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[1.12.3+] RealChute Parachute Systems v1.4.9.5 | 20/10/24


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  Gaiiden said:
my impression, based only upon what I've read in the dev notes, is that the Unity5 GUI is a relative joy - and that's coming from the devs that have to lay the groundwork modders only have to build upon. Hopefully that turns out to be true for you when updating to v1.1

Maybe if you are creating your UI in the editor and exporting it as an asset. Creating a UI from script is not fun at all, and there is essentially no documentation for how to do anything complex.

And it's not Unity 5 that brings the new UI, it's already present in Unity 4.6, the version used currently by KSP. You can create a UI right now if you don't mind a bit of hassle (meaning a lot of hassle :wink:).

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  DMagic said:
Maybe if you are creating your UI in the editor and exporting it as an asset. Creating a UI from script is not fun at all, and there is essentially no documentation for how to do anything complex.

And it's not Unity 5 that brings the new UI, it's already present in Unity 4.6, the version used currently by KSP. You can create a UI right now if you don't mind a bit of hassle (meaning a lot of hassle :wink:).

Last time I had to create a UI for KSP (Contract Configurator settings menu), I looked at using the Unity 4.6 stuff. Even with KSC-Building-Shortcuts as an example, it was just horrible. After a little bit of prototyping with Unity 4.6, I quickly switched back to the legacy UI. I have no major issues with the GUILayout stuff from a coding perspective - its main problem lies in the atrocious performance.

So unless Squad gives us some nice wrapper stuff that makes using the Unity 4.6 GUI stuff easy/clean/simple in KSP 1.1, or KSP moves to a Unity version that no longer supports the legacy GUI (no such version of Unity exists yet), then I have no intention of moving off of the current GUI system.

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  DMagic said:
Maybe if you are creating your UI in the editor and exporting it as an asset. Creating a UI from script is not fun at all, and there is essentially no documentation for how to do anything complex.

And it's not Unity 5 that brings the new UI, it's already present in Unity 4.6, the version used currently by KSP. You can create a UI right now if you don't mind a bit of hassle (meaning a lot of hassle :wink:).

Yeah that's the thing. The editor is nice. The rest is.... yeah. UI scripting is a hell.

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Hey folks!

I'm aware that RealChute is probably borking up right now with 1.0.5. Some constants change names and I need to update a few things. You can expect an update in the next few hours :)

EDIT: I'm being told it's probably actually working, but I'll recompile everything to make sure nothing is going whack. No actual changes are planned but at least it'll work on 1.0.5 for sure.

Edited by stupid_chris
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  stupid_chris said:
Hey folks!

I'm aware that RealChute is probably borking up right now with 1.0.5. Some constants change names and I need to update a few things. You can expect an update in the next few hours :)

EDIT: I'm being told it's probably actually working, but I'll recompile everything to make sure nothing is going whack. No actual changes are planned but at least it'll work on 1.0.5 for sure.

Thank you!! :D

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Yeah, it's pretty borked, and to hilarious consequences.

I had managed to get a ship to the launch pad (brand new playthrough) with stock parachutes (but with the mod installed). I armed the parachutes because they weren't showing up in staging, then fired my engines. Almost immediately, the chutes all deployed and were shot straight up, as if they had become rigid parts of the ship, even experiencing mach effects. Then, when I started to fall back down, the ship flipped over with the parachutes pointing the way back to the ground.

It looked so odd, I had to laugh and thought perhaps the mental image of that might amuse you.

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Alright, v1.3.2.4 is up

November 10th 2015
-Updated chute heat/aero failures to new changes
-Added indicator for chute deployment safety through the staging icon's background
-Now using MM 2.6.13
-Compiled to KSP v1.0.5

For those asking about the safety indicator system, this is how it works. It's quite similar to the how it works in stock:

There are three possible situations: either deploying is dangerous (red), risky (yellow), or safe (white). You can view the state of each parachute through the information window when you left click the part in flight, the one with all the parachute information. Accordingly, the parachute's staging icon's background will change with it. If there is only one parachute on the part, it'll match it. If there is more than one (say for double chute or main/drogue combos), if all parachutes are in the same state, it'll be of that colour. In any other cases, it'll be yellow, so check the window to know which is in which state.

This will be much more fleshed out in RealChute2, but it'll take a longer implementation.


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  Smokescale said:
Thank you so much for being so quick on the update. You are a friggin' rock star.

This is one of my must-have mods, so it hurts not having it... doable... but it hurts.

My pleasure

  Galenmacil said:


*coughs coughs*

Talking about 64 bit KSP is rather... touchy around here so. :cool:

I suggest you wait until Squad officially support 64 bit in the upcoming KSP 1.1 before trying it on a Windows platform... :P

I think he simply wanted to know if it was possible to play the game on a 64bit Windows computer, not on a 64bit window build of the game. Which is totally reasonable, as it's what *I* am doing :P

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Forgive me if this has been asked and answered; I searched the forum and reddit and didn't find anything.

