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[1.12.3+] RealChute Parachute Systems v1.4.9.5 | 20/10/24


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I'm using stock and novapunch module manager file, I also have my own personal chutes. Question is, can't I put one sound_parachute_cut.wav in a folder and link it using a code in my config files, instead of having to put a lot of .wav files all over? I imagine if it was so, it would of already be done.

Edit: I just wiki the info on config, I didn't realize the sounds were private to the part.

Yeah, you will need a folder named like the config of every part you want to add a sound to. Sucks but you need to put .wav files all over. Look here for more info

So, Sum Dum Heavy Industries - Service Module System (V1.4) will work now if I reinstall it or is there going to be an update that I should wait for?
I am not quite sure whether SDHI has released a compatibilty update for RealChute 0.3 - they worked with RealChute in 0.2, though.

Yeah, there's a lot of changes to the config file with 0.3, it won't work if you try it with the update. Wait a little, sumghai will probably update :)

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Hey Chris, Will you make it so that if a chute that is not rated for supersonic deploy gets ripped off? i hate it when my chutes deploy at the top of the altitiude window and i get to see the reentry effects and supersonic effects on it...

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Hey Chris, Will you make it so that if a chute that is not rated for supersonic deploy gets ripped off? i hate it when my chutes deploy at the top of the altitiude window and i get to see the reentry effects and supersonic effects on it...

I'm planning on to adding something like this for the next update, yes :)

Does parachute material affect rip strength?

I don't ever remember implementing rip strength?

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Alright, I have news!

So I was messing around earlier making new MM files. I noticed two small bugs with the plugin, affection dual chutes once again.

So tonight I'll be uploading a very small hotfix to the plugin as well as ModuleManager files for Bargain Rocket Parts, and Bobat's American and Soviet packs!

Cheers! :)

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OK, I will give it a go without the sounds.

A question about the arm chute button, what is it and when should I arm it?

Yeah, you will need a folder named like the config of every part you want to add a sound to. Sucks but you need to put .wav files all over. Look here for more info

Yeah, there's a lot of changes to the config file with 0.3, it won't work if you try it with the update. Wait a little, sumghai will probably update :)

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OK, I will give it a go without the sounds.

A question about the arm chute button, what is it and when should I arm it?

Hopefully the reworked FXGroups in 0.23 will help fix this. As for the arm button, this is to tell the parachute to deploy as soon as it can. Basically, if you are in space and want you parachute to deploy as soon as it can when entering the atmosphere, arm it and it will deploy on it'S own. It's to prevent accidental deployments in space but allow people to arm the chutes anyway.

My canopies don't get scaled up properly on deploy.. It looks like one dimension doesn't scale up and they turn up eliptic. Is this a known error?


Not that I know of, that sounds like your animation itself is borked. Make sure that your predeployment animation scales the transform all the way of they Y axiz and that then the deployment scales it in both the X and Z axis (here assuming Y is up).

Oh wait those are my parachutes. That might be me who messed up when I rescaled the models. Thanks for letting me know, I'll fix it for the hotfix tonight.

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Oh wait those are my parachutes. That might be me who messed up when I rescaled the models. Thanks for letting me know, I'll fix it for the hotfix tonight.

Yes, those are yours xD I wouldn't complain here if they weren't.

Only the radial ones have this error, the stacked ones are ok, as far as I noticed.

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Yes, those are yours xD I wouldn't complain here if they weren't.

Only the radial ones have this error, the stacked ones are ok, as far as I noticed.

Which radials were those? .... probably the drogues given the canopy. Okay I'll go take a coffee and get on this.

EDIT: Well, I just went through all of my parts one after the other and test deployed them. Absolutely nothing wring here. Can you check your configs to see what they say concerning the models of the radials?

Edited by stupid_chris
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Just look at how stock parts are doing it, they have slightly different radii, but all the parts still fit perfectly. What they do usually is not put the attach points right at the top where the last vertex ends, but a bit inside, and then make sloped edges if it's wider.

I am just working on a slightly wider than 2m part and what I am doing is make slopes to inside and put attach points to where the slope starts and not where the real top is. The grey thing is only a new part, the bluish cylinder is 2m exactly reference, and the pivot is where the top attach point of the part is, the bottom attach is obviously in the same place on the lower side.


In game, the model matches every 2m part, both those that are exactly 2m like tanks, and those that are slightly wider like pods. No gaps at all.. The coolest thing is that I can stack the same part multiple times, without ANY gap, in game, the straight edges will match the straight edges of the other part.

Aye, however I'm not the modeler :P sumghai did an excellent job, I'll leave it up to him to see if he wants to rework the parts to have a sloped edge like this. For now I have a reasonably good solution, and with the next update I could even have a toggle option to choose between 2m sized or pod sized :P

I do believe that the models I did for the nose cone and stack cases already have both the aforementioned taper and attachment nodes offset from the top/bottom surfaces. Should you desire, the MODEL{} node scaling for the submodels can be tweaked even more.

