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[WIP][TechTree @ 0.23.5] - [MS19e] - Realistic Progression LITE


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After a grueling 12 hour sprint of RPL Madness... I quit! Just kidding. :D lol

RPL Milestone 19e

*RPL Post

>Tweaked first page of post, and reorganized it by sections with quotes to ease reading.

>Created RPL Probe List.

* Full Sweep of all RPL Probes.

> Updated Experiment Data Costs (Check out the First page of the thread or below, thanks to timewarp compatibility)

> Updated Battery costs (No more insane Vanguard probe? Happy? :P)

> Updated Science Payout of almost all probes.

> Luna 1 now has only 30 units of Chemical to be released while Flying High. (~30 seconds)

> Tested all RPL Probes.

> Shouldn't have any more Reaction Wheels on the implemented RPL probes.

* Full Sweep of Tech Tree Costs (UPDATE YOUR TREE!)

> Increased Costs of Liquid Engines, SRBs & RCS to account for new experiments & Payouts

> Added costs to the Antenna/Dish tech line.

> Moved around some remaining stragglers in the tech tree.


Probes & Experiments

Created and placed the following in the tech tree:

*RPL-SWE-MB1 - Bio Sample Analysis & Retrieval from low Earth orbit.

*RPL-USA-NK1 - Bio Sample Analysis & Retrieval from low Moon orbit.

*Made a copy of ProbeCoreSphere for Sputnik1. (Instead of using the stock part itself)

Milestone 19e - Probe List


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griffin247: open your GameData folder. Do a search for *modulemanager* in the little search box. See how many entries, and what, show up.

Spooks: Not sure. I'd suggest just adding MJ to all probes/pods.

Silpion: Are you using the latest Realism Overhaul? The latest Realism Overhaul includes RedAV8R's FASA patches, which you need in order for FASA parts to be realistic.

The LR18-4 is a techlevel 2 engine, and should therefore be in the second Rocketry node. So is the LR87, four of which, clustered, provide more thrust than the LR18-4.

MedievalNerd: if you don't see it in your tree, you're not using NovaPunch2...

only have one modlue manger .dll which is 2.1.0 it is not in a folder within gamedata

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Okay, so I started a new career with the MS19e pack and most of the bugs seem to be fixed.

Although there is one thing, it looks like it's a bug, but I'm not completely sure. When I try to transmit any experiment which has 100% transmit value, the first transmission only sends 73% of science. Next one 21%, then 5% and after that only minor amounts of science, but to completely max it out, I guess I would have to do it like 10 times or so.

When sending, it shows like it will transmit 100%, but when the transmission ends and I click the experiment again, there is still some science left.

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Okay, so I started a new career with the MS19e pack and most of the bugs seem to be fixed.

Although there is one thing, it looks like it's a bug, but I'm not completely sure. When I try to transmit any experiment which has 100% transmit value, the first transmission only sends 73% of science. Next one 21%, then 5% and after that only minor amounts of science, but to completely max it out, I guess I would have to do it like 10 times or so.

When sending, it shows like it will transmit 100%, but when the transmission ends and I click the experiment again, there is still some science left.

I wasn't able to reproduce this. Only once and it's when I slipped out of comm range while transmitting... I'm really dying to know what the hell is doing this. If you look at any of my files you'll see that all RPL probes have matching base & science cap, and also when attached to a part they have their 'xmit set to 1.0'.

This is a sneaky one...

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I tried it again and it's not 73% everytime, it varies, which makes it even odder O.o

If you don't believe me, I made some screenshots:

This is when I send the data and click the experiment again:



And yes, I have updated EVERYTHING. Seriously, I deleted whole GameData folder (except for squad and nasa pack) and downloaded and installed each pack, so it is completely up to date.

EDIT: I just noticed, I can't seem to find stretchy SRBs... I already unlocked the 3rd node for SRBs (the empty one) and IIRC, in previous versions, they were right in the first node...