I like my parachutes to spread out, away from each other ('repel each other' as [URL="http://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/threads/57988-1-0-5-Wenkel-Corporation-RealChute-Parachute-Systems-v1-3-2-4-10-11-15?p=1005877&viewfull=1#post1005877"]you said[/URL]), as they would be designed to do in real life. I've been using [URL="http://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/threads/97285-KSP-v1-0-5-Stock-Bug-Fix-Modules-%28Release-v1-0-5a-2-14-Nov-15%29?p=1486867&viewfull=1#post1486867"]StockBugFix/StockPlus[/URL] for that and it works great on stock chutes.

Just downloaded and started using Realchute the other day (great mod, btw!), noticed the realchutes don't spread out, thought I'd be clever and fix that with a MM patch, adding the ParachutesPlus module from StockPlus to the realchutes.

[CODE][FONT=lucida console]@PART[*chute*]:HAS[!MPPlus]:AFTER[ModuleParachutePlus]:FINAL[/FONT]
[FONT=lucida console]{[/FONT]

[FONT=lucida console] MODULE[/FONT]
[FONT=lucida console] {[/FONT]
[FONT=lucida console] name = MPPlus[/FONT]
[FONT=lucida console] }[/FONT]

[FONT=lucida console]}[/FONT][/CODE]

It works only partially, in the sense that, on realchutes in the VAB, in the right-click menu I get a slider for the spread angle of the chutes, as expected, indicating that the StockPlus parachute module was indeed added to the realchute. And the realchute gui is still accessible from the action groups tab, so no conflict in that direction.

But when I launch the vessel, the realchutes still don't spread out.

Any idea why this might be? I didn't see anything in the log. I haven't posted this question in the StockBugFix thread yet, I thought I'd hit you up first.

[B]Update[/B]: question answered (see next post). Thanks, Starwaster! Edited by wreckreation
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[quote name='wreckreation']Forgive me if this has been asked and answered; I searched the forum and reddit and didn't find anything.

I like my parachutes to spread out, away from each other ('repel each other' as [URL="http://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/threads/57988-1-0-5-Wenkel-Corporation-RealChute-Parachute-Systems-v1-3-2-4-10-11-15?p=1005877&viewfull=1#post1005877"]you said[/URL]), as they would be designed to do in real life. I've been using [URL="http://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/threads/97285-KSP-v1-0-5-Stock-Bug-Fix-Modules-%28Release-v1-0-5a-2-14-Nov-15%29?p=1486867&viewfull=1#post1486867"]StockBugFix/StockPlus[/URL] for that and it works great on stock chutes.

Just downloaded and started using Realchute the other day (great mod, btw!), noticed the realchutes don't spread out, thought I'd be clever and fix that with a MM patch, adding the ParachutesPlus module from StockPlus to the realchutes.

It works only partially, in the sense that, on realchutes in the VAB, in the right-click menu I get a slider for the spread angle of the chutes, as expected, indicating that the StockPlus parachute module was indeed added to the realchute. And the realchute gui is still accessible from the action groups tab, so no conflict in that direction.

But when I launch the vessel, the realchutes still don't spread out.

Any idea why this might be? I didn't see anything in the log. I haven't posted this question in the StockBugFix thread yet, I thought I'd hit you up first.[/QUOTE]

That mod was very specifically designed to work with stock chutes and it even checks for the existence of ModuleParachute and only functions when it finds it. It doesn't look for real chute modules and doesn't try to do anything to those.

Yes, you'll get the menu option but that doesn't mean that it's working or even trying to 'work'. Claw should probably put in code to disable all such menu items when ModuleParachute is not present but he didn't.
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[quote name='wreckreation']Any idea why this might be? I didn't see anything in the log. I haven't posted this question in the StockBugFix thread yet, I thought I'd hit you up first.[/QUOTE]

As starwasdter said, that's not how it works. RealChute is completely different from the stock Parachute module, so that won't do much for it. If I can find time to squeeze it in for RealChute 2, this will be a new feature, but the new stuff list for RealChute 2 is getting huge by the second, so it's not yet sure. It'll come down the pipe eventually.
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[quote name='HomoPrintus']Nope, it's still for 1.0.5 and doesn't work in my 1.0.4 (I can't see any chutes at all, even stock)[/QUOTE]

I found the download link for RealChutes by clicking on "Changelog" there on Kerbalstuff. Is that the version you downloaded?
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[quote name='SportsFanatic57']Hey Chris. I was playing my modded setup today and got a mission to "test RealChute Cone Chute at the launchsite." I accepted it, but realized I couldn't complete it because you can't deploy a chute when you aren't airborne. I was wondering if there was a workaround for this. Thanks[/QUOTE]

Did you try to complete it? If you stage it, the contract parameter should complete, regardless of whether the chute actually deploys. Also, some part tests require you to click a "Run Test" button on the part instead.
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