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[1.12.3+] RealChute Parachute Systems v1.4.9.4 | 02/06/24


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I figure I should mention a tiny issue with this mod when it comes to a brand new game and the simplest rocket.

It seems that the mod changes the stock Mk16 chute to be slightly less effective. Enough that when you build a rocket with only the Flea SRB, that the engine will blow up when you touch down due to exceeding its impact tolerance. Landing speed is about 7.1 or so with the Mk16 chute when RealChute is installed. But it's about 6.7 in vanilla. It's just enough that you always get an explosion and lose the engine.

This is no big deal apart from the fact that it can be confusing for new players since their first rocket will partially explode upon landing even with a stock chute. Naturally if you use the other chute, it's fine and slows down quite a bit. But some of the early missions want the stock chute to be used.

Oh speaking of missions, I had this one where it wanted me to test the RealChute in the water after splashdown. I thought this was rather odd since deploying it in the air above the water didn't count. I had to be IN the water before deploying. But... you kind of have to deploy before landing, right? Not sure how to complete that mission unless I use radial parachutes in addition to touch down first. Kind of a weird mission which may be best to remove.


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20 minutes ago, Recon777 said:

I figure I should mention a tiny issue with this mod when it comes to a brand new game and the simplest rocket.

It seems that the mod changes the stock Mk16 chute to be slightly less effective. Enough that when you build a rocket with only the Flea SRB, that the engine will blow up when you touch down due to exceeding its impact tolerance. Landing speed is about 7.1 or so with the Mk16 chute when RealChute is installed. But it's about 6.7 in vanilla. It's just enough that you always get an explosion and lose the engine.

This is no big deal apart from the fact that it can be confusing for new players since their first rocket will partially explode upon landing even with a stock chute. Naturally if you use the other chute, it's fine and slows down quite a bit. But some of the early missions want the stock chute to be used.

Oh speaking of missions, I had this one where it wanted me to test the RealChute in the water after splashdown. I thought this was rather odd since deploying it in the air above the water didn't count. I had to be IN the water before deploying. But... you kind of have to deploy before landing, right? Not sure how to complete that mission unless I use radial parachutes in addition to touch down first. Kind of a weird mission which may be best to remove.


For the first part what is happening is what /should/ happen. The parachute is really small. I won't buff it for fun. Second part, contracts aren't generated by RealChute.

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It took me a while to notice because of some unrelated issues that kept me from using space planes for a while after 1.2 dropped, but I think the Drag chute might need some minor retuning.

TBH, It seems to be working too well.  I have it set to arm on gear deploy, so it will pop the chute automatically.  Unfortunately, the chute pops while the vehicle is still 10 meters up, and then my spaceplane immediately comes to a dead stop in midair (from around 100m/s) and falls nose first to the runway.  I've adjusted the chutes on my planes to compensate, but that's probably not ideal behavior for the default Drag chute.

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2 hours ago, Capt. Hunt said:

It took me a while to notice because of some unrelated issues that kept me from using space planes for a while after 1.2 dropped, but I think the Drag chute might need some minor retuning.

TBH, It seems to be working too well.  I have it set to arm on gear deploy, so it will pop the chute automatically.  Unfortunately, the chute pops while the vehicle is still 10 meters up, and then my spaceplane immediately comes to a dead stop in midair (from around 100m/s) and falls nose first to the runway.  I've adjusted the chutes on my planes to compensate, but that's probably not ideal behavior for the default Drag chute.

You're using it wrong. Set it to deploy on touchdown. I don't even know what you mean about arming it on gear deploy... what, you literally bound it to the gear AG?  Totally unnecessary. Drag chutes work just fine as is if you set them to deploy on touchdown. Do that and you don't even have to arm. If you try to use any other scheme for deployment on space planes then it's up to you to set the parameters right.

Edited by Starwaster
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6 hours ago, Capt. Hunt said:

Yeah, I had the arm action bound to gear.  So I should just deploy it manually?

No, exactly what I said earlier: There is an option in the editor to deploy on touchdown (or it says ground contact or something similar, I forget)

That is literally all you have to do. No deploying, no arming, no nothing.

Just set it and forget it. :D 

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After installing this mod, I can no longer search for "parachute" in the search area within the VAB. No items appear in the list with this filter. However, the items usually appear in the list without the filter in the parachute category. Does anyone else have this problem?

Thank you.

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8 hours ago, Dominiquini said:

After installing this mod, I can no longer search for "parachute" in the search area within the VAB. No items appear in the list with this filter. However, the items usually appear in the list without the filter in the parachute category. Does anyone else have this problem?

Thank you.

It seems to be a result of part categorizer code that moves the chutes to a custom parachute category. The parts themselves aren't actually seen as belonging to a category by the part search function.