Edited by Mirean
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I wasn't able to reproduce this. Only once and it's when I slipped out of comm range while transmitting... I'm really dying to know what the hell is doing this. If you look at any of my files you'll see that all RPL probes have matching base & science cap, and also when attached to a part they have their 'xmit set to 1.0'.

This is a sneaky one...

Medi, have you changed the GameData\Squad\Resources\ScienceDefs.cfg on your machine but not pushed it as part of the release? All the standard stuff is defined in there and the differences between value and cap in that file could explain the problems. I'll start a fresh game and try to track this one down.

Edit: Found some: the AIES science parts in Node 'To be sorted' don't have MM overrides for their xmitScalars. Created a file to go in GameData\RPL\Tweaks\AIES\Science


Edited by Ratzap
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And another: Get the cockpit from the first flight node, drop it on the launchpad, do an EVA on the ground (the one on the ladder 'flying' works fine for some reason) and it only sends 85%.


Edit: Log excerpt for the problem experiment

[LOG 16:13:56.805] Sending data to vessel comms. 1 devices to choose from. Will try to pick the best one

[LOG 16:13:56.806] RemoteTech: [Transmitter]: Uploading Data... (EVA Report from LaunchPad) - 3.00 Mits/sec. Packets to go: 6 - Files to Go: 0

[LOG 16:13:56.940] ScienceAlert, Experiment evaReport@KerbinSrfLandedLaunchPad just became available! Total potential science onboard currently: 0 (Cap is 2.4, threshold is NotMaxed, current sci is 0, expected next report value: 2.4)

[LOG 16:13:57.206] RemoteTech: [Transmitter]: Uploading Data... (EVA Report from LaunchPad) - 3.00 Mits/sec. Packets to go: 5 - Files to Go: 0

[LOG 16:13:57.625] RemoteTech: [Transmitter]: Uploading Data... (EVA Report from LaunchPad) - 3.00 Mits/sec. Packets to go: 4 - Files to Go: 0

[LOG 16:13:57.741] Sending data to vessel comms. 1 devices to choose from. Will try to pick the best one

[LOG 16:13:58.043] RemoteTech: [Transmitter]: Uploading Data... (EVA Report from LaunchPad) - 3.00 Mits/sec. Packets to go: 3 - Files to Go: 1

[LOG 16:13:58.454] RemoteTech: [Transmitter]: Uploading Data... (EVA Report from LaunchPad) - 3.00 Mits/sec. Packets to go: 2 - Files to Go: 1

[LOG 16:13:58.843] [Research & Development]: +6 data on EVA Report from LaunchPad. +1.8 Science Added. Subject value is 0.25

[LOG 16:13:58.854] RemoteTech: [Transmitter]: Uploading Data... (EVA Report from LaunchPad) - 3.00 Mits/sec. Packets to go: 1 - Files to Go: 1

[LOG 16:13:59.254] RemoteTech: [Transmitter]: Uploading Data... (EVA Report from LaunchPad) - 3.00 Mits/sec. Packets to go: 0 - Files to Go: 1

[LOG 16:13:59.255] [Research & Development]: +2 data on EVA Report from LaunchPad. +0.2 Science Added. Subject value is 0.19

So it had 2.4, it said it was sending 2.4 but 0.19 was left anyway. I wonder if there is an underlying basic KSP problem here.

Edited by Ratzap
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Medi, have you changed the GameData\Squad\Resources\ScienceDefs.cfg on your machine but not pushed it as part of the release? All the standard stuff is defined in there and the differences between value and cap in that file could explain the problems. I'll start a fresh game and try to track this one down.

Edit: Found some: the AIES science parts in Node 'To be sorted' don't have MM overrides for their xmitScalars. Created a file to go in GameData\RPL\Tweaks\AIES\Science


LOL, no I haven't done that. Come on. And I'd never edit a .cfg file like that, it would be horrible! D:

And ONLY the RPL probes, were fully revised. Stock & Mod probes still need overhauls.

