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PorkWorks dev thread [Habitat Pack] [SpaceplanePlus]


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  Porkjet said:
That is awesome!!! It even creates a counterforce to the center part. I used to make centrifuges with two IR rotatrons, but it allways was a bit wobbly. Really cool that you're making a dedicated part for that.

The counterforce effect was certainly unexpected the first time we tried it. You can see the SAS fighting it to make the correct part remain stationary. It also produces strange gyroscopic forces if you try to steer a craft whilst one is spinning!

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That (the use of IR) was the original idea behind the large centrifuges that I have concepts for. You would have a hub that rotated and then you would build your own arms and modules, but would be along the lines of UbioZur's Welding plugin and would become one part once launched.

Also I had been trying to figure out how to launch the long arm centrifuge I have, it could use orbital assembly (not sure how as the IR parts can be a little unreliable and the welding plugin won't work after launch), I modified the design to be a bit more feasible (still working on it though).

  Porkjet said:
... 8 Kerbals, you sure?

After reading this, looking at the original config, and seeing it compared to the "Inflato", 8 is far to many, 4 does seem far more realistic.

  Porkjet said:
Ahaha this is great. I'm surprised it does this for you. it didn't really work when I tried.

What you probably can't see is the two really small engines that the tank is fueling because those centrifuges have no grip.

Edited by TheSuperintendnt
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  Tommygun said:
FlyingJackal, you can add 1.25 meter batteries to each end of the HAB and then attach landing legs to them like this.

Although the current updated landing legs can't support much weight and this is still touching the ground.

I'm worried that multiple HABs touching the ground will cause collision mesh issues and wobbling.

I may try resizing a few non-stock landing legs next to work with this mod.


Edit: Escepadie Suspension Leg mod will work if rescaled (rescaleFactor = 0.6 )




What mod are thors weird tanks on the en of the trusses from?

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  Starwaster said:
In case you missed it, any chance of a larger inflatable hab but with end caps the same size?

Per http://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/threads/57662-WIP-Inflatable-Hab-Module?p=814497&viewfull=1#post814497

A larger one? Uhm.. probably not too soon. I'll first make a couple of smaller, and more base-oriented ones. Maybe something dome-shaped, that could be quite large.

  ZodiusInfuser said:
The counterforce effect was certainly unexpected the first time we tried it. You can see the SAS fighting it to make the correct part remain stationary. It also produces strange gyroscopic forces if you try to steer a craft whilst one is spinning!

Sounds like the engine handles those things quite realistically then. That's nice!

  TheSuperintendnt said:
That (the use of IR) was the original idea behind the large centrifuges that I have concepts for. You would have a hub that rotated and then you would build your own arms and modules, but would be along the lines of UbioZur's Welding plugin and would become one part once launched.

Also I had been trying to figure out how to launch the long arm centrifuge I have, it could use orbital assembly (not sure how as the IR parts can be a little unreliable and the welding plugin won't work after launch), I modified the design to be a bit more feasible (still working on it though).

After reading this, looking at the original config, and seeing it compared to the "Inflato", 8 is far to many, 4 does seem far more realistic.

What you probably can't see is the two really small engines that the tank is fueling because those centrifuges have no grip.

Ah, that explains it then. It seems like the animation is not actually moving the ring, but 'changing it's shape', you can see in my video how the struts 'push' the kerbal aside rather than applying their torque to him, until he somehow gets stuck/glitched in the model and flung away.

Oh and as for your deployable arm centrifuge, I had something quite similar in mind, with the arms extendable. It would still be quite big and heavy to launch, but that's good, we need some chellenge.

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Ah, that's interesting how the animations work, and such a large centrifuge would only be launched late game for big stations or "grand tour" class ships so yeah it makes sense. My only other thought on how such a large part could be launched is to launch a core part that "builds" the large part, this would be an animation that requires a resource to run, thus you have to ship "parts" up to the core to "build" the centrifuge, this could be applied to other large parts, such as your dome, a heat shield, etc.

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  Porkjet said:
Good job! The guys on the other page were struggeling to make a stable base out of this big marshmallow, and you just demonstrated how simple it can be :D

Why do I have this image of the Top Gear UK team saying the very same thing 'how simple could it be'.

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  TheSuperintendnt said:
Okay some quick feedback.

1) awesome, this looks and functions very realistic

2) slow down the rotation, its going 3 to 4 times faster than it should to be usable, NASA calculated to have a 1G hab it would have to be almost 800 feet in diameter to be safe

EDIT: I see that you already know about the rotation so please ignore #2

I agree with this I was hoping I could edit the rotation speed in the .cfg but it appears not.

