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[1.12.3+] RealChute Parachute Systems v1.4.9.5 | 20/10/24


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Quick question: I just downloaded your mod and I'm wondering if there's any way to permanently adjust the settings on your parachute parts. I see the info page has a slider bar while flying my ships, but the changes aren't transferred to the parts in the VAB. Is this intentional, or am I missing an editor somewhere? Thanks a bunch!

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I'm sorry, but I stand by my insistence. Inexcusable. You may have meant well or just to be funny, but I can't condone or tolerate what you did as an acceptable standard of ethical programming. Maybe your "prank" coding did not impact it. I don't know. But we have to assume so. For future reference, I have included what would've been more a hilarious and acceptable a prank as an example.

I realize you're stressed; walk away from the game for a few days and have a beer or two.

His mod is free and unnecessary for the game; very little is inexcusible, and you sound like a self-important jerk calling it that. Your request for a forum ban solidifies that notion.

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EDIT: I removed your mod, and confirmed that it has been the cause of an entire days worth of buggy frustration and redownloading and troubleshooting.

In that entire day, did you think to consult the thread of the person who makes the things that were going bang, wherein you would have seen him giggling like a precocious schoolgirl?

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I didn't realize that it was this mod, until afterwards. I didn't even think something so unrelated to the patched content could be causing it.

His mod is free and unnecessary for the game; very little is inexcusible, and you sound like a self-important jerk calling it that. Your request for a forum ban solidifies that notion.

*shrug* I was really ticked off at the time, and on reflection, perhaps it was a somewhat unreasonable request on the duration aspect. I'll settle for him acknowledging that his definition of "prank" is out of kilter and off-base, and that it was wrong of him to make a "prank" that was that innocuous yet so disruptive and apologizing for wasting about 5 hours of my time (Time flies when you're debugging, and debugging is not something I typically spend lots of time at. Some of you may have figured it out in an hour, good for you.)

Also, being a self-important jerk would require I believe I have some kind of importance on this forum. I don't. I generally interact when they blow something up.

But if nothing else, I feel my definition and example of a valid "prank" for this mod was far superior to his. A bit cartoonish, but still doable and arguably more humorous (A pots and pans sprite that emits as an anvil attached by fishing wire flys out of your parachute. No performance effect, as there is a still a parachute, it just has a disturbing model replacement).

Edited by Insignus
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I, for one, am sad I missed the prank. I would have loved to see my kerbals accelerate hopelessly toward the ground when returning from my space station. Its only a game man, chill out. Stupid_chris is kind enough to keep his mod alive not only with updates but also jokes. Thats awesome!

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I don't even see how the prank was responsible for Insignus problem if he was troubleshooting it for only 5 hours and first posted here yesterday at 17:22 to report his problems. (As ongoing)

well after the prank had come and gone. And allegedly had redownloaded as well.

Insignus, you need to reconsider that you could be overreacting. AGAIN. this is a common thing for you and your disruption of the harmony of our community is far more inexcusable than stupid_chris stupid prank. But we'll forgive you if you apologize instead of demanding a forum ban.

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I don't even see how the prank was responsible for Insignus problem if he was troubleshooting it for only 5 hours and first posted here yesterday at 17:22 to report his problems. (As ongoing)

Its called taking it in bites, having stuff to do, going back and forth on things, and take a step back on occasion.

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Is this residual damage from the prank or ... my COM is shifted accordingly btw. - is there anything ... ?


Update: Without further doing anything it somehow corrected itself, but the parachutes have a temperature of -14000 degree and although I reverted to an older version of RealChute in my yet incomplete .23 save, I got a "warp drive spooling up" sound and a ship puzzle at about 30000m above Kerbin.

Edited by KerbMav
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Bug report:

Stack chute secondary chute deploy animation does not play. I think the the chute itself is deploying properly (drag seemed to be as expected) but it doesn't visually deploy.

I saw that as well this AM.

