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[1.0][Release-5-0][April 28, 2015] Active Texture Management - Save RAM!


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Is it possible to move all contracts-related stuff into another folder (i.e. Gamedata\Contracts) and then just make a config for ATM that forbids it to process stuff in that folder?

Edited by biohazard15
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  agises said:
I managed to make the plugin work, is dirty but works:

1-delete all .truecolor textures from GameData\Squad\Agencies (of course make a backup 1st)

2-edit agents.cfg in the same dir and change all logoScaledURL entries removing the _scaled so ie: "logoScaledURL = Squad/Agencies/R&D_scaled" becomes "logoScaledURL = Squad/Agencies/R&D"

3-run the game with atm as normal, enjoy :D

note the logos will look a little ugly now, but at least for me is ok...


Here's a better fix for that:


Put it into Squad\Agencies folder and run it.

Note that it may still show incorrect readings in log (mine says that it saved 59 Mb. Task Manager says it saved WAY more)

Basically this will rename all .truecolor to .png, which does not in any way affects the game - both visually and technically.

To clarify:

AgencyName.png - big flags that you see above contract's description

AgencyName_scaled.truecolor - little flags that you see in contracts list. Appears to be scaled down version of the same .png.

Why, Squad, WHY?

Edited by biohazard15
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Actually the BAT file caused a major bug, no contracts were appearing in mission control, only the world first contracts, but not from agencies. I then restored the squad folder via steam and tried the method from agises and it didn't work either, it caused the game to crash during the loading screen, just when it switches to the main menue. I also tried the workaround cfg file from helldiver and the game also crashes on loadup. I think I finally broak my KSP because of this :)

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  morph113 said:
Actually the BAT file caused a major bug, no contracts were appearing in mission control, only the world first contracts, but not from agencies. I then restored the squad folder via steam and tried the method from agises and it didn't work either, it caused the game to crash during the loading screen, just when it switches to the main menue. I also tried the workaround cfg file from helldiver and the game also crashes on loadup. I think I finally broak my KSP because of this :)

If you start a new game, only these four contracts will appear. Complete them to unlock more (they can be easily completed with start parts. Or you can do some experiments at KSC to get 5 Science and unlock next node).

Tested it just now - get 6 new contracts after completion of first four.

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  biohazard15 said:
If you start a new game, only these four contracts will appear. Complete them to unlock more (they can be easily completed with start parts. Or you can do some experiments at KSC to get 5 Science and unlock next node).

Tested it just now - get 6 new contracts after completion of first four.

I know about this and did complete several contracts, 5 or 6 in total in several flights. Also when I changed to mission control the full list of contracts was visible for just a split second and then immediately all contracts disappeared except the standard unique contracts. But my game seems to be messed up now anyway, nothing is working anymore, only crashes even though I restored it to the same condition it was before I started trying to tinker with ATM. File integrety also verified via steam.

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Thanks it's properly working now. It seems the savegame was a bit glitched. Although I was already in space and did the first few missions. After doing another another one, for some reason the very first mission "launch a vessel" appeared back and only this mission. I did the mission again and now all contracts show up. For the game crashes before when I tried the other methods for fixing ATM, I saw the problem was that I had not enough RAM left for all the mods so it crashed.

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  biohazard15 said:
Here's a better fix for that:


Put it into Squad\Agencies folder and run it.

Note that it may still show incorrect readings in log (mine says that it saved 59 Mb. Task Manager says it saved WAY more)

Basically this will rename all .truecolor to .png, which does not in any way affects the game - both visually and technically.

To clarify:

AgencyName.png - big flags that you see above contract's description

AgencyName_scaled.truecolor - little flags that you see in contracts list. Appears to be scaled down version of the same .png.

Why, Squad, WHY?

Good to know. I'll treat .truecolor as png files.

- - - Updated - - -

  Virtualgenius said:
Anyone seen Rbray, 64bit is reasonably buggy and I cant play 32bit without this mod so no KSP for me as i dont play vanilla install

Working on it. Real life is very busy for me right now, so my time is very stretched :)

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  rbray89 said:
Good to know. I'll treat .truecolor as png files.

- - - Updated - - -

Working on it. Real life is very busy for me right now, so my time is very stretched :)

You are my HERO. I am naming my next mission after you.

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  rbray89 said:

Working on it. Real life is very busy for me right now, so my time is very stretched :)

Nice to hear this. Because 64 bit has still its issues, ATM is still the most important mod. Its the only way to run a bit more than just vanilla.

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  Nereid said:
Nice to hear this. Because 64 bit has still its issues, ATM is still the most important mod. Its the only way to run a bit more than just vanilla.

Try running with OpenGL instead of DirectX and install TextureReplacer even if you don't use it to replace any textures. OpenGL mode has been saving people 500+ MB and TextureReplacer does some of the same compression (not downsampling though) as ATM.

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  somnambulist said:
Try running with OpenGL instead of DirectX and install TextureReplacer even if you don't use it to replace any textures. OpenGL mode has been saving people 500+ MB and TextureReplacer does some of the same compression (not downsampling though) as ATM.

Really? OpenGL? I will try this today. Thanks for this info. 500MB more would be a huge chunk. In 0.23-5 KSP was taking about 2.5 gig just after start (and that's with ATM).

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how does one do this open gl mode? I either can't get ATM to work for me, on the 32 bit mode of .24, or I can't tell if its working. Everyone keeps saying its saving them x amount of memory, but I don't know how to see this. :(

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I have not tested it yet but: http://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/threads/84203-Less-memory-usage-by-using-OpenGL?highlight=opengl

EDIT and quote from the thread: "Also, on my PC the game does not render any shadows in openGL mode." If this is true then openGL is dead - unfortunately. Missing shadows are worse than mission decoupler ejection force.

Edited by Nereid
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  OrianCEV said:
Dang thing broke my KSP permanently..I've got to reinstall it..again..

Always always always make a duplicate install when dealing with any mods. Keep your (I assume Steam) install vanilla and make a backup of it. Then copy the backup and then put mods into that copy install. I use a copy of the backup so I can keep a version of KSP that I know works with mods, once all the mods are updated I can then use the newest version for my template.

Also to save time, once you have most/all of your content mods (IE: parts, functionality mods and physics mods) make a back up of what your gamedata folder looks like. That way, you can then add any beautification mods and ATM (if required) afterwards. If the install doesn't work due to EVE/BA/ATM or other beautification mods then you wont have to individually reinstall the content mods, just copy over the bundle you created.

The fact that it doesn't work for you at the moment is, in a way, very much your own fault for going gun-ho into the new KSP version with a mod that has yet to be updated fully for it. Making copies and backups can prevent this issue.

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  Nereid said:
I have not tested it yet but: http://forum.kerbalspaceprogram.com/threads/84203-Less-memory-usage-by-using-OpenGL?highlight=opengl

EDIT and quote from the thread: "Also, on my PC the game does not render any shadows in openGL mode." If this is true then openGL is dead - unfortunately. Missing shadows are worse than mission decoupler ejection force.

I read the thread, there were some people it helped, some not so much, there were instructions to force open gl mode, if it doesn't help me, there were no instructions to turn it back off. anyone know how?

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  vardicd said:
I read the thread, there were some people it helped, some not so much, there were instructions to force open gl mode, if it doesn't help me, there were no instructions to turn it back off. anyone know how?

That's simple. Just remove the -force-opengl you added to force the game to use OpenGL and it'll be back to normal. With 0.24, x64, & Windows 8.1 I haven't been able to launch the game with -force-opengl

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