Chutes from SDHI (by sumghai) definitely must be upgraded too! Great mod, thx you! ^_^
So, Sum Dum Heavy Industries - Service Module System (V1.4) will work now if I reinstall it or is there going to be an update that I should wait for?
I am not quite sure whether SDHI has released a compatibilty update for RealChute 0.3 - they worked with RealChute in 0.2, though.
Yeah, there's a lot of changes to the config file with 0.3, it won't work if you try it with the update. Wait a little, sumghai will probably update :)


Silly reaction images aside, I'm still trying to wrap my head around the calculator, especially the option to specify the number of chutes. My SDHI Dock-o-Chutes have a peculiar implementation, in that the drogue parachute transform has two drogue canopies modelled as one mesh, and the mains transform has three mains modelled as another monolithic mesh.

I might need to sit down and do some maths-fu to figure out the effective diameter rather than the actual diameter.

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That would be nice, that format is legacy. I'm looking foward to 0.23, seems like they are optimizing a lot in the game, something that has been needed for a while.

Hopefully the reworked FXGroups in 0.23 will help fix this. As for the arm button, this is to tell the parachute to deploy as soon as it can. Basically, if you are in space and want you parachute to deploy as soon as it can when entering the atmosphere, arm it and it will deploy on it'S own. It's to prevent accidental deployments in space but allow people to arm the chutes anyway.

Not that I know of, that sounds like your animation itself is borked. Make sure that your predeployment animation scales the transform all the way of they Y axiz and that then the deployment scales it in both the X and Z axis (here assuming Y is up).

Oh wait those are my parachutes. That might be me who messed up when I rescaled the models. Thanks for letting me know, I'll fix it for the hotfix tonight.

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Lol, moding can sometimes drive a person bouncers.

I do believe that the models I did for the nose cone and stack cases already have both the aforementioned taper and attachment nodes offset from the top/bottom surfaces. Should you desire, the MODEL{} node scaling for the submodels can be tweaked even more.


Silly reaction images aside, I'm still trying to wrap my head around the calculator, especially the option to specify the number of chutes. My SDHI Dock-o-Chutes have a peculiar implementation, in that the drogue parachute transform has two drogue canopies modelled as one mesh, and the mains transform has three mains modelled as another monolithic mesh.

I might need to sit down and do some maths-fu to figure out the effective diameter rather than the actual diameter.

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I do believe that the models I did for the nose cone and stack cases already have both the aforementioned taper and attachment nodes offset from the top/bottom surfaces. Should you desire, the MODEL{} node scaling for the submodels can be tweaked even more.

The stack chutes don't appear to have tappers. also if you stack 2 of them on top of eachother there will be a bit of flickering between them, cause they are slightly overlapping. Also if you stack the cone shaped one on top of the stack ones.

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Okay guys, I need to know something.

How do you guys feel about me actually scaling the parachutes to 50m in game if the config says 50m

Looks like this:

And yes, the tiny dot at the bottom is a mk1-2 pod.

That would be awesome!! Love this mod and all you have done so far too :)

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option 2, I agree that the first one looks a bit silly. 2nd one looks better

And of course I uploaded at the same moment. Sigh. They are scaled 1:1 for now, I'll take the feedback and modify them for 0.3.2 I guess.

Alright guys, v0.3.1 is here.


Decemer 7th 2013
-Fixed a bug with the mustGoDown/timer clauses
-Fixed a bug with dual chutes not cutting properly
-Fixed yet another bug with predeployment of main chutes always having the same drag
-Added an "reverseOrientation" clause in case a modeller builds the parachute transform the wrong way
-Parachutes no create drag from the very area where they originate from. This means a chute on the side will hang realistically without a CoM offset
-Rescaled all the parachutes to have the real size in game. If you find this too big, tell me on the forum and I'll revise them (note, this is not procedural yet, if you change the part yourself, you need to change the scale)
-New ability to cut both parachutes if both are deployed.
-Fixed a bug with the calculator when calculating the diameter of multiple chutes
-Added a sound on repack, thanks to ymir9 once again

Quite a few bugs fixed, and an interesting new feature! The vessel will now hang directly from under the parachutes! This means if a parachute is more to the side of a pod, the rest of the pod will hang from there, as you would expect it to behave, even if the part is a nose chute or a stack chute!

I laos added ModuleManager files for Bobcat's American and Soviet packs, as well as for Bargain Rockets, it even have it's own materials!



If you go with sqrt, please add a toggle for full-size? Realism Overhaul would love having real chutes with real diameters. :)

Once I add the editor window, this will most likely adjust itself and be procedural according to config diameter, and there probably will be a toggle yes.

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I think it is time to download your Chutes. I have lurked in this thread for a while now and it has got to the point where I cannot resist them.

I like to wait until a new mod has gone through the initial bug removal and feature bloat and the updates slow down before I download it. Sometimes this means the mod has died by that point but at least I don`t get used to stuff that will be taken away shortly.

These look great. The closer I can get to using kit like the real world while at the same time being in the kerbal reality the happier I will be.

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I have a request. Could the ModuleManager files be included with the main download? It'd be easier that way, and if MM can't find the referenced part, it will not cause any errors - it will just ignore the field.

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I have a request. Could the ModuleManager files be included with the main download? It'd be easier that way, and if MM can't find the referenced part, it will not cause any errors - it will just ignore the field.

I'm aware of that, but for now, that would bloat the download terribly because of an extremely high amount of .wav files for the sounds. The way it currently works, each part cfg file needs it's own folder with the .wav files, as is explained here. Although the MM files won't affect anything, all the sound files will be loaded. Until there's a fix on that side from KSP, I would rather not include all those files in the main download. Downloading a few extra files isn't that hard, it'll have to do for now I fear.

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