Mk1 pod, Mk1 lander can, Mk2 lander can, cupola and the crew cabin have been equipped with this feature. Mk1-2 pod needed a new prop to be the hatch -- the stock IVA itself seems to be welded shut otherwise. Mk1 cockpit had a special handle installed. The location you want to click is the hatch handle in Mk1 pod, a handle in Mk1 cockpit, and the middle of the cross on the door everywhere else.
  • JSIExternalCameraSelector can now also translate camera transforms for better compatibility with Hullcam VDS. The package now comes with a patch that makes Hullcam VDS cameras into RPM external cameras where possible.
  • JSIVariableAnimator can now also rotate and translate transforms.
  • Which enabled the packaged Mk1 cockpit IVA to have knobs showing current trim settings without adding any extra models or textures.
  • Bar formatter now has an option to fill the string right to left rather than just left to right, as well as terminate it with a different character.
  • Courtesy of MOARdV, we now have a full implementation of the data you would typically get from the Protractor plugin, i.e. phase angles, ejection angles and other things helpful in computing interplanetary transfers.
  • Likewise, MOARdV actually completed what I couldn't and made JSIHeadsUpDisplay, an aviation-style primary flight display module, with 'ladder' instead of the usual navball.
  • But most importantly, he actually wrote JSIOrbitDisplay -- an on-screen representation of orbital map. There's still a few more things it needs before we'll call it complete, but that's already good enough for most purposes.
  • It is now possible to have context-aware page buttons, though the syntax is kind of convoluted. This involves lots of extra new options for PAGE blocks.
  • By request, for added realism, there are now options to make the cameras randomly cut out for a random number of frames.
  • Resource variables now have per-stage versions, as well as masses and densities. Per-stage versions MAY return nonsense, because they exactly mimic what KSP shows in the resource tab -- and that is sometimes nonsense. The list of other new variables added got too long for this change list, there's an unholy bloody lot.
  • B9 cockpits got the full prop replacement treatment.
  • Orbital Orb internal got an RPM-based patch in this version.
  • Bundled ModuleManager version updated to 1.5.6.
  • Patch files for internals rewritten to take advantage of ModuleManager wildcard functionality and cover mod capsules that use stock internals automatically.

20 hours before the end of the deadline , eh ? :D

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  DasBananenbrot said:
20 hours before the end of the deadline , eh ? :D

Well, Alexustas said he can't find any problems, the latest version of ALCOR requires the new features, and I want to see that one released as much as anyone, so. :)

P.S. And if anyone finds anything serious, there's always an option to make a hotfix.

Edited by Mihara
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I was a bit late for trying out 0.13, I've been using a development build for a while and I got behind on your features! Either because you work to fast, I was just too slow. So I'm digging into it today, and I've come up against a few small things with JSIOrbitDisplay:

Many of the new items don't provide the default value for variables you don't define. For instance, orbitPoints. Much of your other documentation provides this information, and it is very helpful to know. One other point of contention is the format for color being defined in background handlers, as far as I could find, isn't addressed. I gather from your example that it is R, G, B, A but a bit of clarification there would also be appreciated as well.

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I've been using the mod for a couple of weeks. Got a new computer today just in time for v.13 but the buttons now don't seem to be working on IVA when I click them. I'm usually pretty good at figuring out mod installation issues. Am I overlooking something?

EDIT: Nevermind! Seems like being docked with a huge space station affects the buttons! Works when I undock!

Edited by Vespene
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  Hyomoto said:
I was a bit late for trying out 0.13, I've been using a development build for a while and I got behind on your features! Either because you work to fast, I was just too slow. So I'm digging into it today, and I've come up against a few small things with JSIOrbitDisplay:

Many of the new items don't provide the default value for variables you don't define. For instance, orbitPoints. Much of your other documentation provides this information, and it is very helpful to know. One other point of contention is the format for color being defined in background handlers, as far as I could find, isn't addressed. I gather from your example that it is R, G, B, A but a bit of clarification there would also be appreciated as well.

