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PorkWorks dev thread [Habitat Pack] [SpaceplanePlus]


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  Porkjet said:
I have the growing suspicion that someone stole my idea

Well, your mod is fantastic after all. I hope that Spaceplanes Plus gets made stock. Also I checked Habitat pack and from the looks of it, the prices are pretty balanced and it works well for me in 0.24.

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I don't know what happened

I am using SP+ 1.3 with RPM 0.18

some of my SP+ craft file size increased a lot

cause lag when load craft

I found out there are over a million JSINonTransparentPod modules inside the craft file and those modules encapsulated inside the ModuleConfigBackup module

Luckily, it can solve by delete those modules.

Edited by royying
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I don't think that's actually what happened tho.

Just a shocking coincidence.




  Iforgotthis said:
Firstly, I'd like to express my surprise that you managed to make downloading dirty.

Secondly, might I ask how work on the habitat pack is going? I love it so much.

I'm not sure, after seeing roverdudes new station parts I'm thinking it needs a complete overhaul.

  royying said:
I don't know what happened

I am using SP+ 1.3 with RPM 0.18

some of my SP+ craft file size increased a lot

cause lag when load craft

I found out there are over a million JSINonTransparentPod modules inside the craft file and those modules encapsulated inside the ModuleConfigBackup module

Luckily, it can solve by delete those modules.

Wow sounds bad. I think you should adress this to the RPM thread.

Edited by Porkjet
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  Porkjet said:

I'm not sure, after seeing roverdudes new station parts I'm thinking it needs a complete overhaul.

I hope you keep the centrifuge, I like it better than what I've seen on OKS thus far. The whole kerbals getting stuck bugs me too, but if you'd like, maybe I can figure out what's going on when I'm in between working on Nuclear Engines. :)

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Was just scoping out your WIP models, and something strikes me: wouldn't it serve the mod better to make a nosecone that fits inline with the existing elongated mk2/1.25m fuselage as opposed to making an entirely new pointy fuselage? If the Skylon look is what you're going for, I mean to say. Sure, both would achieve the Skylon look more or less equally well, but the nosecone option could also potentially let you create interchangable nosecone pieces in the future, like, for example, an RCS thruster package, sensor package, etc.

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Uhm, are you talking about SP+ and the hatches on attach points of the crewed modules? Havn't seen the necessety of that yet. My fear would be getting the old 'hatch is obstructed' bullsh*t if one of em is ostructed, which will almost allways be the case on attach nodes. DOn't know if it works I'll have to try it.

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  Porkjet said:
Uhm, are you talking about SP+ and the hatches on attach points of the crewed modules? Havn't seen the necessety of that yet. My fear would be getting the old 'hatch is obstructed' bullsh*t if one of em is ostructed, which will almost allways be the case on attach nodes. DOn't know if it works I'll have to try it.

On an almost entirely but not quite unrelated note, have you given up on ladders for the FLAT habitat? Or is that still on the table?

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To take a little break from spaceplanes I dug up and finished that LANTR engine I started back in ... february! It was in a 90% finished state I just had to finish the texture.



TIL that you can make multi-colored emissives!


Size comparision


The new engine FX from ARM come in handy!


Weight: 1.8t

Regular NTR mode:

Thrust: 40kn

ISP(v): 760s

LOX afterburner:

Thrust: 100kn

ISP(v): 510s


All rights reserved (for now, until I've figured out what to make of this)

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  Porkjet said:
I'm not sure, after seeing roverdudes new station parts I'm thinking it needs a complete overhaul

I like the look of your station parts, since they look more "stock" than roverdudes. My main complaint is the lack of 2.5m large versions since the stock habitat parts; science lab, hitchhiker can and cupola are all 2.5m.

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  veryinky said:
I like the look of your station parts, since they look more "stock" than roverdudes. My main complaint is the lack of 2.5m large versions since the stock habitat parts; science lab, hitchhiker can and cupola are all 2.5m.

Agreed on both counts... I just started using different parts after giving up putting inflatables on my large interplanetary ships. Porkjet, I'd like to see inflatables with 2.5m ends, maybe a scaled up hab module that holds 10 kerbals, and maybe a centrifuge that inflates only a little bit bigger than the current one, but has 2.5 connector points. Maybe a small, radial attached hab as well? Just a suggestion.

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The LANTERN is looking great. Too bad stock KSP doesn't do NTRs with just LiquidFuel propulsion through some tweakable because then the difference could be modelled much better. Also I noticed your inflatable parts all still had: stagingIcon = COMMAND_POD enabled. That adds nothing but a useless staging icon to the list.

If your looking for suggestions what to do with your Habitat pack, I say just leave the current parts the way they are. They look and work fine. I'd rather see some extra much-needed hab parts. A 2.5m inflatable centrifuge would go well with a lot of interplanetary designs and help design things that look like this. A 2.5 inflatable hab, modelled after the Bigelow BA-2100, would also be very useful. Maybe make it a lab to differentiate it from the other two inflatos.

If your tired of inflatable things a wet workshop might be more your speed. NovaSilisko made one some time ago, but its dead and hopefully outdated by now. Basically its fuel tank that can be converted into living space. Skylab was going to be like this, before it was turned into a more conventional 'dry' workshop. It would be useful for establishing stations around far away bodies, since your habitat is also your fuel tank. Less mass to haul around. Since you already have the plugin that changes an uninhabitable part into an habitable part with IVA, a wet workshop would be a good fit for your mod.

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I agree with the foks above that the Porkworks Habitats are far superior and more stockish than RoverDude's (not to diminish his works - he has some awesome mods, too). But if you're looking at ways to improve and "overhaul" the inflatables, there's a small thing I've always missed: a flag decal.

Here's an example from the Copernicus CTV. The inflatable module looks a lot more interesting and more colorful with a large flag decal on its side; if you could add tweakables to the habitats like those on some of the command pods, It would be awesome:


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