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18 hours ago, Capt. Hunt said:

hmm, I thought that's what the tags line in the parts file was for.

Yes but a part without a category is never shown because it is hidden by the game. That's how you deprecate parts without removing them entirely. (if a mod did that then it would break saves)

RealChute parts start out without a category (category = none) but and then are assigned one at runtime after a new parachutes category has been created. And those parts will then show up in their new category.  But apparently that's not enough for them to show up in a search. So KSP thinks they do have a category for basic display purposes but not for a tagged search... I'm going to see what happens if I change it in the config file, but the thing is that when the part is initially compiled by KSP, that category won't exist yet so I don't know if that would actually work.

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5 hours ago, Capt. Hunt said:

hmm, that also explains why the craft checker in the VAB doesn't see the realchutes.

No. It's really really really far from being that simple for this one, and will require a lot of new code that would remove entirely the old craft checker and replace it with a brand new one, because this system is stupid and the devs messed it up if they intended it to be moddable.

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Ok.... I have a request... and I am not worthy and I need my dose of RealChute.... Cause.... Addicted.... >.>  But... I am trying to find the mods for RO (for 1.1.3 cause... Yeah it's not updated yet) and so I am looking for a copy of this mod for 1.1.3..... Please forgive me, Oh Parachute God!  Really though, I don't want to bother you, but if you have the 1.1.3, (or if the current mod works with 1.1.3) I would love to have it!   Thank you in advance!  I'll get Rom to rub your ears or something.....  Again, thank you!

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5 minutes ago, Fizwalker said:

Ok.... I have a request... and I am not worthy and I need my dose of RealChute.... Cause.... Addicted.... >.>  But... I am trying to find the mods for RO (for 1.1.3 cause... Yeah it's not updated yet) and so I am looking for a copy of this mod for 1.1.3..... Please forgive me, Oh Parachute God!  Really though, I don't want to bother you, but if you have the 1.1.3, (or if the current mod works with 1.1.3) I would love to have it!   Thank you in advance!  I'll get Rom to rub your ears or something.....  Again, thank you!

https://github.com/StupidChris/RealChute/releases/tag/v1.4.1.1 says 1.1.2 but its fine on 1.1.3

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  • 2 weeks later...

I'm hoping another RealChute user will chime in and tell me I'm an idiot but I'm having some problems with on KSP 1.2.1.

I have StageRecovery mod installed (no FAR), so I want to recover my spent stages with minimal design effort in the VAB.  I know how to work the UI for things like my return capsule (dry weight and no other rocket parts attached to throw off calculations).  That all works fine.  But for StageRecovery, I just need to ball-park my chute sizes since that mod can't rely on the physics engine to determine touchdown speed.  I want to simply have my chutes all set to 70m (max diameter AFAICT at least at my point in career mode) and then I'll just slap on as many chutes as I think it needs based on KER's dry weight tooltips.  I can create 1 radial RealChute, get its properties set; all is well.  If I try to Mod-LeftClick to copy the RealChute, I lose ALL modified RealChute parameters except the seemingly cosmetic visual size of the part.  I'm back to the 30m default chute again.  A very old post from 2014 implies that copying in the VAB should just work.


EDIT: I found one thing: the option setting for whether GUI resize affects canopy size.

Edited by NeuroticGamer
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  • 3 weeks later...

I started a new career game and I don't have action groups unlocked yet (despite setting the option in the difficulty menu to always have action groups...) so...I can't do anything with the parachute settings? I just have to use the default until I unlock action groups?

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17 hours ago, subyng said:

I started a new career game and I don't have action groups unlocked yet (despite setting the option in the difficulty menu to always have action groups...) so...I can't do anything with the parachute settings? I just have to use the default until I unlock action groups?

If you mean, can you access the editor window in the VAB / SPH before you open action groups? No, you cannot. You can right click the part and resize the chute. IIRC, you can also right click in the flight scene and adjust there. And all of this is in the FAQ and video in the OP as well as re-answered on a regular basis (including on the previous page to this one).

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8 hours ago, Rohaq said:

Got a slight issue with a realchute contract here:


But firing it shows:


Playing with various configuration options for the chute don't seem to let it fire when landed. Any help?

Sorry, but it's not going to happen. Consider that contract hosed.

Looking over configurations, can maybe try releasing with configs pulled from latest stock chutes but I don't even know if those guarantee sane chute contracts.

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7 hours ago, Starwaster said:

Sorry, but it's not going to happen. Consider that contract hosed.

Looking over configurations, can maybe try releasing with configs pulled from latest stock chutes but I don't even know if those guarantee sane chute contracts.

I'm guessing this one is going to be useless too, then :)


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