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[1.12.3+] RealChute Parachute Systems v1.4.9.5 | 20/10/24


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One thing I have been thinking about. I play with DRE and FAR and with how high you can pop your chutes as long as I don't come in at an extreme angle there's litterally nothing stopping me from releasing my main chute the second i go below 40km. The rate at which it slows me down by the time I hit the 32-30km range I'm going slowly enough that theres no risk of the chutes catching fire making a heatshield redundant.

Can you give thought to maybe asking nathan if you can "borrow" his ablative shielding coding and apply it to chutes but name it somethin that has to do with how much of the chute is still intact and functioning. Such as either if the resource is gone your chutes are basicly shredded beon use and are automaticly cut or the ammount of drag they produce is equal to how much of the integrity resource is left? I know I can just house rule myself and not fire chutes litterally the first moment I can but having to think before I hit that button wouldn't be a bad thing especially if it can be disabled if someone didn't wish to bother with it.

Heck you could even take it a step further and with all the new parachutes you have spread them across the tech tree denoting where parachute tech is increasing ( early chutes are barely a step above WW2 era tech later ones made of much stronger stuff able to take the higher reentry speeds).

That's more an issue about your own playthrough. If you play with FAR and DRE, you're looking for reality, and if you are doing so, you should not be deploying your chute so high, because you kind of know it shouldn't be deployed so high. You can either edit the altitude yourself, or use the new option I'm introducing right now and create a deployment per pressure :wink:

Anyway, good news folks, v0.3 is here!!!!!


December 4th 2013
-Completely removed stock drag dependancy. The parachutes now calculate drag according to real drag equations
-Given the above, the drag parachutes generate is irrelevant of the mass of the part and now depends of the diameter of the parachute
-Parachutes are now made of different materials, defined in cfg files
-Parachute canopies now weight something which depends on which material they are made of and what is it's area density
-Optimization of the code by about 300 lines as the module is pretty much complete
-New parts with the pack, thanks to sumghai! You can now select between many different parachutes for the job you want to accomplish
-It is now possible to arm a parachute to deploy as soon as it can through action group or part GUI
-Minimal deployment can now be defined by altitude or pressure
-Added FXGroups to parachute cut and repack, and providing a cut sound with the parachutes, offered by ymir9!
-A small program made to help calculating parachute diameters is also included with the download!
-Fixed the bugs related to action groups/part GUI and the deployment of dual parachutes

A lot of new stuff here! Hopefully everyone will like the new update :) The combo parachutes main/drogues are still in the work, and I will be releasing them as soon as sumghai finishes them :)

As for the future of this mode, the module in itself is pretty complete. I might do a few tweak and fixes, but it'S pretty much done. The next step will be to make everything procedural in the editor. A lot of things I'm planning for you guys, tech three related stuff, materials, and who knows what :sticktongue:

I'm starting my finals this week, so I'll be much less active, but you can expect me to start working on this again after Christmas :)


Edited by stupid_chris
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I'm guessing that the parameters for diameter have no impact on visuals? Or....?

Not yet. I adjusted the diameter of each of them manually to try to make them match how large they really are. Next update will proceduraly manipulate them in the editor as you change the diameter (I hope).

The new parts are overwhelmingly large

Could you expand on that idea? I'll be taking whatever feedback you guys have.

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Hey guys, I have a question for you guys.

As you might know, the pods don't have the same size of top and bottom nodes. That means that the parachutes I just received will either fit perfectly on pods or on fuel tanks. The other will have a small weird gap. What would you guys prefer?

Just look at how stock parts are doing it, they have slightly different radii, but all the parts still fit perfectly. What they do usually is not put the attach points right at the top where the last vertex ends, but a bit inside, and then make sloped edges if it's wider.

I am just working on a slightly wider than 2m part and what I am doing is make slopes to inside and put attach points to where the slope starts and not where the real top is. The grey thing is only a new part, the bluish cylinder is 2m exactly reference, and the pivot is where the top attach point of the part is, the bottom attach is obviously in the same place on the lower side.