All these parts are looking great :cool:

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  TheSuperintendnt said:
Nice but what mods are you using? I see KSP Interstellar, that line tracking mod, and this mod but what else?

I use quite a lot of mods, bit of a mod junkie I guess.

Just for that pic there is,

JP Hab Module

KW Rocketry

KSP Interstellar

Persistent Trails


Magic Smoke Industries

AIES Aerospace



ASET Lander

Universe Replacer

and a Green House part ZZZ released before work on KSP Interstellar.

Here's my current GameData,

Directory of C:\KSP22\GameData

[.] [..]

[AIES_Aerospace] [ASET] [AtmosphericSoundEnhancement] [AviationLights] [b9_Aerospace] [boulderCo] [bucky] [DockBRIGHT] [DockingStrut] [EditorExtensions]

[Escepadie] [EVA Followers] [ExsurgentEngineering] [Firespitter] [Foundations] [Hakari] [HexCans] [HullCameraVDS] [JARFR_CRSS] [JARFR_HOSS] [JARFR_THSS] [Jonzco]

[JSI] [KAS] [Keramzit] [KerbalJointReinforceme [Kerbaltek] [KerbCam] [Kethane] [KineTechAnimation] [kommit_nucleonics] [KOSMOS] [KSPX] [KWRocketry] [MagicSmokeIndustries] [MechJeb2] [MultipleSavesDA] [NavyFish] [notes] [NovaPunch2] [ParachuteRadial_Drogue] [PersistentTrails] [PJ Hab Module] [RBR] [RCSBuildAid] [ResGen] [RLA_Stockalike] [sCANsat]

[sCANsatRPM] [sH_mods] [squad] [stretchyTanks] [surfaceLights] [ThunderAerospace] [TreeLoader] [TriggerTech] [TV PP] [ubioWeldingLtd] [universeReplacer] [VibraDyn]

[VNG] [WarpPlugin] [WheelSounds] [z_greenhouse] [z_thing]

67 Dir(s)

Edited by smurphy34
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  smurphy34 said:
I use quite a lot of mods, bit of a mod junkie I guess.

LOL, I have about 20 installed right now:

Kerbal Engineer

Enhanced NavBall


Procedural Fairings

Kerbal Alarm Clock

Kerbal Joint Reinforcement



Magic Smoke Industries

Dust Experiment

Radial Experiment Storage Container

Near Future Pack

PJ Hab Module

RLA Stockalike



SuperTech - some parts with personally altered configs

mk2 Cockpit Internal

KSP Interstellar

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  Snarfster said:
The outside looks terrific! Any pictures of IVA?

The inside of the inflato looks good. It's got some funny bits as is traditional for KSP. The walls are padded and some enterprising Kerbal has pulled some off the wall to assist with a special project.

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Keep up the good work, can't wait till the next release!

Plus as everyone seems to be doing it, I have these mods installed:

RLA stockalike

Inflatable Hab


RLA electricengines



As you can probably tell, I'm an avid stockalike player! Am waiting for Station Science aswell, some textures would be nice

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Hi Folks!

I know you want me to work on the habs, but I made a VASIMR engine and argon tank instead.


Uses the NearFuture plugin to get variable ISP/thrust settings, like the real thing.

I recommend to use this with the whole Near Future propulsion mod or else you may have problems to generate the crazy amounts of electricity this thing consumes.

It's based closely on the Ad Astra lunar tug concept.


Apparently I'm supposed to include a license for addons, so:

I licence this work under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International License.

Gonna work on the IVA's now, since you all seem to want them badly.

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  Porkjet said:
Hi Folks!

I know you want me to work on the habs, but I made a VASIMR engine and argon tank instead.


Uses the NearFuture plugin to get variable ISP/thrust settings, like the real thing.

I recommend to use this with the whole Near Future propulsion mod or else you may have problems to generate the crazy amounts of electricity this thing consumes.

It's based closely on the Ad Astra lunar tug concept.


Apparently I'm supposed to include a license for addons, so:

I licence this work under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International License.

Gonna work on the IVA's now, since you all seem to want them badly.

Come on work on the other things and don't pull a surpirse out of your sleeves all the time ;) This looks awesome but I want Orbital Orb IVA :D (Btw just kidding you don'T have any obligation of course. You do it for free and therefore can decide what you make all by yoruself :D )

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