The other thing I saw that was weird (or maybe I just misunderstood what I'm doing): I had set the stack chute with the 1st chute as the drogue and the second as the main, with the primary (drogue, in my case) set to cut about 50m below the 2nd chute's deployment. The 2nd chute didn't deploy, but the 1st did cut, IIRC, and I smacked the ground kinda hard. Not as hard as that 3100m/s impact on Tuesday, mind you ( :) ), but still destructively hard.

EDIT: Derp - meant to preview, not post. When I swapped the parachutes (1st = main, 2nd = drogue) and didn't cut the drogue, it worked okay. I haven't had a chance to try cutting the 2nd yet to see if that works, as well.

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Is this residual damage from the prank or ... my COM is shifted accordingly btw. - is there anything ... ?


Update: Without further doing anything it somehow corrected itself, but the parachutes have a temperature of -14000 degree and although I reverted to an older version of RealChute in my yet incomplete .23 save, I got a "warp drive spooling up" sound and a ship puzzle at about 30000m above Kerbin.

0.23 save? Running under 0.23.5 perchance?

That could be the issue. Or it could be a mod that had to be updated for 0.23.5. My guess is that something changed loading order for some PartModule and I've long had a sneaking (unsubstantiated) suspicion that problems as depicted in your screenshot can be caused by that. Errors when the ship is loading up will do it.

Does it do it to new saves?

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0.23 save? Running under 0.23.5 perchance?

That could be the issue. Or it could be a mod that had to be updated for 0.23.5. My guess is that something changed loading order for some PartModule and I've long had a sneaking (unsubstantiated) suspicion that problems as depicted in your screenshot can be caused by that. Errors when the ship is loading up will do it.

Does it do it to new saves?

No, ye good olde .23 save and install, finishing up my Duna mission.

Parachutes worked for a new craft just fine.

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Okay, a lot to reply to here.

Whenever I attach any parachute onto any ship, it krakens on the launchpad immediately. You mod is the only one that modifies these parts. I redownloaded and it still does it :/

Is this what you intended to do?

EDIT: I removed your mod, and confirmed that it has been the cause of an entire days worth of buggy frustration and redownloading and troubleshooting.


I'm sorry, but I stand by my insistence. Inexcusable. You may have meant well or just to be funny, but I can't condone or tolerate what you did as an acceptable standard of ethical programming. Maybe your "prank" coding did not impact it. I don't know. But we have to assume so. For future reference, I have included what would've been more a hilarious and acceptable a prank as an example.

Okay, let me stop you right there.

"an acceptable standard of ethical programming"

This is a mod. For a game. An option. Let's not get crazy here.

Now, as Starwaster said, this is most likely not the prank. The "prank" would not trigger on the launchpad. What version were you on? What exactly happened? What did your output_log.txt say? You're not giving me nearly enough information to help you.

Bug report:

Stack chute secondary chute deploy animation does not play. I think the the chute itself is deploying properly (drag seemed to be as expected) but it doesn't visually deploy.

I saw that as well this AM.

The other thing I saw that was weird (or maybe I just misunderstood what I'm doing): I had set the stack chute with the 1st chute as the drogue and the second as the main, with the primary (drogue, in my case) set to cut about 50m below the 2nd chute's deployment. The 2nd chute didn't deploy, but the 1st did cut, IIRC, and I smacked the ground kinda hard. Not as hard as that 3100m/s impact on Tuesday, mind you ( :) ), but still destructively hard.

EDIT: Derp - meant to preview, not post. When I swapped the parachutes (1st = main, 2nd = drogue) and didn't cut the drogue, it worked okay. I haven't had a chance to try cutting the 2nd yet to see if that works, as well.

Can you guys send me your logs? I have a clue what it could be but I'd rather be sure before trying to troubleshoot it. I'm busy finishing my French projhect here so I don't have the time to check it myself, having some logs ready when I get back would be very nice :)

Is this residual damage from the prank or ... my COM is shifted accordingly btw. - is there anything ... ?


Update: Without further doing anything it somehow corrected itself, but the parachutes have a temperature of -14000 degree and although I reverted to an older version of RealChute in my yet incomplete .23 save, I got a "warp drive spooling up" sound and a ship puzzle at about 30000m above Kerbin.