In game, the model matches every 2m part, both those that are exactly 2m like tanks, and those that are slightly wider like pods. No gaps at all.. The coolest thing is that I can stack the same part multiple times, without ANY gap, in game, the straight edges will match the straight edges of the other part.

Edited by nothke
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Wonderful! Glad to see I made it in there! :D

I sent you a PM concerning the repack sound, would be great if you could work something for me ^^

Just look at how stock parts are doing it, they have slightly different radii, but all the parts still fit perfectly. What they do usually is not put the attach points right at the top where the last vertex ends, but a bit inside, and then make sloped edges if it's wider.

I am just working on a slightly wider than 2m part and what I am doing is make slopes to inside and put attach points to where the slope starts and not where the real top is. The grey thing is only a new part, the bluish cylinder is 2m exactly reference, and the pivot is where the top attach point of the part is, the bottom attach is obviously in the same place on the lower side.


In game, the model matches every 2m part, both those that are exactly 2m like tanks, and those that are slightly wider like pods. No gaps at all.. The coolest thing is that I can stack the same part multiple times, without ANY gap, in game, the straight edges will match the straight edges of the other part.

Aye, however I'm not the modeler :P sumghai did an excellent job, I'll leave it up to him to see if he wants to rework the parts to have a sloped edge like this. For now I have a reasonably good solution, and with the next update I could even have a toggle option to choose between 2m sized or pod sized :P

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I haven't used the new parts all that much yet but I'm really liking the radial drag chutes thus far. For me anyways they fit just right on the B9 Mk2 frames better than the stock radial designs IMO anyways.

I've messed around a bit when testing my new parts, and made my actual first spaceplane. They're much more convenient to palce, I can confirm :)

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The new inline ones (.625/1.25m) ones are becoming one of my favorites as well since my pods no longer look ugly with 2 radial chutes attached now can just slap that one under my docking port and I'm done :D .

That's precisely what it was aimed for when making those :)

Also, just went through the MM files, I should be reuploading them shortly.

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Two questions. Why is the material important? And, When will you add procedural chutes?

The material defines two things: how much a parachute weights per square meter of parachute, and his drag coefficient.

Drag is calculated this way:

Df = ½ * v² * à* Cd * A


Df is the drag force (in Newtons)

v² is the speed squared (in m/s)

àis atmospheric density (in kg/m³)

Cd is the drag coefficient (no units)

A is the area (in m²)

So the more drag you want, the more area you want your chute to have. The number you plug in the configs is diameter, however the plugin transforms this diameter into area to correctly calculate drag. Not only that, but the plugin changes the mass of the parachute according to how large your parachute is. So having a larger parachute will result in your having a heavier part, as you would normally expect.

Then the drag coefficient is harder to define. It varies from material to material according to different caracteristics. But this is a little too complex to implement realistically, so the drag coefficient here is simply dependant of the material you are using. So the higher the drag coefficient, the more drag it will produce per square meter of area.

This is why the material is important. The material you are using for a parachute will define how heavy it will be, and how much drag it will produce.

For now it is set this way, but next update should have different materials unlocked at different tech nodes throughout career.

As for the next update, I really can't tell. I ca assure you that it will be after my finals. I simply don't have enough time anymore. However, I have a free month after of vacation. So I wouldn't expect v1.0 before Christmas. It will be an extremely large update code speaking, so it will take some time. This is why I made the calculator included with the download, this "simulates" what the editor window will eventually do and can let you guys edit your configs far more easily.

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I'm using stock and novapunch module manager file, I also have my own personal chutes. Question is, can't I put one sound_parachute_cut.wav in a folder and link it using a code in my config files, instead of having to put a lot of .wav files all over? I imagine if it was so, it would of already be done.

Edit: I just wiki the info on config, I didn't realize the sounds were private to the part.

Edited by therealcrow999
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Chutes from SDHI (by sumghai) definitely must be upgraded too! Great mod, thx you! ^_^

I am not quite sure whether SDHI has released a compatibilty update for RealChute 0.3 - they worked with RealChute in 0.2, though.

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