Colors are all defined as RGBA quadruplets, with each value in the 0-255 range. All of the config values for JSIOrbitDisplay have "reasonable" defaults - that is, the values that are there will work if nothing else is provided, provided you're using the example MFD prop. I need to go back and document the defaults on the wiki - I was rushing a bit to get that finished up before the holiday wrapped up, and I gutted most of the renderer method just a few days ago to redo it. There are also a few little things that still need done, but I wanted to get feedback first.

orbitPoints in particular defaults to 120 (so, one line segment for every 3 degrees of a circle / ellipse). When rendering circles (planetary surface and atmosphere), this is the maximum number of points that are used. If the circle is small enough, the display will automatically reduce the count to avoid wasting time on sub-pixel line segments. Ellipses and hyperbolae do not benefit from this feature (yet), so I'd recommend against making it too high (I personally use 180).

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Woohoo cool! Although can I suggest a massive "DOWNLOAD" link in the main page, I find it hard to remember that I need to click "canonical binary distribution" :P

Anyway awesome work, really making ksp fun in IVA!

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I don't get the MFDs when i use a B9 cockpit. I see the other props but is has Firespitter displays instead of yours.

EDIT: Found the issue. The patch file for the B9 MK2 pod and S2 pod have an extra bracket on Line 2 that needs to be removed.

Edited by ahd1601
Found issue
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  Hyomoto said:
One other point of contention is the format for color being defined in background handlers, as far as I could find, isn't addressed. I gather from your example that it is R, G, B, A but a bit of clarification there would also be appreciated as well.

The (logically) first place that mentions colors, the monitor configuration page, says that from there on all colors are R,G,B,A 0-255. :)

  MK3424 said:
May i suggest that you name the default buttons?

I wanna know what button i'm pushing.

I don't quite get what you mean by 'default buttons' in this sentence.

  Vespene said:
EDIT: Nevermind! Seems like being docked with a huge space station affects the buttons! Works when I undock!

Wait-wait-wait, that isn't supposed to happen, I want details and replication if possible.

  Boamere said:
Woohoo cool! Although can I suggest a massive "DOWNLOAD" link in the main page, I find it hard to remember that I need to click "canonical binary distribution" :P

I thought everything in that post is massive already?

  ahd1601 said:
EDIT: Found the issue. The patch file for the B9 MK2 pod and S2 pod have an extra bracket on Line 2 that needs to be removed.

Also in the orbital orb patch. :( I just knew there was an embarrassing little problem somewhere. :)

Download fixed.

  dlrk said:
I don't know if this is in yet, but if not, would a percentage of max thrust display be possible?

Check the aviation PFD screen, (one of the screens on the A button) -- it has one.

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Another minor documentation error, you have SPEEDISPLAYMODE, when the variable is SPEEDDISPLAYMODE. Still testing the new features, I noticed you fixed the indicator panel :)

Edited by Hyomoto
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Speaking of wizards. :)

The stock Mk1-2 pod is actually the worst of all the stock IVAs technically -- it's not aligned correctly, it's literally bent out of shape in places, there's no place for an internal hatch, the kerbals are not seated comfortably, etc, etc, etc. At the same time there are lots of mod pods that rely on it because they are pods meant to fill the same niche, so it's widely used.

I'd like to make a new Mk1-2 pod IVA which doesn't rely on the stock IVA model, but Alexustas has his hands full. I can scrounge up the props no problem, but I can't really do the base model myself. Any takers?

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  Mihara said:

The stock Mk1-2 pod is actually the worst of all the stock IVAs technically -- it's not aligned correctly, it's literally bent out of shape in places, there's no place for an internal hatch, the kerbals are not seated comfortably, etc, etc, etc.

How is it bent? I would really like to see this.

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  ahd1601 said:
How is it bent? I would really like to see this.

I'm sure Mihara will do a better job explaining it, but surely you've noticed the internal IVA doesn't match the exterior model at all. Most obvious, the windows are in different spots and there is no hatch leading out.

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