Most likely no link with RealChute. Check your logs it should point to what is the problem.

Quick question: I just downloaded your mod and I'm wondering if there's any way to permanently adjust the settings on your parachute parts. I see the info page has a slider bar while flying my ships, but the changes aren't transferred to the parts in the VAB. Is this intentional, or am I missing an editor somewhere? Thanks a bunch!
Why do i see only 4 chutes in new version? Where are smaller ones?

Both of you didn't do your homework :P

Go read the red "IMPORTANT" posts linked in the OP, I've explained it enough I believe eh.

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Can you guys send me your logs? I have a clue what it could be but I'd rather be sure before trying to troubleshoot it. I'm busy finishing my French projhect here so I don't have the time to check it myself, having some logs ready when I get back would be very nice :)

I'll try to reproduce it in a clean environment and I'll pay attention to what I was doing this time, as soon as I have time to give it a proper characterization.

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This new update is extremely confusing and plus it rendered unusable a bunch of my craft files

Could you be a little more precise? If your craft files are unusable, this means you have removed the legacy parts folder. If you mean the 1.0 update being confusing, you are one month late. Catch up on the posts, and read the posts linked in the OP, and you should know what to do.

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Could you be a little more precise? If your craft files are unusable, this means you have removed the legacy parts folder. If you mean the 1.0 update being confusing, you are one month late. Catch up on the posts, and read the posts linked in the OP, and you should know what to do.

I have the legacy files.

before was much more user friendly you had 3 chutes divided into color coded categories and you just had to pick one that was right for you, now you have to go through a ton of parameters and try to figure out what is what.

Also how do I add and hotkey to the chute?

I understand what you where trying to do but in my opinion this is a major fail. You overcomplicated things while trying to simplify something that didn't need to be simplify since it was already simple stupid.

this is how it looks for me


Edited by edemlama
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I have the legacy files.

before was much more user friendly you had 3 chutes divided into color coded categories and you just had to pick one that was right for you, now you have to go through a ton of parameters and try to figure out what is what.

Also how do I add and hotkey to the chute?

I understand what you where trying to do but in my opinion this is a major fail. You overcomplicated things while trying to simplify something that didn't need to be simplify since it was already simple stupid.

this is how it looks for me


Okay first off, two things:

First, this new scheme is simple and user friendly. Staple the mod, select the size, select the texture, adjust if you need it. That's all.

Second, this was the purpose of the mod from the beginning. If you don't like it, I'm afraid you'll have to bear with it or find something else. You can always use the legacy parts and modify them for them to show once more in the VAB. Just change "category = -1" to a category you would like in the configs.

Now, for the mod.

You most likely have a bad installation, a corrupted folder, or a mod interferring. Unfortunately, I cannot help you at all right now. I'll need your output_log.txt, KSP.log, and as much information as possible. In which save file is this not working? Career or sandbox? The more information the better. Because as is, there are two clear things that should not happen. First, all those context menus of tweakable should not appear on the new parts. Second, that editor window should not look like that. Basically, something really wrong is going on. I'll need the info to know, because this bug has never happened to anyone else before, and so I doubt it's caused purely by RealChute.

Just noticed that the calculator is a .exe file, this is going to kill this mod for all the OSX users, mac can't run .exe files

Good thing that you don't need it then, since it's in the game now.


Also, if you could upload your GameData folder in a zip file, it would be of great help.

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Sorry didn't mean to sound rud,I was quite puzzled but what i was seeing and it took me a bit to understand that there was something wrong with it. i will send everything now, how do i get the .log files?

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Sorry didn't mean to sound rud,I was quite puzzled but what i was seeing and it took me a bit to understand that there was something wrong with it. i will send everything now, how do i get the .log files?

the KSP.log is directly in your KSP folder I believe. For the output_log.txt, I believe it's called the Player.log on mac and linux. you need to find it with the console iirc, try following the steps here.

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