Some of the stock science instruments have their values updated. Go in the RPL folder, and find the Tweaks\Squad folder, somewhere in there you'll find a MM file that tweaks stock experiments. Double check the values against the stock sciencedefs to see if the base/cap match. :)

Ultimately this doesn't advance the issue. Which is experiments which I know 100% have base/cap values matching don't get fully transmitted. We'd need someone to have a vanilla install, update the stock sciencedefs to have matching base/cap values. And then test out transmitting with stock functionality ONLY. That way we could figure out if this is a stock issue or maybe RT2?

Edited by MedievalNerd
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I found those files but it was a question worth asking ;)

I've been playing with this on the launchpad. Tell it to transmit the same things over and over reverting to the VAB in between so the science isn't actually stored. It appears to be a deeper problem, unrelated to RPL. Whenever the transmission is broken into chunks - meaning it prints a yellow status line after X% of the data is sent then keeps going - it gets the calculation of what is left wrong and leaves data behind. This then has to be retransmitted. I know now it's not the experiments themselves because which ones require retransmissions change each time I repeat things. This problem is absolutely repeatable and is best done on a fresh save as you can sit on the launchpad, revert, do it again etc

So basically either RT2 is messing up the transmissions (it chunks things up with it's own antennae) or the underlying KSP code is muffing it.

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Yeah, happens only when transmitting large amounts of data, it usually "splits" the transmission around 70-80% mark and then calculates it incorrectly...

By the way, I might have figured out why my RT2 antennas (communotron 16/32) have such a low range - well, 16 doesn't, but 32 does (4Mm and 5Mm respectively), it's because the 32 one is missing in RT2_RO.cfg in RealismOverhaul. My probe with the 16 one worked up to 10Mm though...

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Yeah, I added it in, changed it so that it has 50Mm range (basically enough to reach from GEO to ground with some leeway) and that it drains twice as much as Communotron 16. I also changed the 16 one to have 25Mm range (32 drains twice as much, so it makes sense to have twice the range). I think that makes it pretty good, but not overpowered.

(in stock KSP, comm16 can *almost* reach KEO and comm32 has no problem reaching KEO, so this is less than that)

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And for the explorer probe the engine and thrust vanes are missing (they're in the freedom 7 node) which is a bit of a bugger since you have to pay 100 science to get and there are several nodes in between.

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And for the explorer probe the engine and thrust vanes are missing (they're in the freedom 7 node) which is a bit of a bugger since you have to pay 100 science to get and there are several nodes in between.

Tell me the 'partnames' of the ones that aren't supposed to be in either the Mercury or Gemini nodes. :( Since those don't have tech level sit was rather tricky to figure out where to put them.


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You're killing me MedievalNerd. Keep up the great work!! :) In all you *hrmph...* "spare time" you even managed to get us experiment definition files. Thank you!

I'm killing you? I hope that's a good thing! ;)

Yeah, this one was a bit of marathon more than a sprint.

Today I'm going to take it easy and enjoy various forms of digital entertainment. :)

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Tell me the 'partnames' of the ones that aren't supposed to be in either the Mercury or Gemini nodes. :( Since those don't have tech level sit was rather tricky to figure out where to put them.


FASA_Mercury_Redstone_Eng is the engine I think, FASAMercuryRedstoneFin in the same folder are the control vanes.

I was trying to go through the experiments in the order they're present in the defs file. So I got WAC/Bumper done, then both Sputnik 1 runs. Sput 2 & 3 are next but I thought I'd check ahead and noticed the missing bits for explorer.

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griffin247: delete the RPL folder. Start your save, load that craft, see if you still have RPL items in the action menu.

Oops, regarding the Communitron 32. I'll fix it for next RO.

MedievalNerd: FASA_Mercury_Redstone_Eng, FASAMercuryRedstoneFin (both go in Explorer node with the rest of the Juno I parts).

(Ninja by Ratzap)

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well this curse site issue just made getting the mod packages needed harder. I just did a clean install of RPL/RSS/RO with all "newest" versions of mods and browsing "curse" truly was cursed, seems only the forum is a trust-able place to find our mod links now. Thank goodness MN has provided forum page links in OP!

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